How are we going to deal with trannies in the hWhite ethnostate?
I propose we just follow the Bible
>Leviticus 18:22(KJV) - Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
>Leviticus 20:13(KJV) - If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them
throw them off skyscrapers
Cranes also work
Wtf thats no tranny
They are kept under siege and killed no one remembers that trans trend anymore enuchs appear in ethiopia again.
Yes it is. Absolutely disgusting kill it with fire
Had to reverse google that.
Actually a dance show from Iceland, but oh fuck is that creepy.
>Actually a dance show from Iceland
That's disappointing
yes it is you nufag
Thats not her
They get the bullet
>tfw no versatile tranny gf with a fully functional feminine penis to suck and take in my butt
Does she still have a pee pee?
With our erections
Kill yourself mentally ill sodomite
Show your flag, pervert
That's a man you insane leafcuck go back to tumblr
It actually is, look up his video “looking at old pics with my boyfriend” I’m paraphrasing the title but just search that, you’ll find it.
haha nigga im from t_d
no homo
Depends, are they white? (pun unintended but acknowledged)
Bullet to the back of the head just like RWDS protocol.
How many times do we have to do this? Kalindra chan
It's sauce for what I posted
>were gounna kill all tha trannies cuz they're deegenerates
lemme have sex wit erm first tho bubba yeehaw
>How are we going to deal with trannies in the hWhite ethnostate
fucc them right in the pucci
Nuke cucknada
Stop using that flag you repulsive sodomite
Beating off maybe. Muzzies are gay as fuck. Is that anime any good? Never checked nor lurked
Also posting ass because fuck you
Its true, this is the only person who'd have sex with trannies
how efficient
Had to become a female to dominate a male. Disgusting.
Seriously tho, the video is faked like her whole persona. She is a real women.
that's fucking metal as fuck. Story? Mexico?
Kill yourself ugly weeaboo sodomite weirdo
Clinton cabal and Swamp like this by the end of 2019
>here is a pic of a tranny this will convince you a 100% legit women is a tranny
We're going to treat them with hot sperm injections in their tight little ass holes
i like your meme flag
i wonder whats hiding behind it though
>EU flag
>pretending to be morally superior to ANYONE
Kill yourself already you deranged sodomite
preferably with fire i hear thats the most painful way to die however i guess any such violent acts Pol suggest are also likely to work.
Subhuman cucknadian sodomite queer weeaboo loser
Dude Blaire White is a fucking dude man
I remember you last time. The Greek flag or proxy that shits on leafs for posting about cute trannys. They're dudes. We get it. Gender is binary, sexuality is trickier: it's gay as fuck majority of the time. Why are you so mad about it?
>wants to be in a "white ethnostate"
>tfw you will never be dominated by a qt tranny
Ummm, user....
gib sissy milker
Also I appreciate your Brazil tranny lynching highlight pictures, but you've gotta slow down.
Kill yourselves faggot North Amurica mongrels
>ID: Jew
>I'm from The Donald.
All real females are going to be pregnant nonstopped to produce the most white offspring.
They are victims. Let them live but censor them. they will be useful for allies that have degenerate habits.
The real thing is, they were all taught this. All who encourage transgenderism must be put to death for damaging the reproductive health of our people.
Who is this? Why do you keep posting pics of different people to convince me on a different person?
Why not go for the original?
Just enjoy the cute boy booty
just stop putting hormone disrupting chemicals in all the shit.
problem solves itself.
Give them a territory far away called "Transylvania".
You realize even the worst looking tranny finds you repulsive right just like a real woman would right? The pasture is not greener on the other side you will always be lonely and unattractive to other people. There is something wrong with you you were born fucked up and can't be fixed. Better kill yourself
Kill yourself ugly autistic omega male weeaboo sodomite
Why are we supposed to follow Jewish book of desert laws? Should we also eat fucking kosher food?
You do realize that Leviticus basically describes jewish way of life.
If you want to follow that shit you are already fucking breaking the laws most likely.
They did nothing wrong
Yea I was Born with too much power and no shelter, very rare disease.
I am just using this passage to indicate the views of Christianity towards sodomites
Also see:
>Romans 1:26–27
>1 Corinthians 6:9–10
>1 Timothy 1:9–10
>Jude 1:7
>Matthew 19:4-6
>Mark 10:6-9
>sexuality is trickier
You should be EXTERMINATED.
Okay will do. Just enjoy the hips tho
I have to admit that is a convincing trap.
>zoom in
>they’re all in harnesses
Okay come exterminate me then. Whites are still the best. Men are still the best. Even better at being women than women apparently. Calm down and have a shameful fap.
Mods do your fucking "job" and ban this pathetic cucknadian weeaboo sodomite Sup Forumstard
Did a virgin make those titties?
>ban this pathetic cucknadian weeaboo sodomite Sup Forumstard
I find no fault with this user. Let him post
dafuq you talking about
>beat from serena to comeback george foreman
Transsexuality would be recognized as mental illness. Surgery on them would be banned and pro-trans propaganda would be illegal due to being subversion of natural values. Those that are already trans, would be allowed to be trans.
Not a problem worth worrying about until we get there unless you want to fail and have more enemies. It's supported by those in power and popular right now and that is why there are so many. We would make it unpopular and treat it as the mental illness that it is. It will largely fix itself.
Nah these right here are plastic. Look at the nipples
we're going to pork them in the butthole
Y he mad tho?
You're my favorite user
He's mad because of his confused boner
Ugly weeaboo sodomite omega male virgins kys
Okay sorry bad example
Mental illness
ITT: faggots pushing faggotry with cherry picked pictures of mentally ill mutilated men that will never serve a legitimate role in any society. Some of the worse mankind has to offer. sage
Mmm mmm trannies
It's the fucking with the kids that's the problem. Masculinity should be celebrated
>that will never serve a legitimate role in any society.