Post your best memes and infographs that BTFO of subhuman kikes.
Kike hate thread
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dont be silly, everyone on pol is jewish
Nice pic senpai
Kek. Kikes btfo.
Open Borders for Israel.
holohoax welcome?
Dump everything you got
>b-but muh six gorillian!!
>in praise of nepotism
Fucking kek that is a good one
Good, good, let the hate flow through you kike. Show everyone how you really feel
How do you know you're a (((Joo)))?
there's a court case you can look up where the father had to pay off the fag who wrote the book. one of you autists can find it and link it. if you google about this the first page all tell some bullshit about a case but they misrepresent it. someone should do a good inforgrphic about that too, its too much digging for most people to bother to do
Read Saul Alinsky. Rules for Radicals. Up your game son
>one of you autists
Otto Frank v Meyer Levin
It's not radical thinking when upper level Israeli children get cushy positions during conscription with shitty grades. What'd you get?
This fantastic holy shit. It all makes sense now.
Welcome to the battle soldier
It's quite telling that every media outlet in the U.S is Jewish controlled.
Even the two major 'conservative' outlets: Drudge Report and Breitbart are jewish.
They've been kicked out of every single civilization they've been a part of.... I don't understand why they were never genocided. Look at Persians/Zorastianism under Islam (it's an entire civilzation wipedo ut) why did the jews continue after Rome kicked them out. It's like god damn lice or roaches
Fuck off Ahmed
This is the case for most of us, but we do NOT act this way politically. Honestly the desert faggots need to go back to the god damn desert.
The jews are only good at the subversion phase of their plans, now that they’re being dragged out of the shadows their power will inevitably wane. Everytime the goy learn the truth the jews end up losing everything