This is what American families look like now

Sometimes I feel like completely giving up and not caring about anything anymore, are people like this worth fighting for? There's no going back to the way things were. Ever.

I feel bad.

We must fight for europeans user. Americans are a lost cause.

looks more like a british family to me.

What's it like in Europe? How far has their sexual decadence "progressed"? The whore in the webm did that in front of her CHILD.

child abuse


lighten up

Just imagine how that girl is going to grow up. Assuming the woman is her mother, she's going to have a messed up life.

Europeans (not counting those faggos in france, germany, and sweden) have a healthy relationship with sexuality. It's been expressed through their art for hundreds of years.

While America was founded by a bunch of religious extremists who have major hang ups with that kind of stuff. So the reaction to sexuality is far more perverse. That's why we have so much dogfucking, cuck porn, and the webm above.

Wise noble post

>having fun
>getting a frosting load shot all over your face in front of a child

>European cups and Glasses

yeah no, this is somewhere in Europe. Probably Bongland

This is some white people shit lmao

Jews gays and hedonism is european dumb fuck. Who is more free and open with their sexuality? Who is gayer? Where did america get it's jews? Where do the liberals point to when trying to make arguments for their gay socialism?

>>European cups and Glasses
I'm not doubting you, but how can you tell?

So? You think kids don't know what sex is?

Not every one was sheltered like you.

Americans don't have teacups with little plates and teaspoons. We have mugs.
Fucking chillax.
Though I agree, that's some horrible shit for a child to be around, I never heard a single profane word in my house until I was 14.

lol if it weren't for the kid present that's pretty funny

meme flag, get lost matriarchal degenerate kike

Fuck off kike, great men founded and lead this country for centuries, I won't turn my back on their legacy

It disgusts me how sex obsessed Europe and America are now. Sex used to be an intimate thing, now it's glamorized and joked about.

>This is what American families look like now.

And it's beautiful.

So, what's left to do? Die fighting this losing battle for a country that hates us? Maybe.

>Sex used to be an intimate thing, now it's glamorized and joked about.
oh please. sex has been glamorized and joked about since time immemorial.

Americans don't drink tea like taht

It'd be more complete with some mullato kid at the table.

Please do not think of doing that, nobody want's your """help""". Your average European is sick of you mutts sticking your noses into our business.

true. But whats life without a laugh or two. like i said the kid present is a problem. Adults should be able to ridicule sex. it does not make it less intimate imo. i mean you never make sex jokes?



I hate this country. I'm a mutt, my parents were mutts, I have no place in the world.

Nigga what? America is known for being so prude. Eurofags make fun of us for it. They are super open with nudity over there, while we are still freaking out about public breastfeeding here. We're the pure ones.

see: bruce jenner
everyone thought he was so brave for cutting his cock off

middle class family having some silly fun. If it was a nigger familly a mother would get fucked on the table while the children roared with laughted and DAS RAIT YOU TAKE IT MOMMA

That's a vocal minority. The SJWs are not a representation of us. Go look in comments on lefty YouTube channels, even the libs aren't comfortable with transgenders. Over 75 percent of this country is still Christian, but modern Christianity teaches to be quiet and submissive, so people aren't speaking up (aside from the based evangelicals). Remember, it's the silent majority that voted in Trump, and it's their silence that made everyone think he had such a low chance of winning.


sweden, england, germany, france.. yea were fucked user. we should be more like those countries. can i interest you in a koran, have you listened to the message of allah and his messenger mohammad piss be upon him.

No one in my family is even remotely this fucked up.

Stop despair shilling Schlomo.

That makes me sick, oh my god. On Christmas too!

fake image


def cum on her face

>sweden, england, germany, france

All still whiter than you, Jamal. And with far superior identitarian movements.

It's because Europeans actually have a history and culture to be proud of.

I agree slightly but its weird how peoples flag choices always match their comment. EU flag people always say the same shit. Leafs, commie flag, nazi flag, etc.

>Sometimes I feel like completely giving up and not caring about anything anymore
These feelings are (((their))) programming of you. Do not believe them.

The way to defeat an enemy thousands of times stronger is to *trick them into not fighting*. Thus the Zionists have spent decades trying to convince their prey - us - that resistance is futile. They've successfully programmed millions to have within their minds the voice of a 21st century Tokyo Rose or Axis Sally. But this is simply their final trick, their final deceit. Do not believe it.

So whenever you feel like our cause is lost, remember two things:

1) That's simply a feeling. Feelings are not rational thoughts. Being immobilized by feelings is the domain of the woman. Be a man and act as you must.

2) That you and others feel these feelings is you awakening to the rattling of (((their))) chains of mental slavery. This means you can fight them *simply by throwing them off and believing in our future*. No need (yet) to search the towers and alleys of Wall St. for the bankers, the first battleground is in all of our heads. Throw off the Zionists' chains and fight, and work to free the others around you.


Focus on one (or both) of these things.
1. Getting your soul to heaven.
2. Become a decent human being, start a family and give up most material things.

wow where did you find this webm of every single american family

Hehehe, top kek.

The only way for a country to survive is selfpreservation and the forcefull subdoing of immigrants to assimilate into your culture.
No refugees allowed.

Everyone should put that into their consitutions.

My country is an assimilation of people from diffrent countries. But whats good is, that people have high standarts here. So they wont settle for rapefugees. so no outbreeding of whites. Only the one that works gets pussy. Refugees dont work and have no rights.

Top kek. Im just watching everyone shit on eatchother. If the nigs gets to many ill move into the mountains.

Nigs dont like cold and are easely sickened by cold weather bacteria.

I would snap your neck but I don't want to touch a faggot.

Daily reminder don’t watch porn.

Better stay away from the AIDs.

They must be poor. They can't even afford a real black bull to jizz on the mom's face.

Come home white man.