Trump will be the Herbert Hoover of our Generation

You know those freaky coincidences between JFK and Abe Lincoln? Well, here's a new one but it's between Herbert Hoover and Donald Trump!

>Both Trump and Hoover never held any substantial government positions before becoming president.
>Both rich businessmen.
>Both wanted to run America like a business.
>One wanted a big dam. One wanted a big wall.
>Both one of the most disliked presidents in history. Maybe even the top two.
>Hoover's wife was bilingual and spoke Chinese (very unusual for the time). Melania is pentalingual!

Now here is the prediction part. Around the end of Trumps term, the economy will collapse. Trump will be blamed for it, just like Hoover. A new president will be elected, a socialist one like Bernie, and will try a New Deal 2.0. WW3 starts, and martial law is declared. Said president stays in power for 10+ years.

Other urls found in this thread:

Q-user is right

Umm, pretty much everything checks out. 2020 is going to be hyuge. If Trump loses, WW3 before 2024.

Q-user doesn't exist

I'm Q user

your theory is trash


Hoover got his dam. Does this mean Trump will get the wall?

Mister we could use a man like Herbert Hoover again

I hope so. Imagine all the new jobs.

better than a welfare state, everybody pulls his weight

those were the days

World War three was written about by a Boer who predicted both world wars, their outcomes, the Boer wars and their outcomes, the formation of the EU, the Spanish Flu epidemic, the AIDS epidemic, the ending of apartheid ad the election of Nelson mandela, amongst other things.

This man was Seer Van Resnburg. He seen the migrant crisis. The migrant crisis, he said, is what would spark WW3.

Jewnited Kingdom picks evil once again. This time we lose. He seen this land consumed by fire. I wonder if any of us will live?

God save the president
The fascist regime
They made you a moron
A potential H bomb

God save the president
She's not a human being
and There's no future
And USA dreaming

Don't be told what you want
Don't be told what you need
There's no future
No future
No future for you

God save the president
We mean it man
We love our president
God saves

God save the president
'Cause tourists are money
And our figurehead
Is not what she seems

Oh God save history
God save your mad parade
Oh Lord God have mercy
All crimes are paid

Oh when there's no future
How can there be sin
We're the flowers
In the dustbin
We're the poison
In your human machine
We're the future
Your future

God save the president
We mean it man
We love our president
God saves

God save the president
We mean it man
There's no future
In USA dreaming God save the president

No future
No future
No future for you

No future
No future
No future for me

No future
No future
No future for you

That's pretty weak. Kennedy/Lincoln had more specific coincidences, like names and dates.

>WW3 starts, and martial law is declared
Garbage. And Trump is more like Reagan than Hoover. Imagine the thousands of useless LARP threads if the internet and Sup Forums existed while Reagan was president and the Cold War was happening.

Reagan, then Nixon, now Hoover. I see the new narrative is being set in place.

Didn't need no welfare state

If human history really does repeat in cycles, you may be right.

What will they think of next