National socialism was economically left I don't it's disputable so why the only people today obsessed/interested by the nazis are ex-libertarians/ex-cons and other types of right wingers?
Why does NatSoc/fascism attracts the contemporary right?
National socialism was economically left I don't it's disputable so why the only people today obsessed/interested by the nazis are ex-libertarians/ex-cons and other types of right wingers?
Why does NatSoc/fascism attracts the contemporary right?
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It allowed for free enterprise, and the key position of being against internationalism, stop thinking in terms of left or right, only position that matters is national and international.
Most of the people on this website are Liberals. Today, the left has gone so far that Liberalism looks like Conservatism.
>Why does NatSoc/fascism attracts the contemporary right?
Because most of Sup Forums never has never had to live under an authoritarian regime, with no self-correcting measures to fix what sucks.
Between 2012 and 2016, the left further radicalized and had near complete media sympathy. The former libertarians figured that becoming statist cocksuckers was the only way to respond, because liberalism had "failed" them.
We don't want fucking authoritarian conservative government and you know it. They would shut this site down in like 2 seconds and ban everything fun because, "think of the childrens".
Science would come to a fucking standstill and we would probably all be incinerated in a nuclear holocaust due to some moral conundrum.
>hurr national socialist economics was this
>hurr national socialist economics were that
Tired of having this thread every day. How hard is it for you mongoloids to understand that they only cared about the economy insofar as it was a means to benefit the nation and military?
Whether they privatized or nationalized industries (they did both) and thus fall automatically into your specific definitions of economic right or left is fucking irrelevant.
My problem with National Socialism isn't that it was economically right or left. long as the economy works and doesn't collapse catastrophically I don't really care either way.
My problem with NatSoc is that, like all forms of Socialism implemented so far, it was wildly authoritarian.
Parce qu'ils sont obsédés par la race, la couleur de leur peau et la suprématie des pays occidentaux. It's more important than economy, financial tricks and whatever..
In France, the far right group is "Alliance Bleu Marine". Listen their speech and you will listen a very economical leftist teaching. Sovereighnity, protectionism, populist rhetoric, increasing wages, more public services..etc...But their constituents dont care about that, really.. They want just less muslims and more catholic symbols, keeping their identity.. Economy, geopolitics, social system ? Don't care, Muslims get out of here
J'aimerais bien voter pour elle
I find it very hard to believe you seriously don't think the 4th Reich, Mussolini's Italy, and Franco's Spain weren't authoritarian.
She's really incompetent, has no real program..But, why not, have you a similar character in Canada ?
Murdoch murdoch had a term ''nice guy national socialist (also kind of libertarian)''
summed up your problem with it and the problem of a lot of people with it
no we don't, not even an irrelevant one
I really like the FN and Marine but damn when they’re talking about issues of economy and trade, I can’t help but be alienated. Maybe it’s what the voter base wants to hear, that a competitive global economy is a threat to their continuity, but I can’t in good conscience support that message. It’s a regressive, counter-productive message
Thats why.
It Outlawed Unions, Masons, bilderbergers and Jews
Any Economy without these Corruption forces will do a lot better.
The only socialist type thing National Socialism does is set minimum wages.
Atleast is isn't as terrible as a Command Economy
Maybe it's the strong hierarchy. everything is in order and clean
Because it is the counter culture. This board is nothing more than that and has always been that. It used to be liberal during the Bush years and with political correctness getting more traction. People see National Socialism as being edgy, cool, then look more into it, see some things that they like, then boom! We got "nazis".
I will begin by saying that I came to National Socialism as a leftist, and I am not ethnocentric but Aryo-centric/racially idealist, and as such I'm in the minority of posters on this board. Many in NSDAP would disagree with my views, as I'm sure these issues were hotly debated amongst the party members.
>so why the only people today obsessed/interested by the nazis are ex-libertarians/ex-cons and other types of right wingers?
There are former left-wingers, left-libertarians, liberals and communists who support National Socialism. This board and Stormfront do not represent all strains of National Socialist thought. There were even divisions within the NSDAP, making classification of National Socialism more difficult, and for the most part futile. What matters are the ideas, not trying to fit the ideas into your preconceived boxes. To learn about how a leftist would become interested in National Socialist economics, I recommend reading
A more "right-wing" (though really it's third-position) viewpoint can be found in pic related.
>Why does NatSoc/fascism attracts the contemporary right?
1. National Socialism and Fascism are distinct, National Socialism serves the volk, Fascism serves the state.
2. "Might makes Right" doctrines will always be popular among the fringes of society where those without power to act within society dream of enforcing their will on society. Many view National Socialism and Fascism as tools to improve their group's chance at reproductive success over others. The left is based on protecting the oppressed, and as such abhors such doctrines, the contemporary right is the only location for those ideas to gain traction. Whether National Socialism sought to liberate other countries and incorporate their populations into the volk or to dominate them is of course a matter of contention and propaganda in the post-WW2 world. The works of Savitri Devi are one source from the "Liberation" perspective.
Commies can't econ