Is western Europe finished?
Is western Europe finished?
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If you want to live a degeneracy free life, I only see Alaska and Eastern Europe (some parts) as viable alternatives
Western culture is just too far gone at this point to hope it will be righted in the next ~30 years
What about Japan? They are western in culture, and an ethnostate.
Western, but in no way European.
>Prepare to die, globalist.
all western society will burn, all of it - every person currently involved in western civilization on any level will suffer and burn. In this age the potential for creativity, discovery, exploration and life to flourish is immeasurable - for western society to be what it currently is, with this potential left in it's wake, is nothing short of pure evil. The sickest, sorriest state the world has ever been in and will ever see. It will be purified through fire, with nothing to rise from it's ashes as it's ashes will be discarded into unfathomable abyss, left alone to wallow in it's vile pride.
>Western culture is just too far gone at this point to hope it will be righted in the next ~30 years
More like 300. All cultures go through a cycle of life and you are just entering Caesarism.
>Japan is cool because it's an ethnostate
>Let's destroy the said ethnostate by migrating to Japan like some fucking niggers.
Stand your ground, westerners
We have spent 120 years fighting for the independence of our country.
You, on the other hand, gave up at the very beginning, sad!
Spengler much?
I never got into Spengler because he didn't study enough history
Ancient to early modern China alone leaves him BTFO
this... yes Japan is an ethnostate.... FOR THE JAPANESE...
>we can keep our ethnostate if we move it into another ethnostate
yeah goy let's make japan civnat
What are you talking about? He literally goes into China in Decline of the West. You'd know if you weren't talking about works that you haven't read.
I am saying his assessment is incorrect, dum dum. I took a semester long survey course on Chinese history in college, he was simply not well read enough to make an accurate argument.
They say the same thing about Poland too, I see a lot of Americans saying they want to move to Poland because it's like an ethnostate. They're willing to give up on their pwn country that easy, sad!
Of course.
Western Europeans aren't even allowed to complain without being thrown into prison so it's pretty much fight or die for them at this point. I don't think they can be saved, the only question is which government will embrace Sharia first, right now Sweden is ahead by a nose.
Sup Forumss weeb probl3m has really gotten outta hand
1. are not white
2. are not western
3. will never accept you
4. think you are inferior to them
put away the manga and accept it
Keep in mind the book was written in 1912-1917. We didn't even know much about Mesopotamia back then.
You know what's really, really fucking sad?
Some of these Americans/W.Euros actually migrated to Poland
And guess what.
MAJORITY of our western-european migrants support Liberal and Leftwing parties
Isn't that bloody rich?
They ran away from multi-kulti and now they demand that Poland becomes more "open" and "tolerant"
fuck off were full
reminds me of some race or something that always pushes leftwing ideologies only to retreat to their own country when things go badly.
You really are on the wrong website
all I see here is Youtube being a criminal organization, blocking real conversations while manipulating millions of kids with shitty quasi porn videos. If the right people get in power, everybody involved with Youtube is going to find out what the meaning of suffering is.
And what video are you talking about so I can check if it's blocked or not?
guaranteed been here longer than you reddit refugee. this site is more than Sup Forums and /jp/
jap lovers are cancer and see no irony in bitching about non western immigrants flooding their country while talking about immigrating to japland themselves. you lot are so fucking pathetic
How the hell, can you count Japan as Western Culture, are you people mad? That's not to say they're inferior or lacking but Western, really?
tl;dr there is a famous quote by a Japanese general that went something like "China is and always has been a nation of bandits" - China continually kept their cultural and governmental fires burning by having wars of conquest fueled by dynastic clashes with a solidified concept of nation remaining constant, Spengler's models just don't map onto their history at all
You're not even trying lol. Go home and be a family flag
we have nowhere near enough muslims to be considered western
Google is now blocking Jordan Peterson from featured news.
Google is one source I use for news I liked the suggested stories because it was based on what I looked at.
I used to get suggested stories for peterson & other alt right related topics.
About the weeks ago that all stopped & now I only get stories about Los Angeles and nothing else.
The censorship is already happening but we can't see it because it's censored.
>manipulating millions of kids with shitty quasi porn
WTF? I love jewtube now.
Full of yourselves ?
>with nothing to rise from it's ashes as it's ashes will be discarded into unfathomable abyss
>with nothing to rise from it's ashes
yeah no cunt, white people will go on a new rampage, it's been to long, you nu-male faggots may have gave up, but we are just getting started again
sorry we are full