The President Is Mentally Unwell — and Everyone Around Him Knows It

He has dementia. The entire Whitehouse staff knows this. The book clearly identifies Trump's perseveration which is a significant symptom in the early stages of dementia.

When dementia moves past the first putative stages: name forgetting, losing track of one's thoughts, repeatedly misplacing items, perseveration is often observed. Perseveration is the constant repeating of stories - within the span of an hour or less - to the same people - despite having received clear cues that the story/message has been received or responded to. People with advancing dementia don't feel the satisfaction that comes with finishing a story... the sense of 'completion.' They need to repeat and they do so even when others inform them that they are 'repeating themselves over and over.'

As per the book Trump now repeats stories within a span of 10 minutes. This is a BAD sign.

At this rate Trump could literally begin showing the signs of moderate dementia within a year. I am a Geriatric psychologist, I have seen this rate of decline many times - particularly when a person faces stress and doubly so when they are in poor health/making poor health related choices.

Oh, and things get worse for men when they lack a supportive spouse. Trump's wife can't even stand to be in the same bedroom with him.

If these accounts are true Trump will literally be unable to serve 4 years. It won't matter what his feelings are on the matter.

He wouldn't be able to drive a car, or remember to turn off a stove, or even use a bathroom without "incident".

Other urls found in this thread:

You'd have to be crazy to take on the NWO.

The only thing not well with him is sabotage in party and HR.

Dementia is a meme to push for generation meme to push for division of parents and children, so they would not be able to make organized opposition to those, who buys votes.

The problem is he forgot he was taking on the NWO and became another swamp monster globalist.
It's a shame but hopefully we can have him removed under the 25th amendment and get someone mentally sound in charge.

>the russian shills have arrived.
Must be onto something here.


>"By all accounts, most GOP Congress members recognize that Donald Trump is a pathological narcissist with early stage dementia and only peripheral contact with reality — and they have, nonetheless, decided to let him retain unilateral command of the largest nuclear arsenal on planet Earth because it would be politically and personally inconvenient to remove his finger from the button.

You don’t need a degree in psychiatry to call that crazy."

Hello, Media Matters. May you rot in jail for treason against the United States, you Brocksucker.

Your sex assault libel failed. Your baseless "muh Russia" gambit failed. Now you are onto Plan C, the "25'th Amendment" tactic. "Oh, the President is mentally unfit. Oh, the President has Alzheimer's. Oh, we need to invoke the 25'th Amendment to remove him from office."


Hello, I am not a citizen of your country. You will have to charge me with something other than treason, make sure you write this down so you don't forget it.

On wall street funding the bolshevism.

Then stop using a meme flag and show us your real location, Media Matters shill.

>it's probably Canada, like all the Shareblue shills before you

Israeli Cyber warfare.

Drumpf is surely finished this time guys!



This whole goddamn thing has become so tiring. The constant 24/7 propaganda from every goddamn side. I don’t hate trump. I don’t love trump. But there isn’t anything wrong with him. He’s always been exactly like he is right now.

I’ll just say this. All this “muh 25th” is going to come back and bite Democrats in the ass.

john mccain has brain cancer he should be 25thed immediately

>hopefully we can have him removed
>I am not a citizen of your country

Is this your first day on the job, Media Matters shill?

Now that President Trump wrote an executive order to freeze and confiscate the assets of human rights abusers (child traffickers) and all those associated with them, you may not even get a paycheck next month. Also, all your tax records are a matter of public record, so we KNOW who has committed treason against the USA by working for Media Matters/Shareblue/Correct The Record.

Think about that, traitor.

You all know what that means... right?

>implying displaying the early symptoms of dementia isn't just a ruse to confuse his political enemies

You'll see. Trump is just biding his time. He'll be cartwheeling down the halls of the white house... y-you'll s-see

>muh shills
top kek you faggots are too easy

>(((As per the book)))

Michael Wolff

>Entertainment columnist for Hollywood Reporter
>On CNN payroll (Reliable Sources show on Sundays)
>Discredited on every level on his own wiki page

It's hilarious how the media has conflated this tripe with Steve Bannon

Delete this post, they'll make fun of you.
Fellow democrat.

Are they planning on poisoning his brain via the food?
>see, we told you he was getting dementia

Cut him a break... he's new to Sup Forums

You think you can meme. lack the ability entirely. Now instead a close loved one will develop dementia. Remember this.

being that butthurt over the truth

Hello Hasbara

The 25th Amendment conspiracy to remove Trump is already exposed and will not work

You are not nearly as clever or subtle as you think you are.
Can you do me a favor and stop shilling and go back to the resistance? Thanks.


shitposts like this should be insta ban and instantly deleted
do your fucking jobs you know who faggots
sage hide report

There was a reason why they placed him, one of dementia in the house.
He has great quantum energy one can connect with.
But it has its flaws, as two becomes one thus subduing ones grip.
Your not meant to get it, scholars are though.

J. Raskin, Headshrinker from Yale
Was prone to pilpulically flail
And loudly wail - "Oy!
To govern while Goy
Is proof that you're mentally frail."

>the russian shills

and i almost gave your reddit spaced post the benefit of the doubt

He needs to get off from finasteride ASAP, hell get bald as lex Luthor but if he has the nuclear codes it must be.

Fuck this shopped trash-post the REAL one.

Hopefully this evil fucking faggots heart will give out like it almost did

If the stuff in the book is true and that's a big if, it does sound like he could be getting a little senile. Hell, wouldn't be the first time. Reagan was apparently a pretty big potato by the second term.
There's been a couple of incidents where i wondered a bit. Like when he got off the plane and started walking away from his limo and had to be called back. He had a lot of trouble staying focused when he'd do interviews too. Could just be him too.

So basically there's a literal madman in the White House.... I always knew he shouldn't have the nuclear codes

>I think the media have been harder on Trump than any other president certainly that I’ve known about. The media feel free to claim that Trump is mentally deranged and everything else without hesitation.


Pretty sad when even Jimmy Carter knows the mainstream media is full of shit.

>reddit larping the post

nobody believes this

Don't worry, President Kushner will make sure the USA stays a loyal slave 2 Israel.

Hang about, chaps.

If they get rid of Trump cos he's crackers doesn't the vice president take over?

Itreresting how silent Mike Penis has been during the past year while all this hullaballo has been going on. Maybe Mike Pense is the mastermind behind it all.

Youre gay

>If these accounts are true Trump will literally be unable to serve 4 years.
carry on dreaming shareblue shill.

>I am a Geriatric psychologist,
Appeal to authority that is a logical fallacy.

If you were a real psychologist youd know that he is a narcissist, and loves ths sound of his own voice and hates the sound of other peoples so continually tells the same story over and over again over others objections because
>1 he doesnt give a fuck what you think
>2 there is no more beautiful sound than his own voice talking about his own accomplishments
>3 why would he want to ever stop and have to hear someone elses opinions or thoughts ewwww gross

No mr. "psychologist" Trump is not senile. As you can plainly see you have misdiagnosed him. His only flaw is being toooooo fucking awesome.

I too am concerned about the wellness of people. Anyone who questions another person may or may not be suffering from agism or another serious illness. A team of top doctors will examine the situation, promise not to allow politics to impact their findings, will act in the person's and the nation's best interest.

I too am concerned about the wellness of people. Anyone who questions another person may or may not be suffering from agism or another serious illness. A team of top doctors will examine the situation, promise not to allow politics to impact their findings, and will act in the person's and the nation's best interest.

So now that the Russian narrative has been proven to be fake, the media is switching gears to him being mentally ill?

Good luck, fags.

Something something it's not valid if you diagnose somebody if you don't have direct contact with the patient.
Also reveal your true flag, I'm curious why you hide it, this has already been pushed by the media.

Putin is a cocksucker just like you.

Question: How do we remove this man when nobody has the balls to do it?

What’s it like to live with a very small penis?

libtards falling for it, again
> The New Republic's Alex Shephard said Wolff's work has always had a loose connection with the truth and that he has already "has been caught making very suspicious claims" in Fire and Fury.


If he has dementia it should be easier to throw clinton et al into guantanamo without a trial. I likes

he has dementia, but is also a ruthless dictator that was able to win the US presidency against all odds
he hits liberals exactly where they hurt with each tweet

he is a senile genious

how will he ever recover


Poo is the only one here who knows whats really going on.

He MUST get off finasteride. Although in many cases, when the damage is done, its done.

I can almost taste the ZOG panic. It's glorious. This book is the ultimate straw grasping.

What kind of pedo hairdo is that??


>the book
Literal fanfiction. sage

>something other than treason
Your posts are reason enough to kill you no matter where you are.

Oh, this must be why the liberal hippy types I just saw in the shop were so keen to buy the newspaper and muttering about Trump.

>muh not shills

When we tell you to kill yourselves, we actually mean it, and it's for your benefit.

some fag in another thread
>it warrant's discussion
lmao, so fucking deluded

You need to fuck of and kys, shitlib

OP watches to much MSM

>Tldr. Big if true.

No shit. This isn't exactly new information

Look to what you've reduced yourself.
Haven't You got any shame?
t. Your Ancestors.

No hand outs, if he ends up on the street

>Calling other people shills

Okay Ethan .

I knew they were going to push this shit when their Russian conspiracy theory shit fell apart.

>Larping as an American with a Nazi flag
>Get called out for being retarded, counter by revealing that you aren't from the U.S. (and are thus actually shilling)
>Still try to act like you aren't a shill.

First day? Did no one train you?

Everything they say that is bad about Trump such as corruption, low approval ratings, Dementia, blah blah blah is actually the truth about Hilary.
Its a way to prep the masses