South Korean President Moon Jae-in and the Vietnam War

South Korean President Moon Jae-in offered an apology to the Vietnamese people for South Korean participation alongside the United States in that war.

He is also on record as saying that he was delighted ("희열을 느꼈다") when Vietnam fell to the communists in 1975.

Well, what was so different between Vietnam and Korea? If he feels guilty about South Korea intervening in the Vietnam War and basically sees the conflict the same way the Vietnamese communists do, i.e. as primarily an anti-imperial struggle against France and later the US, is there really any doubt as to how he sees foreign intervention on the anti-Communist side in the Korean War? And more to the point, is there any doubt as to how he sees the current US presence in this country?

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Vietnamese here. If I remembered correctly Moon Jae-in used to praise South Korean veterans from the Vietnam War, and caused a huge backlash from Vietnam. Therefore, he probably apologized to get better diplomatic and trade terms with Vietnam

I also felt like Moon Jae-in is trying to move closer to Xi Jinping's China, since he participated in Nanjing's memorial and also tried as hard as possible to delay the THAAD. Your thoughts?

Pretty much, but he should thank Trump. Because he had no leverage without Trump's aggro moves to do deals with NK or China.

Donard is a genius.

No. You don't understand the complexity in East Asian. I don't blame you, most Westerners don't.

First of all, South Korea doesn't want to go to war or try to ignite war with North Korea. Trump did. North Korea doesn't want it that much either; North Korea only wants to maintain its regime. Second, South Korea doesn't really want to unite with North Korea. Third, Trump even wants to renegotiate trade deals with South Korea, which it hates. Fourth, THAAD is just a reason for Trump to counter China, which China knows, and China boycotts South Korea's companies, which South Korea absolutely hates. Fifth, South Korea understands that China is a rising international superpower, while America is declining, so it is trying to get on better terms with China (which Phillipines understands) Last, South Korea and North Korea HATE Japan (for historical reasons) more than they hate each other, and South Korea will be better with China on countering Japan's expansionary military.

TL;DR: Trump is leaving a vacuum of power in Asia to China, and South Korea is getting closer to China.

When will Vietnam apologise to the US for defeating them and thus causing all americans to be butthurt over this for over 40 years?


never because america wouldn't accept such an apology because they've deluded themselves into thinking they actually won

There is a big difference between Korean and Vietnamese war.

Both sides in one were set up by foreign intervention in Korea, while one side was Anti-colonial and sovereign and the other was a quasicolonial puppet state in Vietnam.

What made North Vietnam "more sovereign" than North Korea, in your opinion?


Only one difference: North Korea or South Korea couldn't unify the country during the war