Fake news or what?
Fake news or what?
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Fantasy porn for people who think CNN is unbiased journalism.
who the fuck is micheal wolff
Amazing the Wolff knows so much without even stepping foot in the Whitehouse........Really makes you think
100% True and totally not made up
Trust me :^)
You guys notice Bannon not objecting?
This book is going to be YUUGE!
A lot of this going to be anecdotal accounts just used to paint a picture. It does a great job. Everything I read so far really illustrates how pathetic the Trump administration has been. It's already the #1 best seller on amazon and it hasn't even come out yet. Even if it is no 100% factual, it's going to have a huge impact and embarrass the fuck out of the whole Trump family.
>unbiased journalism.
I haven't seen anyone on Sup Forums use that term rather than FAKE NEWS in a long time.
I posted earlier about Bannon not objecting but I just found this. I don't believe him but just saying.
People's obsession can be very creepy sometimes. What is next?
No idea as to what you're saying.
That's a fake account retard
From what ive seen its laughable garbage
who's got a pdf link for this bullshit?
>Fake news or what?
>(((Michael Wolff)))
Don't give this faggot shekels
>has hours of recordings backing it up
>must b fake
Proof, please?
Because reddit is asleep. Party on Wayne
Mueller's team will be combing over for any statements which contradict White House statements. When that happens, they will subpoena the recorded tapes and crack Don like an egg.
Tick tock, drumpfykins!
can someone please provide the pics or excerpts from Hillary Clintons book?
It was on the same level of absurdity as this and was fucking hilarious.
One of the excerpts was about how Hillary had to dress like a cowboy to appease to some farm folks and how she said to the crowd how she hate varmint or something like that and had to execute someone from the crowd in order to win over the people.
i knew i should hvae said it when i had the chance.
The go to deflection for idiots.
The more excerpts I read, the less credible it seems
So is it Wolffenstein or Wolffberg?
Because you were there.
sage and mass report fellas, we're being brigaded.
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
>stop shilling the (((Wolff))) book here
sheesh, you really don't belong here.
this, I mean the fucking Gorilla Channel OP?
>believes pizzagate
>doesnt believe first hand white house accounts with backup tapes
the absolute state of Sup Forums
>In some cases,the officials thought they were talking off the record. But what are they going to do now?
Hoe does that work? How does someone mistake being off record?
It's like magic.
>Backup tapes
Present them
Fake and the author admits it.
ANY undisclosed tapings from within the whitehouse would be a federal offense btw...
>t.simian pugilism enthusiast
> One of the excerpts was about how Hillary had to dress like a cowboy to appease to some farm folks and how she said to the crowd how she hate varmint or something like that and had to execute someone from the crowd in order to win over the people.
That was probably an edit.
Citation please.
>That was probably an edit.
it probably was or it was from the Hillary Clinton parody book. Regardless I'm still bumping for it. Both this book and what I'm mentioning are hilarious. I dont give a fuck if its fake, i still think its funny.
another excerpt from the hillary clinton parody is how shes on her campaign bus and she tells her bus driver to go warp speed or something like that
That is hilarious. Meanwhile in real time, the Trump administration is burning alive.
Where are the tapes, Wolff? Don't just talk about them and not release them. Unless he's just using it to shill the book, it's probably why it now has an early release, tomorrow.
So when do we hear the tapes?
It's real. If it was fake then his lawyers wouldn't be bitching about confidentiality agreements
It's posted in another thread, something about peddle to the metal and seeing someone paint a Roadrunner/Coyote fake road that they crash the bus into.
The Bannon stuff is real.
Everything is mixed truth and made up stuff, with the truth being a very small ingredient.
everything else fucking hell
If it wasn’t real his lawyers would be suing for libel instead of bitching about confidentiality.
This book is pure satire and borderline libel. Author could easily be sued.
I was just Daddario posting with you.
His lawyers are doing both
If you can read this and think it's a legitimate excerpt from her book, I'm not sure where to even begin.
>Even if it is no 100% factual, it's going to have a huge impact and embarrass the fuck out of the whole Trump family.
You're fucking retarded to believe this after the last 2 years.
2 years of what?
Honestly this is all so tiresome
Absolute bullshit crafted by libcucks after the russia narrative fell out
The big lie is more believable.
much of it wreaks of just being fan fiction
at the end of the day, none of it matters
the investigation is still underway but this book is great.
You don't, but trust him. He wouldn't lie to you, user.
>reading books
Name a book that was written in the last 20 years that's worth reading, besides Harry Potter maybe.
It's all real Trump is fucked.
t. leafaggot that believe in cnn
That was a joke.
>some sources had conflicting accounts and I had to go with the most reliable accounts
Nothing wrong with this.