>Capitalism wor-
Capitalism wor-
>working full time for years
>no savings
she fucked up then
>full-time since teenager
>no savings
Should probably have kept job hopping until she ended up with a better job or worked towards some skills.
What retard flips burgers for however long this hypothetical thot did ?
How would Ann be any different in the Soviet Union?
is bob /ourguy/
>saves %20 of her annual wage
>shitcoiner makes %2000 gains for holding 6 months
plebs gonna pleb
Bob is based as fuck.
what was stopping Ann from mining bitcoin?
Why is Ann working and not at home raising white children?
She'll get her own home and education for free.
Shitcoin BTFO
>one fictional ladies forgot to save
Capitalism doesn’t work
>one million people dead
Dur I’m a commie cause I’m 13 and politicool
Not falling for muh child porn meme? Idk
>Bob supplied a demand and got rich
>Ann sold her time for cheap, still poor
Capitalism working perfectly.
Faggot is probably just mad that he can't make any money. Currently I make about $300 day trading feelsgoodman.
Do you believe Bob doesn't deserve the money because he's overweight and unattractive?
How did Anne manage to have no savings while working full time? I bet you she's wasting copious amounts on money on clothes and accessories she can't afford and she dines out and goes to clubs too often.
>worked full time since teenager
>no savings
This hypothetical slutasouras had a kid at sixteen and joined the ranks of the single mother army, of course she's gonna be destitute.
So she would still be working without savings.
She didn't know about it, presumably because she doesn't buy drugs or CP on the internet.
Ann should have married Bob.
Why didn't Ann mine bitcoin?
Checkmate socialist.
poor commies make the best salt.
Wtf i want to accelerate climate change now
ok nigger
One aspect of trading is about finding niche markets nobody else knows about, otherwise everyone latches on and it becomes too expensive. She could have found a clothing line or whatever that isn't publicly known and that would make it big in the future and invest in that to have savings.
>making investments is bad
Besides, this is a clear appeal to emotion, and thus not a valid argument.
>No-coiner butthurt
For future reference: bitcoin already required a office sized facility to mine in 2012, Bob would have needed like over 100 GPUs to mine enough to be a millionaire if he started in 2012.
SO what you're saying is Ann has no foresight and chalked up an entire financial sector to "child porn"?
OR Ann is an impulsive idiot that spends her money on stupid shit like most women and bob invests and isn't into child porn. Weak little victim.
Tell me what is the problem of Bitcoin to a Marxist?
Who is exactly being exploited?
Are Marxists stupid enough to think markets are capitalism?
No one should live like Ann nor Bob user.
Bob looks like he'd be fun to hang out with.
It's a form of money. Communists ultimately reject money because it creates class divisions and facilitates capitalism or something.
Distributism is like a poor mans Corporativism.
> She'll get her own home
What happened to abolishing private property? Or do you mean the government will allow her to live in a home until she dies and it gets recycled to the next lowlife deadbeat?
she wouldnt need a savings. You only need savings in capitalism
crypto will never be allowed to actually influince reality on a large scale. You coinfags dont realize the enormous bullseye youve painted on yourselves by getting too greedy and growing too large. If you had kept it quiet you might have stood a chance.
Commies can't capitalism.
>implying bob didn't sell out when it was at 2k
>implying bob made more than a 12k
>implying I'm bob
>You coinfags
Wanna know how much I made off of link so far?
Yes. But she will have to wait 10 years before she gets assigned her tiny concrete apartment with dorm-style toilets in a depressing commie block. And if she ever wants to move? Better file an application early, because it will take another decade to process and finally get denied.
oooh all of Sup Forums may of gone to shit but holy shit this is funny as fuck thank you i needed this
If that was the case, why do Marxists support a central bank?
> Gosbank would provide loan funds to favored individuals, groups and industries as directed by the central government
This is all assuming she doesn't straight up starve to death before any of that happens too lol
>do you mean the government will allow her to live in a home until she dies and it gets recycled to the next lowlife deadbeat?
Yes and there is nothing wrong with it
Based Bob living the dream.
If you bought it a 20$, well yeah pretty much. Just need a few thousands initially invested.
Why not just give every family a home and business, and let them work to keep it themselves?
Sure, nothing wrong with that if you want your livelihood managed by people you've never even met. Nothing wrong with that if you don't want your own things or want to leave something to your children. Nothing wrong with that if you're complacent and don't want to raise your standard of living at your own pace.
I could go on but what's the point? We already found out what we disagree on fundamentally
Shut up, Christfag.
Not an argument.
The world was never fair.
If Ann invested in CyberTulips, I'm sure she'd think she deserved it too.
Also, Bob is worth jack shit. He needs to somehow SELL his coins first without triggering a panic.
And amazing display of skill and dexterity!
Capitalism doesn't work if you are dumb and can't adapt.
>Capitalism doesn’t work
>that image
When do you apologize?
kek, good one
>America bombing the fuck out of countries to protect their petrodollar
And set up central banks
What’s your point you stupid cunt?
I made literally thousands of dollars today off TRON
Get fucked you no coin losers
I thought killing millions of people was wrong?
What weak faggots. You literally have no arguments and you never have.
>Ann under communism
>Ann worked full time from when she was a teenager until she died of malnutrition
>Bob under communism
>Bob worked 1 hour a day as a communist party member overseeing a gulag, he spends the rest of his day golfing, eating expensive delicacies, and impregnating wives of working class men
Yeah more like Ann spent her youth getting railed by Chads and she couldn't find a beta to fix her miserable life after she got knocked up by a dindu. Meanwhile Bob had to jerk it to 2D pics he found on a Chinese basket weaving forum to feel any intimacy but at least he's now free to live his life without a harping roastie.
Ann's a fucking loser and so are you, did she only pay attention when the teachers were spouting commie bullshit or something?
Capitalism doesn't actively kill people, only retards who don't actually understand what capitalism is and claim ridiculous things about imperialism and heteronormative blah blah blah think that a system of voluntarily exchange kills people. Life kills people, commies kill people.
In my opinion, Marxists *shouldn't* be supporting central banking. Even from Marx's point if view, the state is evil.
Niggers already get a home and education for free though? I'm sorry you're retarded.
So in other words, when you're too dumb to see opportunity and take action on it, and you fail to succeed because of it, then... ? Just be a communist?
So what you're saying is communism is for retarded people?
But I already knew that.
>Ann worked for years but obviously at low value or skill jobs where was easily replaceable and never thought of trying a different occupation or approach to her situation, thus proving is probably just where she deserves to be in life in a performance-based system
>Bob saw an excellent opportunity in a new idea and seized it, showing not only intuition but the ability to calculate risk and make a decision, thus showing Bob is an ideas man in a system that values ideas and that emphasis placed on ideas and other qualities has caused this system to contribute in ways that very few human communities have ever done
>then some retard noticed that Bob has more money than Ann and were too dumb to understand this because he was the type of dumb and lazy that can't succeed in a performance based system and couldn't grasp it was because he's dumb so 100 million people died and other retards still believe his ideas have merit and only failed because everyone hasn't been retarded enough
Pic related.
>capitalism causes wars of aggression
read more mao, comunigger
Man that's just how fucking reality works
Mao was literally mentally insane and borderline retarded. Even more so than Stalin for fucksake. His country only ever survived because of Deng, who's every effort pushed the nation away from communism.
I am sorry you people are so goddamn fucking stupid.
Oh nm I see what you're saying I just read "read more mao" and went off.
but socialist think there is, so whats the misunderstanding here?
>selling a few dozen bitcoins would trigger a panic
Do you even know how much daily volume there is in bitcoin?
How the fuck does Bitcoin accelerate climate change?
yeah, mao had this whole thing about how the Soviet Union was also imperialist
electricity use
"give" implies voluntarily. Who would voluntarily pay for all these homes?
>the state
Then it should say "why not steal a home for every family from the taxpayers"
Mining uses a lot of electricity and electricity comes from factories so it's bad for the earth because CO2 or something
WATCH THIS NOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bump, sage
>reoccurring ice ages
>global warming
>(((global warming)))
>(((climate change)))
Ann made some really bad choices in life. Should we punish Bob because of this? Marxist retards would say yes.
Everyone except the elite few would be just as poor and miserable as Ann. I guess that would make her and all of the other losers in life feel better about themselves?
bob is literally me. Except you know, I didn't want Child Porn.
>went into military straight out of school
>invested all my money into btc
>now worth millions
>used that money to invest into realestate and stocks for a while before cashing out
>quit military service
>now investing into ltc and etherium
Even if ltc and etherium go no where, I'm still 26 and already retired and live on a beach front property with several high class properties gaining constant revenue.
It's not my fault Ann is a fucking retard.
When is the bitcoin gains meme going to end. Not a single person on this site has made more than 5k at most from bitcoin the usual wall street rich fags made the money. Everyone here is just shilling bitcoin because they bought it in the last year or two and don't want to have to kill themselves when it crashes and they lose there vidya and gaming money.
So what if you have solar power?
Why do these tards always ignore their own solutions they talk about lol
And then you woke up one day and realised you larp about being rich on a Mongolian break dancing board and realised you're a faggot
bob is basically a gambler and got lucky. thats all. he could have just as easily lost all his investments
also this isn't about capitalism, it's about people putting this much faith into an unregulated currency because it's something online and they have 0 faith in their own nation's economic system.
Ann btfo, if the system is so bad, she should have been like Bob and also mined Bitcoin to free herself from it.
>buttmad faggot he doesn't know how to make money from trading
Why the fuck are you on here, ann, don't you have a job to slave away at?
my sides have ascended to the etheriel realm
Work smart, not hard.
Fuck the concept of fairness. Fairness is used by idiots who want to morally enslave their betters.