The fuck happened to Zyklon Ben?
Uh guys
Other urls found in this thread:
Do you have the real ones?
It's kind of rude to post these counterfeits
Since nupol, I have not seen much of his work around. I see it sometimes, but nupol does not know what it is. /ptg/ is cancer
he's making money off of kekistan TD retards, plain and simple.
Ben 'Lamp Shades Inc.' Garrison
Ben The One Man Holocaust' Garrison
here's a rare real one
We never do anything meaningful. has been raiding us for a week and we haven't retaliated.
They think themselves superior.
Are we really going to just let them slide?
Have we fallen that far?
do you have the real one with the vault/oven 7?
and yea, hasn't been any real ones anymore since they wouldn't make sense with the 50 different things going on
checking. please hold
>vault/oven 7
Think this is the newest
My man
Just the one I was looking for.
You're an oberfuhrer among stabsgefreiteren
I like this one
I'm glad he drew Mueller as a snake.
There are too many retards saying he is part of some 6,000,000d chess scheme, and tell us to just forget about "based Mueller" because he is somehow on our side.
This picture also need pedobear in it
>you dotard
Didn't know Trump was into MOBAs.
3 labels, that's like a world record of brevity for Ben.
I love him, but he needs to decide if he's a cartoonist or a novelist.