Why is this board becoming Le_Donald? Let us have a fucking discussion, holy shit.
Why is this board becoming Le_Donald? Let us have a fucking discussion, holy shit
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I don't know if it's T_D but faggotry is extremely gay right now.
If you don't believe there are 10,000 Clinton associates with sealed indictments about to go to Guantanamo then you are called a shill and here's your 0.02 and hey shareblue.
There have been so many faggy larps that you're now a shill for pointing out no arrests have been made yet
I've heard some of this stuff all over. Where does this come from? The Qanon? I don't believe a word of it. If it happens, great, but I ain't holding my breath.
Who cares? I don't mind mods deleting mutt threads (and I don't care if they don't), but the book coming out tomorrow warrants discussion. I don't need a safe space and mods protecting me from people who disagree with me. Just respect our right to free speech and let us discuss the fucking book.
Tumblr is in the other corner if you think that "persons similar with his thinking" is a relliable source.
you need to shut the fuck up and post in the black dick threads and other cancer that reaches bump limit constantly you fagget
Honestly, I think this is a case of Bannon going too deep in the 4D chess.
How to get (you) :
>Go to /ptg/
>Use a memeflag
>Post something like hurr trump is a bigot
>Wait for 50+ angry boomer replies
/ptg/ has become complete ass cancer. The election was fun for lulz but it ended and the lulz ended and now it's just gay as fuck and everyone in that shitty general is the same as the libcucks they hate who sucked off obongos nigger dick for 8 years
you can have a discussion back in plebbit faggot shill
He is the manifestation of an IRL shitposter, who happens to be in the white house and doing a pretty good job.
There's nothing you can do to stop redditors from coming here, Unless theres a unified movement to "force" redditors to leave. Posting disgusting shit (without breaking the rules) would be a good way, but everyone has to join in.
Dude did 200 interviews in the WH, often times sitting in on discussions. As one could expect from a Trump WH, there is a lot of back stabbing. Especially when Trump set up Priebus, Bannon, and Kushner as seemingly equals in the WH causing them to fight and backstab.
you know where to go right?
Someone told T_D about Sup Forums. Now old boomers are coming here to understand their grandkid's memes. You've probably noticed the boomer posting.
In one passage from “Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House,” Wolff recounts how Roger Ailes recommended former House speaker John A. Boehner (R-Ohio) to serve as Trump's chief of staff. Trump's response, according to Wolff: “Who’s that?”
Never mind that Trump had golfed with Boehner in 2013 and mentioned him several times on the 2016 campaign trail. Using the Donald Trump Factbase, I found Trump mentioning Boehner on the campaign trail at least four times: April 10, 2016; Nov. 30, 2015; Oct. 14, 2015; and Sept. 25, 2015. He also tweeted about him on Oct. 8, 2015, and Sept. 25, 2015 — that last date being when Boehner resigned as speaker during the 2016 campaign.
From the authors preface, he admits much of it is lies or made up:
>"Many of the accounts of what has happened in the Trump White House are in conflict with one another; many, in Trumpian fashion, are baldly untrue. Those conflicts, and that looseness with the truth, if not with reality itself, are an elemental thread of the book. Sometimes I have let the players offer their versions, in turn allowing the reader to judge them. In other instances I have, through a consistency in accounts and through sources I have come to trust, settled on a version of events I believe to be true."
>200 interviews
>that text right here
>t. Shill
>using boomer unironically
Back to (((TRS))) you go
This seems crafted for liberals who have no moral standards or sense of honesty. They will cling to anything that might make DRUMPF look bad.
Boomer detected
THIS. Those threads are pure faggotry now.
>there are no boomers in /ptg/
See pic
generals as a whole suck but ptg is full blown aids
The dude might be senile. There's been a few times where he has looked straight up lost. It wouldn't be the first time either, Reagan was senile as fuck in his 2nd term.
/ptg/ is pure and utter cancer.
>no 10' taller mexico paid border wall
>hillary still breathing free air
i voted for trump. i support him. i dont agree with everything he does. i keep hoping he's playing 1488D chess and will audit the federal reserve and disband it but i really dont see that happening.
>evidence that clearly shows the book is full of shit
Nah, trump give impromptu interviews and constantly takes questions when he's out and about from the press. If he was senile, that would get exposed pretty quick. Not sure what you're referring to either, the only time I've seen the idea brought up was when he drank some water and another when he slurred his words a bit.
Pretty much confirmed at this point he drinks Diet Coke all day which is only accelerating his decline
Update you info shill.
Nothing will come of this before mueller dick slams the president
>he admits much of it is lies or made up:
He admits some interviewers are in conflict with one another which mean someone lied, not that the book is purposefully full of lies. Should also point out.
>Wolff, who chronicles the administration from Election Day to this past October, conducted conversations and interviews over a period of 18 months with the president, most members of his senior staff, and many people to whom they in turn spoke. Shortly after Trump’s inauguration, Wolff says, he was able to take up “something like a semi-permanent seat on a couch in the West Wing” — an idea encouraged by the president himself. Because no one was in a position to either officially approve or formally deny such access, Wolff became “more a constant interloper than an invited guest.” There were no ground rules placed on his access, and he was required to make no promises about how he would report on what he witnessed
>Since then, he conducted more than 200 interviews. In true Trumpian fashion, the administration’s lack of experience and disdain for political norms made for a hodgepodge of journalistic challenges. Information would be provided off-the-record or on deep background, then casually put on the record. Sources would fail to set any parameters on the use of a conversation, or would provide accounts in confidence, only to subsequently share their views widely. And the president’s own views, private as well as public, were constantly shared by others
I don't pretend he got everything right when interviewing a bunch of backstabbing, incompetent, egotistical people. But bet there are a lot of truths in it. It's even funnier how Bannon isn't even denying it, when he certainly could
If April 10, 2016 is the last mention of Boehner, then it's not crazy to think he forgot about him after being elected. Running a campaign is craziness. The man is also 71, while spending most of his life not as a politician. That was his appeal right?
pretty much, don't forget all the anime MAGA
Projecting much? TUMBLRINA?
Bin That Knife that you could end cutting your own dick.
Yeah yeah yeh one year of Trump and no wall and you’re getting amnesty lel
And if you say anything bad about King Kike they call you a shill. Fuck ptg
Shut the fuck up about your president already, please.
He triggers liberals? Good.
(((They))) constantly talk about him and pretend he's being impeached and spread bollocks to rile the left up for clicks and to incite division? Fine.
Why the fuck do we have to hear about him every fucking day, 20 threads and hour and a general.
Shut the fuck up already, if something happens make a thread
...They're here....
>le skeptic donald
Nothing to worry about, carry on
Should also add to Southern's description that she's a confirmed coalburner
>This means no wall and amnesty for the Bong Intelectual
No wonder why Brexit is going so badly.
There's room for everyone here, Hillary. How is the clean up going after the fire? Did you get everything you needed burned?
I thought it was because bannon cucked recently too so we were just happy he was being shit on?
This. /ptg/ is also full of faggots that still think it's red versus blue shit.
No, it's just slightly fancier red versus blue shit made to look deep and mysterious. It's still the same republican versus democrat shit.
>Fake news calling other shit fake news.
This entire thread is like 6 obvious shills talking back, and forth with the occasional Sup Forumsack telling them to fuck off.
As if he's actually going to do any of that. He's lied about everything to do with immigration so far.
They're not Boomers. I've seen the same kind of "boomer" like mentality on Yahoo comment sections with people saying "YEAH FUCK ISIS" but using it as a scapegoat to keep Jews out of a spotlight.
/ptg/ is full of Redditors, yes, but 99% of them are of the Hasbara Project. They're the same people who call anyone a Muslim if they criticize Israel, much like how they call anyone who even questions Trump a shill. The EXACT same playbook tactics.
>t. mutt
>Why is this board becoming Le_Donald? Let us have a fucking discussion, holy shit.
Kushner's shill army is present on pol.
>No resources at the beginning, perhaps. Underfunded throughout, for sure. But by running the Trump campaign–notably, its secret data operation–like a Silicon Valley startup, Kushner eventually tipped the states that swung the election. And he did so in manner that will change the way future elections will be won and lost. President Obama had unprecedented success in targeting, organizing and motivating voters. But a lot has changed in eight years. Specifically social media. Clinton did borrow from Obama's playbook but also leaned on traditional media. The Trump campaign, meanwhile, delved into message tailoring, sentiment manipulation and machine learning. The traditional campaign is dead, another victim of the unfiltered democracy of the Web–and Kushner, more than anyone not named Donald Trump, killed it.
>That achievement, coupled with the personal trust Trump has in him, uniquely positions Kushner to be a power broker of the highest order for at least four years. "Every president I've ever known has one or two people he intuitively and structurally trusts," says former secretary of state Henry Kissinger, who has known Trump socially for decades and is currently advising the president-elect on foreign policy issues. "I think Jared might be that person."
Dr murdoch is still on suicide watch but jokes aside /pol has turned into an echo chamber for septics and r/the_donald over the last year.
There is not one single day going by you don't see this gutter tier e-celeb worship polluting this board
>We must be an echo chamber like my favorite subreddit
>but its ok because all those who disagree are obviously shills and the same person
Voice of reason is a voice of reason
>lol i cant make an arguemenat agsint him
>meanwhile we had 3 acid attacks today, thats down from the 4 yesterday so thats good.
I don't like Israel. Does that make me an Iranian troll or a Muslim?
I don't like Trump. Does that make me a shill or a liberal?
Classic buzzwords that come off as boomer-esque
This book will end up being a nothing burger. The exerts already contradict themselves.
>trumps family and party believed they weren't going to win and didn't want to win
>t-thats why they colluded with Russia!
I was speaking more on the moderation. They tend to delete any Trump thread that isn't Le_Donald or /ptg/ ass cancer.
>Even replying to the mutt meme
Wanna know how I know you're a shill? You're replying to deter the topic. Just stop replying to the faggot.
nice job outing yourself as a shill you fucking noob lmfao holy shit, where are you niggers coming from tonight cause you fucking suck compared to the other guys
these are all terms before the election you fucking double nigger
Yes, and were used by Hasbara members back when there were more Israel-Palestine news articles were a daily thing during the Obama administration. They're not boomers, they're kikes pretending to be rural boomers. Most boomers don't care about politics. They just want to watch Guy Fieri and Count's Customs.
Debate me baggett, or move along.
There's that word again! By definition, Sup Forums is an anti-echochamber. The most controverslal statements get by far the most responses and arguments and attention. Only content against the VERY SENSIBLE rules of each board is removed. Now, what you mean to say is
>bawwww people don't agree with my bullshit and they disregard it out of hand because they've been arguing against the same nonsense for years but I wasn't here for that so it feels like everyone's just being mean to me for no reason!
To which my response is LURK MORE.
>“Who’s that?”
Make Dementia Great Again
There is a thread about this already you dipshit. I hope you will get baned, Sage and report
Nah, how about you just keel over and die? Sounds groovy.
Eceleb threads should all be wiped off the board for starters
Fuck off sloppy Steve
Wanna know how to really fuck with /ptg/? Ask for a discord.
Have you sniffed your own farts recently?
>by definition
Exactly what I was saying. Reading is not your strongest side it seems.
Read the rules. Lurk more. It's not fucking hard.
Obviously you got triggered faggot which leads me to 2 or maybe 3 possible solutions.
1. You're a mutt which is obvious
2. You're a horseshoe theory subhuman
3. You're a drumpf pro Israel fart sniffer
Hence it is possible to combine all of the three possibilities mentioned above you could as well be an utter degenerate.
becoming? uhhh, user...
>disdain for political norms
Trump is not playing the "political" game. He gives a fuck on what the media and the left thinks. He will not appease critics.
That's what trigger them the most. The media expects a cucked apology with teary eyes when they attack like hienas. Oh boy how disoriented they seem when there's no apology, when Trump double-down and when half the country laughs at it, and the other half are ineffectual pink-hats, smug liberal idiots or crazy leftists. All of them harmless if the things go really south.
all of Sup Forums is in the "laughing" part. Even If you cannot stand Trump, the "my button is bigger" twitter make you laugh.
Profit how?
>He gives a fuck on what the media and the left thinks.
Doesn't give a fuck?
>Oh boy how disoriented they seem when there's no apology,
You are going to need to be more specific about what Trump won't apologize for, as Trump has a controversy every week. This has become the new norm.
Got banned from the Donald for naming the jew
I want off this ride
FYI 40-somethings aren't boomers. Much as it galls me to admit it, those are older GenXers.
Poor drumpkins can't confront the truth... baka kiddos.
they could have showed him world star
>Post a shitty concern troll thread about a book with as much integrity as a Rita Skeeter article.
>Get pruned
It's a feature, not a bug faggot
who are you quoting?
There's a lot of e-celeb drama shit desu. And all sides are shilling for very morally corrupt people.
Well that pretty much explains it all. I'm not young by any stretch of the imagination. I'm actually 40 yo. But I DID NOT find Sup Forums on fucking reddit. I have been coming to Sup Forums for a long time. I even browsed Sup Forums in 2003ish, but it was just for the porn. After a while, as I actually grew up a bit, I graduated to Sup Forums. Things changed quite a bit in 2015-16. Then after Trump won, things definitely went down hill. I'm not complaining though. It's just the nature of the beast. It seemed to change a lot after moot left too. I rarely ever go to Sup Forums anymore. There are some decent threads. At one time you would definitely get rekt if you mentioned Facebook. Now? Fuck there is thread after thread about ig/fb fap threads. The term rekt is even fairly new. Used to be called gore, and we had ids. But Sup Forums will never rip. Ones just learns to move on. As for Sup Forums? Well I haven't moved on yet, but as soon as I find a place that is similar to old Sup Forums, I'll probably hangout there more....idk I don't see old Sup Forums supporting Trump, and his cabinet. He fucking middle name is capitalist. I mean the dude has buildings in jew york. He had his on reality tv show in hollywood. I think most of the m8s here don't actually like him. It's just a big fuck you to the establishment. But I honestly think he's part of the (((establishment))) too. I mean his fucking daughter is a converted jew that married a jew.
>le donald
>about 20 constant threads about how drumpf is bad, or his health is failing, or how bannon/mueller will surely take him down this time being spammed 24/7
>the "women love big shitters" poster is still spamming here
>"how tarded is u Sup Forums" spammers 5 threads
>majority of the rest aren't even about trump
what fuggin planet do you live on?
>book warrants discussion
lol no, it doesn't you absolute retard. and guess what, if you want to blather on about that shit go in the myriad of threads already created for that topic you insufferable faggot
surefire way to ID a boomer is from the projection, grandpa
Pizzagate warrants discussion though? But not this book.
Keep believing that.
The book is number one and hasn’t even come out yet.
how the fuxk did I say anything about pizza gate? also not a single pizzagate thread currently active. change you meme flag to a demoflat fag you fucking retard.
t. newfag
So you agree that the book is worthy of discussion. Why are you so mad then?