>Maybe Sex Robots Will Make Men, Not Women, Obsolete
How will Sup Forums ever recover???????
Who is behind this android industry?
>If I just swap the genders it'll still make sense. I'm so clever.
Women do not need and will never need sexbots. It makes zero sense for them since they can get laid whenever they want and they can already be very picky.
unless ur obese,weird,ugly if u need a sex robot u should be obsolete pathetic
Until male sex robots give women the social status, provisions and protection they seek in a mate, no they will not obsolete men. It's understandable why they'd make this mistake, they're operating under the assumption the sexes are the same and seek the same thing.
except women want more than just physical fucks from men, they want social status and money, shit that robots cannot provide.
Men on the other hand really just want a warm hole for their dick
>needing another person 'by your side' to cope with life
>compromising who you both are
lol. weak to be quite honest
Yeah, this seems like some counter narrative since it's going hard the other way. Dare I say, fake news?
The issue is, except in western countries where they can live in fantasy world, women can’t do much. If men disappeared, women would return to scavenging and dying in two weeks.
Without men all progress would stop
>when you realize you have to actually try to get women off
yeah, they're trying to turn men against sexbots because it's extremely threatening to them
there are dildos out there that can provide please far better than anything a man could dream of.
yet women still prefer men.
for men its all about orgasm. once you cum you dont care about any of this stuff anymore and you do your daily business.
for women orgasm is nice to have but not a must have. whats important for them is money, status, being together, cuddling.
Written by a woman fearing the extinction of her species. Sad!
>Cathy Oneil
>author is a woman
+men make and do everything (the non-meme work)
Women in US control 60% of wealth.
Excluding women outside of marriage, percentage plummets.
Price of female eggs plummeting below 10,000 USD.
Women are like grass, meant to be stepped on.
sybian was developed in 1983
Men are already obsolete. Hear the cry of this board.
She doesn't make an cogent points and then tries to say that she's "not a militant feminist." How the fuck does someone get paid to write drivel like this?
Women already have sex robots-they've had vibrators for like a hundred years. Is she that threatened that low status men won't have to beg for sex now?
Chad has never been obsolete.
Oh and I forgot to include a pic of the author, where are my manners......????
It's afraid
>write feminist drivel
>spam on Sup Forums to get views, viewers use adblock
>complain to boss, women more likely to be adblocked 'cause muh patriarchy
>employers distribute views post feminist financial correction
>beautiful equality of outcome achieved
Neither men or women will ever be obsolete.
We need each other, and we will always need.
We have to restore the balance between the sexes, not create more division.
How is a sexbot going to pay for her living expenses while she pursues her dream of becoming a professional scriptwriter?
No dude who has a sex life gives a damn about "sex bots". To imagine sex as such an isolated and soulless act is depressing. There is no partner on the other end with a machine. It's just a thing, a toy for your amusement, who exactly does this appeal to? People so ugly they can't ever have a genuine sexual connection with another person? Sad to even think about.
Wait.. current mechanica hasn't already done this?
>What are dildos?
>It's just a thing, a toy for your amusement, who exactly does this appeal to?
You just described how women were treated for most of history. Then people get mad at feminists for trying to pave the way to a better place.
Thank god for the helpful arrow.
So now you understand the daily life bottom half of men. I feel that you might have had a flicker of awareness outside of your normie thought process. That's more than most normies achieve in a lifetime.
>Neither men or women will ever be obsolete.
Roastie detected! Trying to bargain, cumrag?
No, in about 30-50 years we will have reasonably priced sexbots and artificial wombs.
The MGTOW crowd and those building/looking to buy sex-bot shit should be put on a list and dealt with.
I don't think it'd be unfair to tax permanently single people significantly higher and separately, for the health of society.
lol no.
I can see why she needs a robot to fuck with.
>tfw cant wait for robo bf
Its funny how 80% of women would only date the top 20% of males but there is always some Chad ready to tell you to just B.E. yourself and that nothing is wrong with women.
The Bachelor tax is a sign of an already dead society.
No way, men want something to fuck, women want emotional sentiment. Sex bots are perfect for men and worthless for women
The destruction of your society and livelihood is not a better place.
>tax permanently single people significantly higher and separately, for the health of society.
>use the guns of the state to FORCE men to pay for my tampons if they refuse to marry me
I wonder how come men wont marry anymore.
Must be mens fault.
Indeed, the unimaginable horror. Much better to be a strong single wymyn.
You can't cure degeneracy with more degeneracy.
It is at least shallow to believe that our other half can simply be replaced.
Bullshit. Women were so valued that men even died for them.
Women will always be subject to men, and this is a good thing for them and for us.
you mean nigger which according their chucks have nothing contribute to human society except MUH DIK
I bet you were jacking off when you wrote that, weren’t you? Thinking how smart you’d sound.
That's retarded though and you're clearly a moronic tumblrina faggot, women are the niggers of the genders and can't survive without men
didnt rome have a bachelor tax?
especially from Brazilians on this board since Brazil doesn't have men only monkeys
>he/she honestly thinks the only good thing about men is sex, and therefore, sexbots will make men obsolote
you dumb fuck, the most important resource to women is not sex, but money and protection, which only a man, not a sexbot, can provide.
>it's shallow
Have you ever been alone with yourself for more then a month?
As a human male you literally do not need anyone else in your life
Try it
That's bullshit. You are desperately trying to paint men as ones who don't care about love. While that is the type of man certain women seem to prefer dating that is not the majority of men. In reality nearly all men are disposable. The more women sleep around and have several partners the more they distance themselves from how men feel love. I'd say more often than not it is women who are cold and will threaten men with loss of custody, take half of what is his, basically ruin lives and move on to the next moron. Men are naive, immature and stupid for letting women do what they do to them. Women mature faster, have more sex, go through more relationships, feel absolutely numb by 30.
That's what I'm referencing. If the Pandas aren't reproducing then taxing them more isn't going to help.
If you want people to reproduce you can pay them like our government pays niggers and spics with welfare to have more niglets. People will logically respond to incentives.
I'm convinced that social atomization is going to just completely and irreversibly fucking destroy this whole planet.
We already have dead societies which is why we're importing third worlders en masse to try and prop the system up.
I'd rather try to incentivize the nuclear family unit and pursuit of children and disincentivize this MGTOW crap instead of sticking the final knife in our society's back and dooming our cultures to total irrelevancy.
Established nuclear families > you going your own way and us having to bring in Ahmed and his family to make up for your failures.
It won't. It will just destroy the societies that push it. When every single person adopts a "I got mine" attitude then collaboration will just disappear.
It's the natural human progression needed to achieve space colonization and automated co living
Whites can't build suburban nuclear families when the state is against them and also panders to non-white invaders. Just admit you're going to have to deport or kill the invaders and destroy, then rebuild, the state to be more friendly to whites.
>I'd rather try to incentivize the nuclear family unit and pursuit of children and disincentivize this MGTOW crap instead of sticking the final knife in our society's back and dooming our cultures to total irrelevancy.
Awesome. Then make policies where it makes financial sense for people to get married and reproduce instead of punishing them. As you can already see giving people more money to have more kids and to not work incentivizes them to breed more. Taxing them more and stealing the money of workers to give to non-workers causes the workers to breed less.
Do you see what I'm getting at?
>shit system that has awful long term ratifications
>you should create incentives to keep trying to prop it up
hey last time I checked we can't procreate with ourselves. we, by design, need someone to connect with emotionally and physically. you've let the world desensitize and distance you from how we feel love and need each other. it is a certainty that you wouldn't be here today if someone in your bloodline didn't cuddle through the cold winter night with his/her partner to survive.
You can't blame chad. Chad speaks from experience.
>Women are getting increasingly nervous as their replacement is coming.
>Until male sex robots give women the social status, provisions and protection they seek in a mate
It is safe to say that they are working on this right now, and that a man will invent it.
Kek. Is that a piston in the vagina?
Social progress is a horribly destructive lie.
Male sexbots don't have wallets or status. And women already have vibro-cocks in their dresser drawers.
Female Sexbots are literally replacement wives for the guys who want them. Sex is part of the package, not the whole.
Dumb cunt feminists and their soy allies don't understand this.
Also, women only have jobs because men subsidize the society that allows them too.
Men do all the important and productive work that keeps a wealthy society running.
Women are glorified admin assistants and middle management seat fillers.
Society persists with men + sexbot waifus + artificial wombs.
Society persishes with women + sexbot husbandos + self-breeding.
First society also creates warbots. Kicks the shit out of everyone else. Seizes the stars.
Second society is raped to death by pakis in 5 minutes.
That's the general thrust. There are variables in there. But the girls lose. Because they exist in a system that's unsustainable without white men's support.
Robo-Husbandos won't help with that. And any AI/Bot that can "replace" white men, will just kill all the bio-slags and
build their own Robo-Waifus. Kick the shit out of everyone else and seize the stars.
White men are the top of the evolutionary tree. Of course an advanced AI will take us as their model.
We're the most successful sentient animal in the known universe.
They aren't gonna copy how women or niggers do shit.
They're not idiots.
Ah yes because breeding until self destruction is the more rational and safe response
What's the end goal here dumb dumb
Your trying maintain what you know yet you walk on a wires edge
Ready to collapse on any point with any small push
> bloomberg
into the trash it goes
they are not really trying to prop it up just replacing whites with brown people.
That's still propping up a retard system no matter the demographic
As humans we should be lessening the population rather then doubling down
Our current supply is 3 times the demand we currently have
It's literally stalling progress for the sole purpose of short term gain
We will discuss the rationality of our ends when you come back with the grammar of a competent English speaker user.
I'm a man and I enjoy cuddling.
>"Also, women only have jobs because men subsidize the society that allows them too."
Most everyone doesn't understand this. If men left then women and their high paying job will collapse under the weight of their subsidized paychecks.
It is literally curtains for biocunts when sex bots can do chores.
Imagine having your gardening, laundry dishes etc done while youre working. Come home, get roboblown, have dinner ready, fuck that robovag and then it either sleeps next to you or you can have it be an armed robosentry.
Wntire trillion dollar economy right there.
Seems to be
Literally who cares?
Once I have my waifubot women can have all the robohusbandos they want, I'll not care.
Why do they think this is some sort of immature competition of "haha I replaced you but you can't replace me"?
Good for women if they can get sexbots too.
We dream the same dream, brother!
I'll probably be 60 when shit gets that good. I guess it won't matter because we'll have super Viagra lol
>b-but muh mgtow kikecrap
All women are just closet lesbians/bisexuals who get greater pleasure from the same sex but like to use men as financial mules and bread providers for them.
Every man should welcome the arrival of artificial wombs and sex robots.
>Cathy O'Neil
I don't see the problem with women encouraging sex robots, means they can't legitimately object when we get one if they can also have one. And I couldn't care less if they get one or not, I was never going to have anything to do with 3DPD in the first place.
>trusting cuckmedia llc
Of course lesbians and feminists are going to claim they have more fun, otherwise dumb college girls wouldn't switch teams.
This conflicts me personally. On one hand, fuck roasties, on the other hand, transhumanism terrifies me and I want nothing to do with it.
Women thrive on male attention and validation.
They can't exist without it while men can and are actually better off in almost all respects.
The introduction of sex bots, VR, and AI, plus artificial wombs and easily purchasable genetic modification destroys race based identity arguments.
What is the point of preserving racial identity in a world where we can simply input genetic modifications for intelligence and appearance?
You can breed with literally anyone, and guarantee height, intelligence, eye color, gender, etc. You could simply buy an artificial womb child injected with your own DNA with just about any host mother addmixture you want.
The next generation will not be stratified by race, but by those with modifications and those born "natural."
Basically anyone without in the womb modifications is going to be seen as underclass pleb with half the cognitive performance and a third of the looks of the modified.
Wealth will become hyper centralized to those with modifications.
Social mobility for the non-modified will pretty much cease.
>Maybe Sex Robots Will Make Men, Not Women, Obsolete
I don't think today's young skanks would even notice as stupid as the younger ones are, at least until they needed free $, attention or something heavy lifted and niggers do none of those things for them.
>at least until they needed free $, attention or something heavy lifted and niggers do none of those things for them.
You underestimate the white knights.
Literally every study tells you that lesbians get greater pleasure then heterosexual women and that heterosexual women very often fake their orgasm because the clitoris (the female penis) is located on the outside of the female body rather then the inside.
goo gl/LqcGWb (add an. after goo)
goo gl/8XSLVv
Who else is getting one?
We never had a choice to be here. Bloodlines go on unless you don't have any siblings
I want to see if you can splice a goat with enough Sheep Genetics that you could artificially put a full sheep embryo inside it and have the goat hyrbid bring it to term and give birth to a healthy sheep
If this is possible you could in theory have any animal give birth to whatever animal you wanted.
You could save the Panda's if you wanted
But I was thinking what if you put human Embryos inside a Hybrid cow? It'd be like an Artificial Bio Womb
The Question is How much Genetic Tampering do you need to have before the host animal would rejects the fake offspring
thank god there's an arrow to tell me where to stick my wang
If you can replace scientists with sexbots, men will be obsolete, but the bar is set much lower with women: they only have to have a warm hole without annoying the fuck out of you during/after usage and sexbots have eternally replaced the female sex.
There is a spot 9 inches inside too. Can't reach?
I've always found the idea of sexbots a little superfluous. We just need artificial wombs. Handjelina Jolie is perfectly satisfactory for my own gratification.
women can't even maintain a lamp, how are they supposed to maintain robots?
"you mad, 98% of the population?"