Obama pizza
Can I get a quick rundown?
The hubris of these people.
way to use controversy to boost your business
There's literally an all seeing eye on the sign.
What did they mean by this?
quick rundown: wikileaks and pizza parties oh myyyyyyyy
yeah that's the point, it's clearly a guy trying to get both sides talking about his obama themed restaurant
The black and white checkerboard is relevant to the Freemasons, isn't it?
is there any reason why her name needs two fucking T's and S's???
link to story:
also relevant to checkers. and chess. and bathroom floors. and auto-racing.
Bros, surely this is just some faggot trying to cash in on the conspiracy imagery of it all but the sign says established 2013? Was this their original logo?
wait what was that act trump just signed, something about human trafficking and commercial vehicles????
S. 1536, the “Combating Human Trafficking in Commercial Vehicle Act,”
Its just a pizza with anchovies bro
Dude I blow at least $70,000 a week on pizza deliveries from cities in other states alone. Schizo pizzagaters
So now we have to burn down the white house
Remember US Senators wore these
There is a village in japan called obama and near the naval base in japan there is a burger restaurant that has an obama buger and trump burger shit is good
Their symbolism is everywhere
dont confuse "up" with "down".
they are terrified of our long dormant potential.
dormant no longer
jews did this
Eh whoops, sorry! Wrong room...
Also, checked!
pedophile symbology bingo!
ready here we goooooooo!
pizza - check!
goofy ass 1990's triangle - check!
Notice the British "Pound 7" mark
That is because they like to have sex with 7 year olds
You think you're funny.
Okay funny guy.
what do i type and where to get this result
Obama? Getty? For real? Like #occupythegetty? Like oh fuck fires at the Getty? CA on fire? Who lit those? I heard it was the people kidnapped under the Getty who started the fires...
>yfw he and the globalists get the cockmeat sandwich in gitmo
"According to Steven Kelley, an underground complex beneath the Getty Museum in Los Angeles is the "crown jewel" of some 250 sites across the US designed to provide refuge to the Illuminati in a doomsday scenario. In the interim, these bunkers are used for depraved activities including orgies and the satanic sexual abuse and sacrifice of children.
Kelley is advocating that Patriots expose this complex in a peaceful occupation to draw attention to Illuminati plans."
black and white check pattern, illuminati confirmed. for real though this is just creepy.