I think we have Israel all wrong here

>they hate mudslimes as much as we do
>they keep their immigration pure Jewish most o the time
>keep jews at top like how white do for themselves
>they are white

Other urls found in this thread:


$0.02 has been deposited into your account

Shilling on this board has only made things worse for you. since trump got elected people's eyes have been opened more than ever about pissrael.


I dropped a coin did found it OP?
What is israel a future mass grave?


Sup Forums is turning kike just because Trump has his ass spread for the jew.

It's sad

fuck off hasbara filth

Spread you your Butt cheeks bitch. More ahmed's and mohammad's are coming.

checked but I have some bad news for you...

we can say some nice things about muslims too but that dont change the fact that both muslims and jews are fucking shit and the world would be better without both

Sup Forums has always been Pro Israel, nu/pol/ is ruining everything

Ok, Now bend over.

Literal arab mudslimes taking the bait here

You guys have lost your power
I can sense your weakness
Did the demons forget u?
Lack of sacrifices?


Impressive, every single word in your post was wrong.

Liberation: Commencing.



I'd rather have a jew as neighbor than a mudshit.
Ideally none though.

Anyone saying otherwise is a muslim shill and needs to be gassed.

Pic related's husband spend most of 2017 reporting Muslim terror acts, one of them even before it had happened. Anyone know of that French Jewess who complained to Haaretz magazine about how Jews weren't warned early during that terror attack in France? That soccer game France/Germany? I've lost track of the image a while ago.

Then there's also this: archive.is/5yeSC - beginning excerpt dump

primitive swed with his primitive antisemetism. too bad you werent raped by muslims a thousand years ago, maybe by now you would have waken up.

What is English?

SHUT THE FUCK UP, fake christian.

JIDF on break? go back to work kike, quick i see an anti semetic posts on pol. hurry before your you have to pay your jew york cafe internet fee


fuck off t_d newfag, stop hiding behind jewcap flag

I agree. The Jew hate was always around, but as a meme. The real, sincere antisemitism came from the Far Left.

Then about two years ago, in the runup to the election, it started getting real. At the time it felt forced-like Left-Wing shills shitposting to make the boards look bad so nobody would partake of the redpills within.

Now it's ingrained, and as stupid as ever. Jews are behind everything, lazy as fuck.

Personally, i hate the Liberal ones as much as any, if not more so bc they spit on Republicans even as Dems spit on them. But this mindless Joosdiddit keeps people from considering the deep game in favor of an easy, pretend solution.

>I agree. The Jew hate was always around, but as a meme. The real, sincere antisemitism came from the Far Left.
> At the time it felt forced-like Left-Wing shills shitposting to make the boards look bad so nobody would partake of the redpills within.
how new are you????
tOP FUCKING KEK, you are FUCKING GLOWING. AHAHA fucking LEFT WING SHILLS. at least make it subtle


Good. Means we get the point across while being left alone with all the good discussions.

Pic related is for Britbongs, somebody please pick it up with their folder as I must make it to an appointment.

Never really gave a shit about them desu.
The diaspora kikes are doubtlessly a problem, but most of the niggers here who zerg out about Israel are Mudslimes, lefties, or a few natsoc faggots trying to be edgy.

>They hate mudslimes
Because mudslimes won't bend over for them
>They are white

>Implying this whole mess isn't because of Israel

I think we have mslimes all wrong here.

>they hate jews as much as we do
>they keep immigration pure Muslim most o the time
>keep mudslims at top like how white do for themselves
>they are white

This is the exact reasons why burka niggers Union Jacks hate them and Trump despite that they have no influence in Britain unlike the brothers of their capital's mayor.

the reason 'we' hate mudslimes is because we enable israel and mudslimes attack us for it because israel is pretty much impossible to attack. if there were no israel there would be no mudslime animosity toward us




>does not get the meme

The jews have definitely lost their intellectual cachet....something has happened to them. YOu're not getting the high powered jewish intellectuals like you did with the WWII generation. They're being pushed out of dentistry and medicine by hyper ambitious and driven muslims.

And their defeat in the Lebanon invasion of 2006 really showed how lacking they are in the kind of audacious military action that gave them victories in the sixties.

Jews please spare us from multiculturalism. We gave you a shelter and never asked for anything in return. During the second world war it was the Polish who risked their lives and tried to save you (see Righteous Among the Nations list). We also hate germany and we want to see it turned black/brown/muslim as their punishment. Can we get along together?

It's like you do not even understand the basic principles of war.
Having an enemy getting stronger, taking on the the corrent fundaments for doing so, isn't in any way beneficial for us.

They're a tribe, an enemy tribe.
You know what we Europeans used to do to enemy tribes?
Of course you don't you disgusting mutt.

Ethonostate for us, multicultiopenbordersglobalismracemixing for everyone else

Awesome post. Thank you so much for this.

Really top notch.

Sure we can buddy.

never forget; in the long post Roman Empire period the Jews and Muslims were allies in the Mediterranean slave trade. And the slaves weren't so much negro as they were whites.

Jews are the traders, Arab muslims the mariners who plied this trade hand in hand.

We never do anything meaningful.
Bronnen.net/int/ has been raiding us for a week and we haven't retaliated.

They think themselves superior.

Are we really going to just let them slide?
Have we fallen that far?

Please tell your zionist friends who controll the EU to leave us alone and stop pushing race mixing into our society as well as other degenerate behaviors. You can have all other western nations to cuck as much as you want.

>they hate mudslimes as much as we do

Yes, that is why they invest in Jihadis - to destabilise what once were stable Islamic dictatorships. You know ISIS apologise to Israel when they accidentally damage Israeli cargo?

>they keep their immigration pure Jewish most of the time
Noble, if they did not antagonise for us to do the opposite and if the land was actually theirs

>keep Jews at top like how white do for themselves
Wrong, we do not have an in-group preference. Besides, the issue is NOT their in-group preference, but how they manifest it in non-Jewish societies. E.G. usury

>they are white
Khozars? Maybe. Jews? No, they are an Asiatic type of race. Whiteness does not matter, fighting Zionism does

OP, Israel knew 9/11 was going to happen and they let it. This is how much israel values you, Their Labour and Likud governments, including Bibi have blood on their hands.

OP, if you're not Jewish, or not trolling, I suggest you read a bit more into the Jews.

Its their fault. in isreal we have a left media too but we choose right wing party every election. beacuse we understand how important that this country will remain majority jewish.

No sane group of people will agree to become a minority in their own country.

And if you saying white people are so stupid that they cant decide for themselves whats good for them and they need a bunch of jewish liberals in the media to tell them, then they deserve to get BLACKED.

Poland will remain polish beacuse thats what most polish people want. same as hungary. Thats not the case for USA or France or Germany for example.


Choose only one.

classic polack, pretending they are strong with their horses and blunt swords. When things get hard they turn to their overlords for help.

Support USC Professor David Kang.

He is being viciously attacked by the kike mobs.



>all these good goys and kikes attacking you

This board has gone backwards


Yea you sure as hell weren't saying this when Germans were ripping your ass apart.

You say all this shit because the u.s. Government funds your country.

You wouldn't be shit without the U.S.

This graph is so fake.. both italy and greece voted in socialists scum thwt brought in milions of niggers

Shut the fuck up sand nigger. why do you think so many of you faggots have dark skin...beacuse they spent too much time in the sun?



So much this

I wrote a forty page paper based primarily on Wyman's books that focused on the actions of Breckinridge Long in banning Jews from escaping to the United States during the Holocaust. It's just a fact that the US State Department knew a great deal about the holocaust and still went out of their way to prevent any Jews from surviving through escape to America.

The United States has always been, and always will be, a Christian, antisemitic nation

learn how to shill, shill

>a Jew doesn't understand that the new founding myth of the Occident is the Holocaust

Do you have irony in Israel?

mfw there was literally a jewish girl from israel at my school who posted shit about opening borders to syrian migrants, i was half tempted to post some shit on her post

jewish bitches are not made for you, little Moishe...

Gas yourself, kike shills.





Is this another le based israel thread again? Fuck off JIDF, it's the 3rd thread i see like this

>No sane group of people will agree to become a minority in their own country.
But you know, if you push degenerate behaviors and political views hard enough people will eventually become brainwashed (especially women). Even in Poland I can clearly see race mixing and other liberal ideas are pushed with full power and I'm not joking biggest scums are liberal jews (like Adam Michnik or I'd rather say Aaron Szechter).

Pay for what you did to us and then we can talk Dieter.

>they are strong with their horses and blunt swords
Those horses and swords stopped spreading communism in 1920 buddy.


Hello JIDF, shilling hard this morning huh?
And you women are slut as much as sweden ones

If I'm promised a cute Jewess I will move to Isreal.

Just bumping this because the JIDF meme, is getting annoying.

I feel like most of you retards who spend so much time blaming Jews and Israel for all your problems have never actually talked to a Jew irl. They're frugal white people who suck at sports and make pretty good comedians and writers.
Everything else is just bullshit peddled to you by someone hoping you'll blame Jews instead of the actual people responsible

>the JIDF is a meme
>literally 5 thread of the same argument
>implying i don't sage every post
>this faggot is obviously not a shill

Not if you're a kike, sorry shlomo.

Sage, fuck off mutilated dick kosherboi

Kikes and sandniggers are the cancers of the world

There are like 80 (is x white) threads a day. That doesn't prove anything, other than the fact that you're using confirmation bias. This, and one of those threads is obvious bait for (you)s.

>being convinced by shills

I talked to a jew iril. One, exactly. He was a Rabbi that told me Jews were really smart for, 5000 years ago, having discovered that eating milk with meat gives you cancer

My friends and I mocked him because he looked like Santa Claus

Now tell me how countries like Germany with such strong nationalist cultural identity in the past would ever WANT to massively accept inmigration within it borders.

Yes. Pic related is my older thread



I'll tell you: ((European Union)) and his growing cancer, funded and supported by you.

Europa for the europeans. And Middle East for the arabs and christians. U'll have no place to stablish ur nation. And if you do, it will become a massive crater just because you deserve it.

I notice a lot of threads that are "hey guys muslims are based because they hate jews" and "hey goy us jews are cool nationalists like you" both with the theme of "white people should be friends with these sandniggers". Why are there so many kikes and mudslimes on this board shilling?

Because pol secretly loves shitskin muzzies. They can't wait to get their 9 year old Bride when Sharia law has taken over Europe.

Goto hell already with your pile of shit shilling.
>remove GEFILTE

Yes Goy! Jews are White! Forget the fatc we encouraged Muslims to come to Europe in the first place and caused this entire crisis, Go based Israel!

Jews did nothing wrong

You think we will magically align with you because YOU brought mudslimes in ? Are you a fucking mong ?

The answer is NO, we despise you even more, you deserve a thorough nuking and you will get one.

Convert to Christianity or die in nuclear flames.

What's that, new brainwashing attempts ? Pol is National Socialist since before it was called pol.
FUCK ISRAHELL it never was for the likes.

>they are white

Jews = the people responsible.

I have many Kike friends and even relatives and I like them, but in aggregate Jews are nepotistic, looser with honesty, money-driven, stingy and very persuasive. This is a dangerous combination for whites because it appears we are the perfect target for Jewish wiles.

Top goy

Also add they are neurotic, psychopaths with no human souls. Their souls are demonic and come from the insect kingdom, that's why when they saw the delousing chambers in Auschwitz they immediately thought it was to gas the likes.

“Good goy!”