When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
When can we ban guns and finally stop the bloodshed
>but..but muh gubment
o yeah because your assault rifle can stop a drone
all of them
Why do we keep having to win this debate.
Stop trying to take guns away. It saves no one.
If you want to violate rights to protect people, then ban blacks
Kill all the blacks then
Why don’t YOU try to come and take it from me, pussy
price of freedom faggot
Really? Really?
At a certain point you just have to accept that kind of shit is going to happen to you eventually if you live in the clown country of America.
it is just so fucking sad when a shill can't even get his fellow shills to shill on his shitpost and even he gives up shilling shit on his shitpost.
Nothing makes me harder than watching Americans shooting each other. Never ban guns
Every fucking one of them, including you OP.
Why fix something that’s already working?
murder rates are down historically
If you want to reduce gun crime in America remove non-whites.
Literally all of them have to die. I will never surrender my right to defend my own life. If you weren’t a numale cuckold who had a family to defend you’d understand
>How many Americans need to die
All of the black ones.
Shall not be infringed nigger
>because how can I defend myself without my 30 round asault against Kenyans " weapons of war that do not belong on our streets "
all of them
Sage. There is a reason you faggots fear the gun owning populace. The government does not want to get entangled in a bloody civil conflict with it's own citizens. Asymmetric warfare is effective shill, even if it costs our blood. There are a couple of us who really mean it when we say we would die before giving up our rights.
When a nation faces a moral crisis, throwing government at it only puts a bandaid on the problem. We need to become better citizens, not more servile and helpless.
Putting in place some proper public mental health services would stop mass shootings and do an infinite amount of good
Yep. "From my cold, dead hand" isn't a meme.
Second amendment is the only reason Hillary couldn't overtly steal the election and the only reason they haven't assassinated Trump yet.
Because a gun can kill a King (or would-be "Queen") just as readily as it can kill an ordinary citizen.
>How many Americans need to die before we fix this
all of them.
Weak b8 m8
How have none of you retards posted this yet?
Niggers sure do love their drones
This thread is bait and the exact same one was posted earlier today.