Why is this Japanese man saying White CIS male bigot shit!?
Why is this Japanese man saying White CIS male bigot shit!?
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Based fag jap
I agree with HIroshi Z'Dar.
absolutely based
so this was the swede's plan all along... to trigger japs
I will always love the japanese. Even Hitler allied with Japan.
rage bump
I miss a time in America when you could be as sober and up-front like this. I'm sure it was a good 40 years before I was born, before this country was infected with war-mongering, dick mutilating kikes.
Ahahaha. I think I remember somewhere a North Korean defector was asked what was he most surprised about America, and he was surprised at how many "Americans" were niggers.
Is there a full version of this with audio somewhere?
but hitler was a blood thirsty racist why would he ally japan?
Because he wasnt, you retard, he was fair with alot of cultures like China, Japan and India. He had indian ambassadors come to Nazi Germany alot. He just wanted his culture purly one culture, he was fine with other cultures being purly their cultures.
this is library
HEY HEY HEY, this is ribrary
>that face at the end
And I thought asians could not emote.
They are disgusted...
Despite all the shit Japanese people have done during the world war
they are all pretty based and only talks about facts just to rile up betraying liberal people of their race and the socialist globalist scums of course
they can't tell that you white people and are destroying each other for goodboy points
goddamnit phoneposting sucks
More like deeply disappointed. They spent a long time becoming honorary Aryans. Now they see whites falling and it kills them inside.
>each other
you means jews
Absolutely Honorary
goddamn the looks hahah
Man they look devastated. They obviously don't get to talk to whites much, hear about how Sweden is like the White Capital of the world, get ready to check out beautiful aryans and hear their voices and get some fat ugly nog weebs.
Israeli Jews are pretty based too unike those globalist merchant Jews that lives in america and other western/european countries
for christs sake pull yourself together man
how are we supposed to fight alongside fending off those muslim and niggers out of existence when the race war breaks out?
Blows my mind how ignorant normalfags are about this. Reminds me of the gypsy situation over here.
What do the rest of us do with these redpills? We can't change shit, only adapt and defend our private property and family members at all costs.
>Israeli Jews are pretty based too
he isnt THAT wrong if people honestly thing average jews have any hand in what is going... yeah no. Its a couple rich elite cunts and paid twitter racists. There is a reason why jews in europe literally hate HATE that muslim get in eventhough its actively supported by rich jew cunts.
Most blacks don't have a hand in what goes on either but I won't call them based. I won't call the "average Jew" based either.
Because jews fear the samurai
tfw asians are white peoples only hope
the average jew makes significantly more money than any race in america, so I think your point is moot.
you don't have to believe me but my grandma is jewish and she spite muslims than any other races like clockwork
she said to this one time before she passed away that muslim are like pack of invaders. they invade your place acting all innocent, harmless crying while they slowly inject themselves into the said country and when they grow in numbers that's when everything goes batshit insane
fyi I am korean
everyone is fucking talking about european people being absolutely fucking stupid
people back home talk about shooting any niggers that dare to come into the country
Source on the clip?
That's pretty racist buddy. Want me to call the police?
Fuck that cringe at the start
De nada!
Now go and get your country back you colossal faggot!
They're japs afterall, you get used to it.
>lmao does the 'push glasses in place' pose
Please japan, never change.
Its just japan :3
it's hilarious over here. im a white american living in korea. every time a black gets shot by cops in america, my koreans coworkers ask me why blacks are so violent. mention the immigration crisis in europe, and they just shake their heads.
Can anyone find the official Sweden 2011-2012 rape statistics were they included race? The current BRA website seems to only list the newest one and they left it out because muh feels > reals.
Because they can react as an outside observer to the struggles of race. They exist as an island nation with a highly homogeneous population with strong cultural norms. They can observe other countries and compare them to their own success and tranquility and deconstruct what makes them have so much trouble in comparison to their own. So we might see what they say as racist but it is just the truth relayed by a separate and successful society. They have nothing to gain from telling us what they see as their critique of our nation does not benefit them because of the differences in culture.
>my family hosts korean exchange student 3 years ago
>one day he returns from school while I was visiting family
>"why are black people so loud and rude?"
>My mom and dad laugh, and I just told him "because they're niggers"
>once in a while he messages me
>he went to germany on vacation
>"there are too many niggers in Berlin"
I love the nips and gooks
>So we might see what they say as racist
No we don't.
most really do by perpetuating their culture.
Actual rapes = immigrants
feminist bullshit like "HE TOUCHED MY ASS BY ACCIDENT AND DIDNT APOLOGIZE" rape = mostly swedes and a few immis
The sweden rape statistic is only this high because they label every small shit a "rape"
I can only imagine how hard to understand, how just unfathomable this would be to native Japanese how any country would do this.
My Korean wife hates mudslims almost as much as me. She also says she doesn't want to travel to Germany or France anymore even though she really wanted to see Europe since she was little. I haven't even needed to show her the collection of videos of refugees fucking up Europe yet she still knows they are subhuman scum.
Koreans are so redpilled it's ridiculous.
Asians get it. They will be useful allies to help us exterminate the jews, niggers, and mudslimes.
After the global race war we can cooperate on colonizing the stars together.
I've come across many jews. Some really rich guys and some poor jews that can pass under the radar as normal people. The first group everyone has israeli citizenship and make trips from Israel all the time, nice people for a talk and even let me use one of their apartments when I had troubles. Truth is one of the jews wanted to bang my gf, ofc she was out of his league and she shared all his gifts and dinner invitations with me.
The second type of Jew is more down to earth until something snaps inside their heads. You realize they are only loyal to their families and will befriend you because they want something from you, then you are expendable.
There's no good Jew.
Too bad koreans are subhuman .
Japan should have killed every gook when they had the chance.
But wasn't their first female president impeached because leaks showed her complicity in a massive corporate feminist cult? Better people than white liberals no doubt, but... eh...
I thought Koreans were infested with severe feminism?
Also how much does the millions of Muslims south of you impact her Muslim beliefs?
White Flight Liberals
>Put refugees in
>Move out
>Let the poor natives deal with it
Heh. Guess it's just socio-economic factors that cause crime afterall ;)
>What do the rest of us do with these redpills?
kill gypsies under the cover of night
Shit's gone off the rails here in the past 2 years. Things went from mildly sympathetic to the refugee shit with the "but Japan can't take them due to them not understanding our culture" to "we must secure the existence of our people and a future for Japanese children."
No sane or normal person is hoping for immigrants or endorsing refugees anymore. People are changing vacation plans from Europe to local trips. People are asking why did white people go so crazy.
pls pearl habour us again, and win this time
>Navy Sailor.
Allies? Dummy, they will let the niggers take over the west and then take over the niggers.
>No explanation why Swedistan removed ethnicity from the analysis.
I went to Hong Kong recently and the most common question the Chinese posed me was "What the hell is Europe doing? Why???" and bafflement. "Europe is dying." I correct them, "No; Europe is killing itself."
The other interesting thing I saw; Chinese have no problem, male or female, with saying 'I like Jim because he's very handsome' and they always say this shit about Europeans.
I feel bad for them too.
Nah senpai. They will help us exterminate the niggers.
Its like you read my mind, to the exact sentence to be quoted, to the exact response to the quote.
t. Ahmed Mohammed
her smile and optimism: gone
Dream big I guess
take the logical step and kick out all the niggers in tokyo
or kill them
Is your grandmother the mother of your mom?
fuck off weeb
really makes you think
Yes why?
Not Japan or Korea pls....
Makes you official Juden.
>tfw when they realize whites are cucked beyond saving
>tfw when they realize English teachers in Japan are betas that couldn't get any in their cucked countries
>tfw weebs have no hope of racemixing anymore because their +10 Charisma just for being white is gone instantly
I don't know what to feel about this
what? fuck off mate don't joke with me I'm officially an northeastern chinkfag and nothing else
Hitler wasnt much of a racist. Why would he employ the Afrika Corps or recruit 150000 Jews for his army?
Lul. Look up Law of Return you probably are pre--approved for Israeli citizenship.
Because the Japanese are also bloodthirsty racists.
White people look on like they're crazy. Koreans and Chinks are similar to Japs, right?
Japs would think that swedes and slavs were similar too.
Didn't Japan also just take in a ton of Indians to, uh, train them?
>Japan will outlive my country
I bet my grandfathers never expected this
>its white people move to japan for being anti immigration episode
hello faggots
based japanese here living in "america".
fuck you. imperial japanese or die. that is the code. go die. all 'american' weeaboo even, you are on our team. you must fight.
>Chad aesthetics
>Marries the ugliest gook he can find
How badly do you have to fuck up to do this
You're race mixing. You and your whole family will be scrutinized as "those" people, that cowardly dad who was afraid of white women and that ugly failure who used exotic appeal to finally get laid, so you better select the best possible mate for you so your kids will have something to be proud of in lieu of a race and besides being 'murikan, and you get with someone who's ugly even in their home country.
hi proxyfag. are you even japanese? i do not think so. why leave japan.
No no no!
Japan and Korea do not deserve to be infested with islam.
>>Chad aesthetics
he has pasty skin and looks like a lanky faggot
i suppose you can say he has a strong jawline since it's defined, but looks more feminine
so many gaijin in this thread. but real japanese know the threat of what is niggers and muslims. we keep them out. only niggers in japan are hatian immigrants used by yakuza as front men for things, and nobody cares if they are arrested and they know this.
>Says Chad aesthetics when clearly a pointdexter
>There was no hope for him
that is best he can get, he is unattractive. she is unattractive. they will be socially scorned.
If whites fall Asians will have to take on the rest of the world (which would be 3rd world by that point) all by themselves. After the white race falls the jews WILL move on to asians as they would be the last civilized race on the planet. Asians know just like in WW2 we have to work together to win.
Guys who look like that walk around hauling white 9/10s. They're a tanning bed and a fitness club away from being a stereotypical guy named chad/brad out of a shitty college movie
You would have to have a mental disorder or some really shitty acquired personality issues to not pull mad puss if you looked like him.
Look at what he's wearing. Clearly mental.
>Koreans and Chinks are similar to Japs, right?
If you're completely blind and can't recognize different complexions, sure. Also the behaviour is very different. Chinese are much less emotion driven and operate like a bee colony.
mommy aesthetics are best
but that won't change anything for me since I've joined the movement to keep out invaders
mulsim/bangladeshi invaders
Fucking hate them so much!
>calls a downsy looking guy "chad asthetics"
what the fuck is wrong with your eyes dude
its clear this is a slide thread/troll thread. it's 6 pm+ in tokyo and no one has any answers. enjoy your mediocroraty. troll faggot losers.
Burger y do u get baitedso easily
traitor politicians need to go.