Who did 9/11?
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bush muslims jews
they are all on the anti american globalist team
a squadron of jap fighters fell into a timewarp and jumped through time and kamikazed the towers by accident.
follow the money
Whoever is responsible deserves a long pain filled torture session, resulting in death.
Rockefeller and friends
Kissinger and friends
Mossad and friends
Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and the rest of PNAC- almost entirely (((them)))
Dirty elements of the alphabet agencies, including msm ops
Various compromised officers of the military, FAA, NIST
Various deep state players
The freemason illuminati cabal
Israel's mossad, aka espionage agency
How is this even a conspiracy?
Like 1+1=2 is an evil, right-wing plot.
I never got that. I mean, how obvious can you be?
Holy shit....satan is that you?
fuck me that is repugnant
Israel, mossad and glow in the dark niggers.
I broke the dam.
Sorry...this photo is NOT 9-11. This is the 1993 attack
who cares
If you can explain to me how concrete and steel turn into dust in mid air without a secondary influence acting upon it, I'll stop caring. Sound good?
What is the evidence for this?
BASED base charges
>You've already murdered, raped and tortured over 1.2 million innocent people.
Israeli/ Mossad moving company. Check the logo.
Jews. (Israhell)
Their warehouse
Financial aid
nice angled cut
Colluded effort between the Deep State, (((Them))) and the Saudis
Lick your sisters cum filled pussy you shit skin muslim.
we know osama bin laden was involved
First of all im not arguing that the jews caused 9/11. They did
Planes traveling at speed have kinetic energy and steel is a very elastic compound that can bend pretty far.
When you have a very tall building the steel beams have to carry a lot of weight and bent beams can not carry nearly as much weight as straight beams. Also jet fuel will not melt steel beams however steel beams heated up to jet fuel temperatures are considerably weaker than beams that are cool
And once one beam fails the rest follow
let's be clear, these are Masons and they are Jews, it's one in the same, drop the merchant meme these guys look like anyone else. That's the real meme
Whatever name they go by their purpose is to stage a show in order to scare us into submission and what came of the 9-11 attacks proves it works
Illiterate muslim goatfuckers
19 Saudi, Egyptian, and Lebanese jihadis motivated by Islam and anti-Western sentiment.
Who were being manipulated to carry out the attacks by Mossad handlers.
Dont get your facts mistaken maple syrup.
No one got scared into submission.The Bush administration implemented the patroit act. It was like that shit was already written waiting in cue.
America was fucking pissed off!! The scared ones was the fucking Muslims, they were afraid americans would hang them in the street's.
That's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about big chunks of the building being pushed out into the air and THEN continuing to disintegrate.
See this picture? See the chunks coming of it in the foreground? All of that was dust before it hit the ground. Nearly everything was dust before it hit the ground. Where is all the debris? Force of impact of the building's floors "collapsing" onto lower floors, for whatever reason, would not continue to act upon objects that have been pushed away into open sky.
You honestly think a hollow aluminum plane caused enough damage to a steel reinforced concrete structure at the top to cause the entire structure to collapse into it's own footprint at free fall speed?
>trusting morons to pull that off
they were just baggage on those planes
QRS11 modules allowed remote guidance like a precision guided missile
the building is only like 25 feet wider than the plane, these clowns could barely drive a car
and the fbi admits that many of those identities were stolen so no-one even knows who they were
I can't even hurr all the durr.
>1 post by this ID
>3 word topic
The slide thread did it
This also checked
this x1000
ex CIA operative made a company that could turn jumbo jets into UAVs before 911 even happened
Israeli Mossad
I'm having difficultly finding the best videos with the information because youtube bans these videos - they put them in a state where you can not find them in search or find them in the uploaders video list, you can only access them if you have a link
one such example is this youtube.com
i added the video to my favorites before it got shoah'd so luckily i can still find it
anyway im trying to find videos that can give you more information than just saying "mossad did it" and this video is a start
there are other sources that talk about the israelis who were filming 9/11 and laughing and celebrating as it happened, who got arrested by the FBI and later released back to israel
i can't even change this video from my "favorites" playlist to my newly created "fav JIDF redpills" playlist (ive started organizing my favorites playlist into smaller favorites playlists since my favorites playlist was over 500+ videos long already
+1, Saudi involvement being downplayed here
da plane! da plane! da plane!
Look up videos on botched building demolitions and you will see how hard it is to intentionally collapse a building into its own footprint.
In the 1930’s a fully loaded military bomber accidentally flew straight into the newly completed empire state building. The fires were put out and the building still stands.
9/11 was a controlled demolition flawlessly executed by a group of highly trained experts. They will be burned at the stake for their crimes.
ryan dawson made like 3 documentaries on it. van bombs, israeli art students, mural van etc.
yes it was all organized ahead of time to mobilize the propaganda campaign to legitimize the spying being already done on the people. NSA and CIA had already access to the root design of all systems before the 90's and the huge spy network needed an event to bring it to the light. Enter Black Cube (Mossad) and the CIA to rig everything and start the fireworks. One month later the Patriot Act is passed and two year later boots on the ground in Iraq