HAHAHAHA you fucking potheads are fucked. Those dispensaries kept fucking records of all of your asses.
HAHAHAHA you fucking potheads are fucked. Those dispensaries kept fucking records of all of your asses.
Well damn, now they know I prefer Acapulco Gold.
Told everyone this was going to happen. I shut up after a bit, cuz
I knew what (((they))) were up to. The complete eradication of pot and potheads from the Slave Races. I am a willing upper class Slave (Operating Engineer), and think potheads should be placed in Labor Camps for life.
weed btfo
There are more of us, than there are of you... you just can't tell the difference.
Next you're going to REEE that alcohol is a safe alternative, or that caffeine isn't a drug.
Doesn't matter how many of you there are. You're all nicely on registers and lists and have shown ID for each purchase.
Most of you, by now, have even left a paper trail of purchasing enough to qualify for trafficking charges.
You're fucked.
Child, when I am 80 stories in the air on a Tower Crane, I can assure you there is not a Pothead anywhere near me, let alone anywhere on the spread. And, uh. Yeah. We. Can. Tell.
Alcohol is the next one (((they))) will be working on. I have no use for it myself. Excess caffeine in your system after an accident? You're fucked. Any alcohol in your system after an accident? You're fucked. We are all addicted to H2 and H2O, but we can function when consuming them.
Too bad its gonna be legalized. MFW you can't handle a fucking plant. How can you call yourself a man?
>think potheads should be placed in Labor Camps for life.
I am an economically more productive person than you, and I do it legally with marijuana. You dumbfucks fail to realize this is now a multibillion dollar business, generating millions in taxes. I know I'm part of it. You don't even know how stupid and out of touch you are. The feds made special exemptions so we can pay our taxes (which just got cheaper) in cash. Yeah of course they know who we are, they want their cut.
>I have no clue who Jeff Sessions is.
>I have no use for it myself
And this is it in a nutshell You're no better than some middle aged woman trying to tell other people to only do what she likes.
Sure buddy
narcissistic much?
>I can't make a valid argument
Sessions will be forced to reneg and capitulate
this is just another calculated move by Trump
>trafficking charges
>meanwhile when marijuana was illegal last month possession was a traffic ticket
you have no idea how any of this works, be honest.
>lets jail people for smoking a plant, we are so red pilled guys
Its protected under HIPAA, faggot.
You wanna smoke dope and swill alcohol degenerate? Great. After I bury my kid (you) killed in a car crash, I get to come put you down like a dog. Deal?
>shoot person
>jailing someone for squeezing their finger
They aren't men they are whiny little prohibitionist bitches socially engineered to think the government has the right to treat people like fucking little bitches, therefore making it unnecessary to face their failures and to project them onto people they tell themselves lies about.
Potheads are lazy
Who the fuck do you think got pot legal? Pot hating losers? No. I know retard da jooos. Nope it was a bunch of generation X kids bored and looking to troll boomers, we figured out how to get initiatives on ballots (walking, lot and lots and lots of walking) something your lazy faggot ass wouldn't understand.
Their stupid
You wish, where is the multi billion dollar business you invented out of nothing?
Yeah Exactly fucking loser.
It's funny that you think they'll go after users.
When the Genetic Purge comes, HIPPA will be used for cleansing.
Hire an attorney be articulate and presentable and get the charges dismissed it's 2017 you fucking idiot.
He can drop the hammer before that happens.
>claims I have no clue how the legal system works then proceeds to show complete ignorance to the differences between local, state, and federal laws.
The DEA doesn't care what your city thinks is ok.
You're a literal retard. It's specifically not a medicine by FDA classification.
>Those dispensaries kept fucking records of all of your asses
and this.
>disarmed you - then dis-drugged you.
Not at first. Maybe not ever, but you can bet that it'll be something they hold over user's heads.
That said, you act like they don't bust the users when they go after doctors for writing opiod scripts.
I have built a business. Scum like you disgist me you are shit worthless boring statis shit. I hope someone kicks your fucking face in you fucked up menstrual cramp. Enjoy flipping those burgers boy or whatever dick your sucking for money.
Run! Jump! Punch that clock! haha what a faggot.
Kiwi's got something right. They banned alcohol for New Years. 7 Kiwis went and built an island, and got drunk on it. Authorities ignored them, as long as they stayed on the island until sober. Great idea. Hitler was for it.
>it's 2017 you fucking idiot
american education
If I smoked weed, why would I have this shirt? Case closed. I hate stoners.
Another thing you fucked up piece of shit your appeal to emotion is pretty fucking moronic and I haven't had a drink since the summer of 2011.
>Hey user, we see from the NSA database that you purchesed 80$ worth of marijuana when it was legal. Well since it's illegal now we're gunna have to deny you that job application. Sorry user, but just because your state declares somthing legal doesn't mean it's right!
If cops actually started combing through these records and arresting people en masse there will be riots. It won't happen.
>>Doctors writing scripts for drugs are somehow the same as users of a drug
For someone advocating AGAINST marijuana, you reason as though you just smoked...
Nigga, it hasn't been legal since 1937. Have you seriously smoked yourself that stupid?
so are they trying to say that these people are gonna try to come after people that bought pot technically legally in their state from a legal dispensary...yeah I don't see that working but I can see the feds closing the dispensaries
...you're dumb. Go away.
Riots? People would die, violently.
What pisses me off most about pot is how big of a deal they make it.
okay who gives a fuck if ur smoking blue dream or trainwreck or alaskan thunderfuck, weed is weed rofl
you think the mexican that is trimming your pot cares?
Its prescribed by a doctor, and protected under HIPAA like any medication, look it up, retard.
The government has no power to access HIPAA, and when they do, i'll be fighting against them with a gun in hand.
what's that weed strain called gas or diesel?
something like that
well we've got a new gas for you to inhale
its called Zyklon
Yes, they would. That's why it won't happen you retard.
Too much economic damage, too much societal disruption, too much potential for terrorists and radicals to take advantage of the chaos.
Nothing is going to happen.
LOL paying a mexican to trip pot
there are machines for that
False equivalence...
Providing a link to prove only one part of your argument isn't helping you.
Bitch, don't call me retarded.
but im your kid bro
>>Trip zero
KEK disagrees.
sour diesel
smoking some right now
lol fucking retard americans. wtf is wrong with your "land of the free?"
Yeah, no. They say that, but that interpretation won't stand up if it's tried in court because of the FDA classification of pot. That said, you fucking slavering retard, HIPAA doesn't do shit to stop a warrant.
Yeah, there's no way the government will snatch up a bunch of land and storefronts just to sell to others. That kind of thing never happens. It's not like police haven't siezed more property than burglars for the last four years nor has RICO been used to literally fund entire agencies.
What the fuck are you on about? They arrest everyone involved in opiod abuse. Users through dealers and suppliers.
I haven't smoked in years, but I did accompany my girlfriend to the weed store yesterday because she did. it was actually a church converted to a church/marijuana store where they get high and have prayer every sunday. i thought it was funny.
but essentialy your arguement comes down to the fact your betting on the federal government to come in and police for the state and arrest the hundreds of thousands of users. they don't do that. if anything the feds will shut down the stores and more will pop up, just like whats been happening for the past 10 years faggot.
thinking the feds are going to collect the records of marijuana customers and somehow discriminate or use them against the people is a fucking pipe dream. what happens to meth addicts and heroin addicts now? they get arrested and go to rehab and be on their merry way. if you think the government is going to retaliate against people because they smoked when their state declared it a legal pracice your a fucking moron.
Please put me in the screencap
The DEA isn't going to write a warrant for some nobody buying pot from a store, holy fucking shit you have autism.
Sure thing.
Because when they make a move against the stores they're not going to want to use the detailed records of their sales for some reason? Wow, pot does make you stupid.
So they arrested the users for using, or for knowingly breaking the law?
How are you going to come here, provide a link, and then not even understand the goddamn story?!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that you don't know what the 10th amendment is...
How many stores do you think have got shut down in California? How many people have gotten arrested outside those running the store? ZERO. No one gives a fuck about weed, except politicians protecting pharmaceutical companies because they get a nice donation from them. Show me one record where the feds went as far as to trace individual buyers, get court orders to track them down legally, and prosecute them for it.
>So they arrested the users for using, or for knowingly breaking the law?
Using is breaking the law. Ignorance of the law is no excuse.
How do I not understand the law?
>10th Amedment
Inapplicable in this case as prohibition of substances has been in the purview of the federal government for a long damn time. Again, original federal level law against pot was the Marijuana Tax act of 1934.
Nigga just changed the federal stance on it today. Holy hell, give him a minute or two to make a move. There's a lot of you shitbag degenerates to do away with.
Not gonna happen. In fact, I have good reason to believe this may cost Sessions his job.
Bet that's what they were saying when prohibition was passed.
I also love that you think that this is somehow him going off reservation. EVERYONE knew exactly what his views on this topic were.
Opioids are a controlled substance, federally.
Marijuana is a controlled substance, federally.
Some states have created their own laws regarding marijuana, using the 10th amendment as justification, making use in those states LEGAL -- the same has not happened with opioids.
That you keep comparing the two displays your complete lack of understanding, and your full blown autism.
Everyone also called him stupid and old fashioned behind his back as well as to his face.
Then don't be such a retard, retard.
There is a difference between cracking down on a black market and cracking down on a significant segment of a state's economy.
hey will continue harassing people, but there isn't going to be some fucking purge of everyone with a record of shopping at a pot store. There would be riots.
Yeah, that's not how this works. At all. Federal law trumps state law. The only reason this is flying is that the federal level decided not to pursue prosecution.
Doesn't change the fact that he has the authority to have DEA lining up next to doors any time he wants.
You do realize prohibition happened already, right?
You’re an idiot. The federal government barely has the resources to chase wetbacks. No way possible they’d chase down everyone who bought a few grams of marijuana when it was legal.
It’s a complete waste of resources. I don’t even smoke, and I can see how stupid your arguments are.
weed F
In any event, I'm going to bed, and y'all are going to jail.
I hear orange is the new black and sagging means someone owns your asshole.
They don't have the time, or the resources =]
jesus christ you can tell jeff sessions is one of those alcoholics that has minor withdrawals by the end of his workday and gets completely sauced every night. i've seen other videos of his hands tremoring when speaking.
i mean he's admitted to abistine being his drink of choice. what kind of person who isn't an alcoholic drinks abistine on a regular basis?
and this is the man whos leading the charge against legal weed
>10th amendment
I wouldn't worry about that, since if these cases ever went to court, the Feds would use the Commerce Clause interpretation which has already been used to seize "legal" Cannabis in California in Gonzales v. Raich.
Do you mean absinthe? You fucking retard?
I'm gonna have to look that one up lmao
P.S. There are plenty of salty ass niggas with guns, and undiagnosed PTSD from fighting for the jews, who aren't going to stand for this shit.
Please this
No they don't, they just check your ID for age and then you have to pay in cash because Visa and Master Card want nothing to do with it.
Fuck weedsters
Look at all the reddit faggots defending LE 420 BLAZE IT WEED
Lol wut? All i had to do was walk in and show my id, similar to buying alcohol. They don't even let you use debt cards..how again do they have me on record?
I hate this stupid shit
>federal law TRUMPS state law
No it doesn't. Local cops, county sheriffs and state law enforcement enforce state law. Federal officers enforce federal law.
One doesn't TRUMP the other, the feds will enforce their laws, and the locals will enforce theirs.
First of all, this wasn't a secret.
Second of all, states have had medical marijuana for years, even during George Bush's entire 8 years, and only then did clinics get busted, never the clients.
Do they have video cameras in these places? Yeah, you're fucked bro.
Except dudeweeds who bought it illegally will get off scot free.
theyre not going to do anything to the people who bought it if anyone will get fucked is the people selling it
Are you serious? I'm convinced you're high right now and are masterfully trolling
there is 0% chance of them ever going after smokers like that
nice CNN fearmongering retard
The sheer butthurt from the DUDE WEED people is hilarious and predictable.
>wtf I cant smell like shit and act like a retard legally doonald droomph
>One doesn't TRUMP the other
you fucking monkey
shut the fuck up and never post here again
>t. pothead
lol fuck off faggot the guy who knows I buy it all is in more trouble then me