there is something that we can do to stop it???
Iq descending across the world
mandatory iodine in water supply
Source? How can IQs of different generations be compared when comparing different countries is already difficult enough?
they extrapolate the iq of the west by correlating birth rate of different social classes,using sat data
stop race mixing
in other words its a meme map
Eugenics, but the elites want a stupid compliant bovine population
well, for countries with similar socieconomic estructures should be legit,maybe india could have worse future than the grafic show since the diference between castes is masive
and low castes has much higher birth rate
Making human rights only applies for human, not niggers or faggots
Oh yeah, this. Shitskins welfare 6 kids
how would niggers iqs get any lower? they're going to hit zero soon if this map is legit
Investigate further.
>the whole world has brain drain
And where are the smart people going to? Mars? I call your pic bullshit OP without sauce, so please post one.
Why are even the niggers getting dumber?
no ,the low income people can now survive and have children much easier than in the past ,take a look to the birth rate in usa by income
the jews in usa except the orthodox ones has the lowest birth rate of any social group
well maybe isnt that bad
Okay, then if income correlates with IQ, then post source saying that.
>Belibing in IQ mem
>Hurr dem white manz be smart but dem Ashkenazim be du smartist of uz all
>Hurr dis provs why we are da most developded
>We be da smartest on the planet yet we flood our countries with millions of savages because we somehow continue to fall for the same old (((lies))) and also hurr i liek money
Fuck man.. /nu-pol/ is fucking retarded. Possibly the dumbest board on this Bangladeshi opium trading forum.
Poor people are just usually less educated and high education does not mean high IQ.
>implying low income people didn't always have higher birth rates
>implying the children of low income people will always have the same IQ as their parents independent from education opportunities
Sounds like you made that map yourself OP and your premises are shaky at best.
it was posted in unz review but integrated in another topic ,i cant found it now
Nice fake map. Iq change rates probably look exactly the opposite of the ones you posted because poorer countries can afford more food as times go on which increases iq more than having more iphones.
There are a number of solutions, any one of which would work.
-Collapse civilization
-Implement eugenics
-Perfect genetic engineering
Genocide. I'm not even kidding.
IQ isn't a standard thing to measure. They usually measure IQ when an individual is either exceptional, or more often, mentally ill. Society as a whole has become more forgiving and catering to the mentally ill/disabled. Along with that, mentally ill groups (notably the autistic) which formerly would have been ostracised are now breeding more thanks to the internet, which allows them to connect with each other.
It's sad that we're wasting so much of our resources on them, but it's not particularly worrying either.
this guy gets it
anyone can make shitmap like this
>Sup Forums understanding what standard distributions are