Now Illegal to Pay Men More than Women in Iceland

>Iceland just became the first country in the world to make it illegal to pay men more than women.
Companies must now submit proof of equal pay to the government.
Iceland used to be based - they jailed the bankers after 2008 - but now they are cucked. Did they start eating soy?


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No one cares about iceland

Uncle Boinie sure seems to care

It was the last non cucked western white country...

>last non cucked country
this is correct. they were the only country that held bankers responsible after 2008.

No one cares about america
You are all kike slaves anyway

But what if their endgame is to prove that women earn less than men when wages are demonstrably proportional to the amount of work done?

I bet there are loopholes wide enough to drive a truck of peace through.

Isn't it already illegal in America to pay men more than women?

You again?

I don't usually buy the muh gorillion chess meme, but paying women less than men is already illegal everywhere. Forcing companies to submit proof is more likely to absolutely btfo the wage gap once and for all than do the opposite.

this. Nothing will chance but the SJWs all around the world will love Iceland now.


I took a feminism class in college to meet some shitty liberal general education requirements since I thought it would be easy. They actually taught us that the wage gap between men and women is the result of women being unwilling to negotiate their salaries when they accept a job. Think about it, even if you just went to high school. If you asked a male and female friend what grade they earned on a test, chances are the man will overestimate their grade while the woman will underestimate her grade. The same thing is true when they reach the age where they need to look for a stable job: men will overestimate their value while women will underestimate it. It just has to do with the way you are able to sell yourself. With laws like this, I can't help but wonder if they're just looking for excuses to discourage workers from negotiating their salaries.

The Equal Pay Act of 1963. The US beat Iceland by over 50 years. Get fucked you ignorant, socialist swine.

>first in the world
People actually believe this. Fucking americans.


It's not just an unwillingness to negotiate. In my country at least women all work part-time and have no career ambitions of working 60 fucking hours a week for some meaningless career if they can choose otherwise. So they all do choose otherwise, and unless you want to tell them arbeit macht frei you won't change their minds. But the kicker? Even here our braindead feminazis harp on about muh wage gap.

>black woman makes 62.5 cents
>white men and hispanic woman makes 54.5 cents

seems kinda discriminatory against whites and latinas

There's got to be a catch? What did they ban exactly?
>you can't pay a woman 1$ an hour if a man is working for 2$ an hour
>a woman gets paid exactly the same as a man
Also fuck Jews, Bernie should get the gas.

The US did it almost 60 years ago.

Based Don Jr.

His photo makes it all the better. I can only imagine how much that bothers liberals.

>illegal to pay men more than women
So a female McDonalds worker earns the same as a male doctor?

They're ironically probably nearly the last western country in the world to make it illegal. Doesn't stop men earning more, because the pay gap is a myth. Women earn less on average because they work lower paying jobs on average.

I've seen a list not so long ago that shown that women in island are getting paid more than men in general in Island


Bernie once again BTFO

Unmarried single women already earn more than men tho

I don't understand this "first in the world" talk. I was under the impression that you weren't allowed, in pretty much any western country, to pay men and women differently for the same work.
Or is it the fact that you need some government certificate that makes the difference?

That's already illegal here in the US. It has been since 1963 when the Equal Pay Act was approved by JFK. This has been a thing since before my parents were born, and I'm in my late 20s. It's literally a non-issue and liberals are physically incapable of utilizing search engines that index millions of websites, making all of this knowledge easily available to the public free of charge. But no, we can't into Google in current year, can we? Everyone has an incredibly powerful RISC computer in their pocket that can access this vast library of information in seconds but I guess their thumbs don't work. There are no limits on human stupidity.

By the way, I've worked for the US Dept. of Labor (Wage and Hour division) and the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (Human Resources) so I know what the fuck I'm talking about. If you know any libshits that are bitching about discrimination, tell them to file an anonymous complaint with the DoL. Even the ebil nadzis like me will treat them fairly, because we're just there for the paycheck.

Can women be paid more than men though?

That's not true though, the US has had the Equal Pay Act for years

Is it legal to pay women more than men?

women and a man got the same job
man works 35h/week
woman works 15h/week
why should you pay them both equally ?
this is how they fabricate this wage gap

Yep. It's all due to libshits not being able to into math, even though we're supposed to be the "rural and suburban retards".