Kazunori Mizuno Passes Away

Kazunori Mizuno Passes Away



Animator overwork strikes again. I wonder if he died working on Boruto.


You fags don't buy and illegaly stream anime. That's why the industry started to decline and there is now more work per person because they can't hire new ones.
Are you happy now? Keep streaming illegally and claim legal services like CR suck and all.

literally who

>Implying Netflix is Illegal

>streaming illegally
lol i download

All of what you wrote in that post, without exception, is wrong.

Who cares about one bloody animator?

Yeah, who cares about animators. Let's all just fellate Miyazaki forever.

You can pretty much say Sup Forums and the west fandom had a hand in killing this veteran.
After all it is thanks to you guys that even japs themselves started to watch anime illegally by streaming or torrenting etc.
Fuck you all, was it too much for you to pay a few dollar for your hobbies? You could also help guys like this one so they wouldn't die at least.

If you think that anime itself is intended to bring in any money, you're either terminally retarded or trolling.

Yeah, the people that work in the anime industry do it voluntarily. Obviously they don't have any life so they don't need money as well, right?

>newfag who pays crunchyroll thinking he's supporting the industry
That's sad.

>Idiots who neither watch anime legally nor try to buy the BDs
>Still talk big as if they are worth anything
If you think CR doesn't support the industry then buy BDs, would you?

If Japanese want people outside of Japan to buy their products, they need to make it more accessible. This may not be true for burgerland, but in many countries, getting ahold of anime is a nightmare. I have a friend who needs to import it from the UK because it isn't fucking available here and he needs to spend a fortune on it, which I don't have to spend

Thing is, Japanese don't care about their audience outside of Japan. I for sure will not spend 300 fucking € on a 1-court series just because nobody could get the license to publish it here

Stopping the illegal distrubition of anime would help the industry as well. Japs too torrent and/or watch anime illegally on western stream sites. If we would stop those services then at least there would be some increase in the sales.

Animators are replaceable cogs. It's sad that he died but it won't affect anything. Mangaka or author deaths, that's a true bummer.

Which stuff/episodes was he involved in? This will determine how much of a loss I'll feel over this news.

>torrenting LITERALLY kills people

CrunchyRoll is not an efficient way of supporting the industry, that's a fact.
And stating that fact and pointing out the faggotry in people who pretend to have the moral high ground because they pay 5 $ a month that only goes to the Japanese partially is not hypocritical.
If you give a shit and want to support the creators you import stuff.
Be it merch or blu rays.
CrunchyRoll is a cheap way to feel better without actually contributing much to the Japanese.
Just by looking at the prices the Japanese pay for their blu rays should tell you that those few dollars a month are not a substitute.

This is true.
Japanese don't care about their audience outside of Japan for the most part.
They don't even bother to put english subtitles on their blu rays so more westerners import them.

You are implying that if people are not able to view stuff illegally, they'd pay for it instead.
This is certainly not true.

If you can illegally watch the show the number off people who talk about and take an interest in it will rise. There's more potential customers.
If you can't watch it illegally a lot less people will talk about it.

I don't cause any damage by torrenting.
Torrenting is helpful because it spreads content.
And good, worthwhile content will cause people to pay money, even if they can torrent it.
How would a 35+ year old show like MSG still be able to make people buy gunpla if it wasn't available illegally.

Anime would be dead in the West if it wasn't for illegal streaming and such.

At least he got his nap.

>Anime would be dead in the West if it wasn't for illegal streaming and such.
It never would've really come to life here in the first place. I can only speak for Germany, but a few shows were brought over here and got dubbed in the 80s and 90s, but some of those aren't even considered as "anime" for some here. I know a friend who is all like "hurr durr anime is for fags" but swoons in nostalgia when he talks about childrens' shows like Vicky the Viking. For most people, anime are simply cartoons just like Spongebob which they can watch easily on TV here, so they have no need to look for more series

Without streaming, anime would've never reached as many people as it did in the last decade, that's for sure