>Sam Hyde gets his show cancelled because he supported Trump
>Dan Harmon keeps his show even though he's a rapist
What did Adult Swim mean by this?
>Sam Hyde gets his show cancelled because he supported Trump
>Dan Harmon keeps his show even though he's a rapist
What did Adult Swim mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
wtf i love rick and morty now
I am happy, another SJW hypocrite exposed
>talking to women at all
this thread sux
He asked for her number and that was literally rape? Wow!!! This guy needs to be removed from society.
You don't just ask for a female's phone number without clear consent.
you fucking idiots. He just asked a bitch for her phone number. Fucking leafs everywhere.
pic unrelated.
From what little info I gathered, this seems overblown to extreme.
This seems like something you would talk about in private, why the hell are they doing it in public?
Harmon also emotionally abused his wife; used her as his emotional dumping ground. Go watch the Harmontown documentary, he even admits he uses her as a rage outlet. After the divorce his feminist fans attacked her and accused her of being a gold digger (not that many women aren't, but he even admitted to how he treated her). He also bullied a non-english speaking kid, who was a fan, on Twitter into near suicide for hours around thst time once he didn't have his wife to bully. I know all this because I used to listen to his podcast as I was fond of Community.
I even spoke to Spencer, their DM, once and he even seemed disgusted with what an emotional wreck Dan is. Again, watch the Harmontown docu to see just what a mess the creator of Rick and Morty is, and that's a PRO-HARMON doc.
Any accusation of sexual harrassment is, in le current year +3
MDE : social chaos
>Dan Harmon keeps his show even though he's a rapist
Give it time. Liberals like to eat their own, and there's just as many reddit faggots that like to complain about Rick and Morty as there are those that enjoy it.
hes also a kike isnt he?
WTF the guy who accuses every conservative of being a rapist bigot is HIMSELF an emotionally/sexually abusive monster?
is he jewish?
Because Sam Hyde's show was redpilling the masses and Richard and Mortimer is an edgy liberal nihilist atheistic post-modernist diatribe... Which do you think the (((executives))) would rather have on the air?
>asking for a number is sexual harassment
>sees flag
of course
maybe it's because MDE wasn't nearly as advertiser friendly (*cough*szcheuan*cough*), and Harmon didn't have to wait to be accused to own up to it (from the looks of it he was just bullying her and treating her like shit, as opposed to more O'Reily/Weinstein type activities)
just a theory
>implying we care about Reddit and Memey
I'm more concerned obout the girl's tweets.
She's acting like the guy actually raped her.
i like rick and morty dude buzz off
what is ur iq even, fuck this im goin home to reddit peace idiots
Probably. What Hollywood faggot isn't a fucking kike?
>He also bullied a non-english speaking kid, who was a fan, on Twitter into near suicide for hours around thst time once he didn't have his wife to bully.
Out of all the stupid and fucked up shit I’ve seen the rick and morty fan base do this is straw that broke the camel’s back
I care because Sam Hyde got his show cancelled by the same channel that airs rick and morty even tho Sam didn't rape or harass any women.
he admitted to emotionally bullying his wife? Just like he admitted to sexually harassing a woman by asking for her phone number? OK. You're not a fucking nut job at all.
pic unrelated.
Can verify; people who attended his Harmontowns felt uncomfortable with how fucking petty and angry he was toward his wife at every stop. He was like a dry drunk, heaving and hemming, hawing, sawing on how she was an awful cunt (ha ha just like Louis CK's "NIGGER CUNT DEER"), the whole nine yards.
He's an abusive monster who convinced the industry his writing style was just "very conservative" and furthermore that he had a grasp on "hero's journey" no one else in showbusiness could possibly imagine.
He doesn't. He's just an angry jackass who did a bunch of projects and convinced or bullied the world into thinking he's the best possible option.
Kill yourself you fucking subhuman scum, before someone does it for you
Shit nigger I haven’t seen CD cat in a while. Brings back memories.
> admitted to bullying his wife
No, he's bullied his wife in public. During his stand-up.
This is why you never EVER apologize. That's not what they want. Apologizing just emboldens them to further harass, ridicule, berate, and otherwise attack you.
It's like what niggers have been doing for decades. They see it as a win, and keep going because they know they have you.
What is this fucking heresy?
Can someone explain what this is?
Thta's not him you dumbass.
Anything that brings down Le Rick and Le Morty is ok with me. That Louis CK show was great but it was brought down by the SJWs. It's hilarious. The left is eating itself.
Like I said, there is plenty of evidence of it, the most accessible of which is in the doc when theh were still on good terms.
This user knows what I'm talking about. He is an abusive alcoholic piece of shit.
>implying he doesn't deserve to die by virtue of being kraut
>so triggered doesn't even to rudimentary spell-check
you're next in line for the chambers
Some gook tortured a cat and took pics, pretty self explanatory. This, zippocat and stompcat made the rounds all over Sup Forums back in the day to keep normies away.
Ok, I understand. Your life isn't worth living. You have no value as a human being. I personally cannot name a more liberal faggot than Dan Harmon, and you cuckold parroting retards are trying to eat him alive because he apologizes for having a penis.
does anyone remember floaty cat? i was there when the thread was live
Umm, it's national television. Every aspect of it is under the control of (((Them))) and conforms in their interests. Even something as "rebellious" as Adult Swim. (Brainwashing young minds into being satanists/atheists would be considered part of (((Their))) interests.)
> you you you you're so cucked for calling out someone for yelling, taunting, and demeaning his ex-wife on-stage
What backwards Jewish logic is this? He's leaning himself as a 'reformed' Leftist feminist 'ally' who's gone through a lot of therapy and self-reflection. Why else would he package, prod, and "totally reveal" himself in the original tweet as "just feeling so bad" about unspecified damages to women in the past? It's all bullshit. And none of it changes what he is or what he does on a regular basis, every time the mask slips.
awful person
I couldn't care less what they meant, I don't moralfag about whether or not the guy changing the tyres on my car treats his wife well, why would I care about his this guy, I'm still going to enjoy his work.
You deserve a painful death
You uber faggot. It's obvious to anyone that he will drink his own piss and eat his own shit if it somehow appeased feminists.
You need to do the right thing as soon as possible.
pic unrelated.
Community was supremely gay. Literally gay, as in ignore the female body and focus on the male one- TV for preteen girls, post menopausal women, feminists and faggots.
> trying to eat him alive for apologizing for having a penis
No, I'm pointing out he's a hypocritical shithead who abused his ex-wife so badly it was a cakewalk to get a divorce
> you you you killyourselfshillllll
What the fuck are you huffing?
"Morty! Buuuurp! Hold her legs!"
"Oh jeez!"
What is floaty cat
Take a sip fuckers
Bump. Let's help kill Rick and Morty, gentlemen.
What did he even do? Is what's mentioned in the tweets the gist of it? Complimenting her, asking for her number, and wanting to go out?
In other words, a total nothingburger?
Also why is Dan always credited as the creator of R&M? I thought the concept that led to the show was Roiland's, and Dan came on later.
They're all Jewish new-friend. All of them.
That's considered literal rape these days.
I've never before spoken to someone as stupid as you. He's not appologizing for legitimate crimes against women! He's appologizing for not falling in line with feminist theory. He's trying to appease feminists by doing what they say they want. It will never work because women don't respect a man who caters to what they want. He is treating women as if they were sentient human males, but they aren't. Women say what the fuck ever and feel no obligation to be accountable for what they say. Feminism is all a big test for women to sort strong men from weak men.
Dan doesn't know any of this. He's treating what they say they want as if they were requirements. Instead, every time he says he's sorry, you rat shit brained women think he is the literal anti-christ.
>jew run media pushes jew approved things
Weird. Who could've possibly seen that coming?
It’s more like what he did with the number, his Memory is a bit foggy tho, he’s so sorry now so all is forgiven
Not even doom music could make this cool.
He shows weakness and they capitalize. Social Dynamics don't play out like 10 year olds on the playground.
i dont have pics anymore. but there was a guy ( amerimutt ) who would blow into a cats nose. its lungs exploded and her body was filled with air. he was then putting it into the bathtub and it would float on the water. then the cat died. the end.
ppl called the cat Floaty
is this made out of actual raccoon parts?
A friend invited me to see his harmontown thing live with and it was cringey af bc he makes so many bizarre references despite being le intellectual liberal. how do people buy this garbage? i miss MDE:wp
>the creator of Rick and Morty
Wrong. Justin Roiland made Rick and Morty. Harmon brought in female writers and fucked it up.
how dare you bring nedm into this
His crime was being a beta nu-male non- Chad. If you aren't a 9/10 minimum you are asking to have your career ruined by hitting on women at work.
They start speaking kike to one another, and then she makes a mike pence reference
pic unrelated
Thanks now the song is stuck in my head. Is YTMND still a thing?
Watching right now, which is the worst part?
>invite women writers on after complaints
>one season in and they've caused a massive shitshow
seems legit
Why does such a minor name warrant a full documentary on their personal life? That doesn't really exist does it?
They make absolutely no fucking sense when they speak why any man pays attention to what they actually have to say is beyond me
>He asked for her number and that was literally rape?
Welcome to Trump's Ame4ikkka, shitlord.
Worse than Nazi Germany for women.
You used to get banned from Sup Forums for posting that shit.
Go fuck yourself,German user.
>talking to women in the year 2017+1 is now rape
Rick Sanchez IS an AltRight icon on white pride sites like Sup Forums.
Not surprising.
20 mins in and I haven't seen any abuse
Your chink ancestors just having some fun
Only for non-chads. If pic related openly slapped your wifes ass at the office she would get wet and let him fuck her on her desk after hours.
30 mins in and no signs of marital abuse
This "problem" is literally about betas not knowing their places, and low-tier women overvaluing themselves.
Those women get personally offended when non-ideal male approaches them. They consider it a direct attact against their self esteem and feel like their value decreases if betas show interest in them.
40 mins and no sights of marital abuse still. where is it user.
Why do people air their dirty laundry out like this?
>Because Sam Hyde's show was redpilling the masses
>Sam Hyde gets his show cancelled because he supported Trump
No. Stop.
Get the fuck off Sup Forums Sam. Your show was shitty sketch comedy and has nothing to do with the "alt-right". That was a failure of Turner's marketing team and your idiocy. Just fuck off already.
50 mins in
> durrr hurrrr look how edgy I am guys
Neck it, faggot, before I fuckin' neck it for you motherfucker.
Open your mind. Have you heard him apologize for anything? He's obviously admitting to the purest form of hate crime and satanism that has ever existed. It's the same thing as genocide, and it's surprising that no one else thinks so except us feminists/females.
pic unrelated
oh wait you're right. haven't actually thought about it like that. thanks user