
Who is better, Rin or Illya?

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Illya > Rin > Sakura > shit > Saber

Rin, she was the girl who was there for all 3 routes and had Shirou's back all the time. There romance was the best imo since their personalities synced really well.

illya is ok though




What is your favorite Fate story arc?


With option 2, the text is funnier because Rin says Shirou is a pedo and that's funny.

>no prisma illya.
Shit poll

>no illya or full hero route
Fuck fate. Cancerous shit.

It's obviously gonna be HF, no reason to make a poll

Nero is best TM.

Is it me or did Rin seem like a love interest in HF as well, swear she got more screen time than Sakura in that route.

Kill yourself, crossboarder.

illya 11 times out of 10



Wrong question to ask for that route.

Illya is for daughtering, Rin is for threesomes.

if Rin had as many dicks sticking out of her as she's had stuck in her, she'd look like a porcupine

She's had more pussy than dicks though.


Rin has a focus in all 3 routes and a special episode in Zero dedicated to her

>I don't need to think about it.
>followed up by "I guess"
Amazing translation.

Rin is better