y'all constantly talk about how you have to preserve your white heritage. fine. but that should mean that I get to preserve my black heritage and yet y'all just try to erase that shit to maintain control.
we fed up we ain't takin this shit no more
y'all constantly talk about how you have to preserve your white heritage. fine. but that should mean that I get to preserve my black heritage and yet y'all just try to erase that shit to maintain control.
we fed up we ain't takin this shit no more
Other urls found in this thread:
Remind me again which month is white history month?
Bye feleecia.
every month except feb
which month do you learn about the greatness of african civilizations?
> every moth except feb
Idk about you, but teachers in my elementary school classes have never taken time away from the regular curriculum to go on about successful people from any other race. Although I guess we did get plenty of that in our normal history lessons.
> greatness of african civilizations
Tell me about one great african civilization that exists today... go on.
Fucking wypipo
What heritage?
>Napoleonic troops blew the Sphinx nose
Afro-american education
10/10 Bravo, had me going for a second :)
then do something about it you fucking *disgusting* pile of shit.
This is a slide thread
Yes Napoleon invaded Egypt so he could remodel the Spynxs face.
Sure thing nigger.
Whatever. You are from Greece. This an issue in America bruh.
Napoleon had nothing to do with it. It was a ninth century mudslime called Mohammed Sa'im al-Dahr. Muslam forbids the image of the human form because it is also allah's form, and ninth century muslamics didn't have time to destroy the entire sphinx, and thousands of other ancient treasures, so they just knocked the noses off.
My dad was in Egypt during the war and was told this, and it has been confirmed by scholars.
You ruined it with this post
you are allowed to preserve your black heritage
core parts of black heritage:
inb4 that one gold nigger
We wuz kangz, eh?
You wuz dickwashers. The egyptions shit all over the nubians, because the egyptians were basically meds. Tan slightly mixed whites.
Blacks are nothing, and will return to nothing once we stop babysitting them and send them home.
From one troll to another, you can't be this obvious if you want maximum lulz. You have to make it personal. You can't just expect an incorrectly identified flag to cause any serious reaction other than "you're fucking stupid." If you're trying to troll the Finn, you have to figure out what it means to be the Finn. Then you'll learn what makes the average FInn tick and gain control of them. Always remember that no two people can be trolled the same way.
s-so, if i tour ur country now, d-does this mean i wont b killed, raped, or robbed now OP? ur culture is so beautiful! i just wish i could visit it without having 2 fear some1 wanting 2 drug me & sell my organs
you're joking right?
image related
go back to Africa (or Egypt if you kingz and sheeit)
Napoleon also found the Rosetta Stone so we can now read Egyptian writings that call black people monkies and dick washers even better now!
Every month except February is multi culture month.
the bottom line is that you are a stupid nigger. You have no history. NONE. You claim everyone elses because you are so desperate to find self worth. Well buddy you do have a purpose. Here it is. Your sole purpose on this earth is to destroy everything that you touch. You are so unintelligent that you become the perfect puppet or Jews, whites, or anyone else. But namely the Jews. The only thing you are good at is destroying. There is a very good reason why you are hated everywhere on the planet. Every race of people hates you. Every single one. And yet you are so stupid that you think you are hated because your skin is black. When the real reason is because you are actual subhumans. You only destroy. Its your genetics. The only reason, and i repeat the only reason that niggers have not been eliminated from the USA is because of white guilt forced by the Jews. If we did not have liberals who are full of white guilt, the rest of the nation would have either sent you all back to africa, or just wiped you clean. Literally the entire country hates you niggers. There is no one who likes you filth. Not even your own kind. The liberals hate you most of all, they just do it behind closed doors when they are talking to their fag lovers. You are a plague on this country, this continent, and this world.
We all know a fatass Gaul with a viking helmet did it.
>be Egyptian
>one of the few pure egyptians left after Muslim rape and constant assaults
>your country has finally fallen and it is a shadow of what is once was
>the Muslim leaders are corrupt and lazy and do nothing to lead your country to it's once great civilization
>your country is slowly eroding and it's infrastructure is significantly behind the times
>at the very least you have what you have always had and that is your history and the beauty and magnificence of a once terrifyingly powerful civilization that lasted for centuries and had a power that all other countries feared
>now that is being sullied and replaced as Africans claim they were the real leaders of your once great country
>the only thing you had left is being stolen by a group who have done almost nothing for as long as history has been a thing
no those are disgusting North Americans
Africans are too busy killing each other to care
Why would Bonaparte whitewash Egypt since Bonaparte was black in the first place ?
I really don't understand the Wewuzing narrative now.
>what is detroit and chicongo/chiraq
Nogs kill themselves no matter where they are. The only difference is, in America they get more gibs, so they can complain more while killing each other.
remember that William Shakespeare was a black man who stole from a black woman
What greatness? Mud huts?
mansa musa is a prime example of black incompetence. the richest man on earth by virtue of just having gold. he did nothing, his empire fell apart after his death
How did whites get to be in control to begin with, if they didn't even know how to bath?
I was saying that Africans don't have time to we wuz since they're killing and eating each other
hwuaite majic manz
Wow, picking out only the things you want to see huh? Well, look at THIS marvel of the world!
U say Africans.
I just see Egyptian shit.
>black heritage
being a slave or living in a houses made of shit? there is nothing to be pround of. Also stop this we wuz kangs and sheet, it is pathetic. You primitive cunts are trying to steal something that belongs to ancient egyptians who had nothing to do with black shits like you.
funniest thing is the date of completion, 1907
built by architects from al andalus and egypt
anyone with half a brain knows, that the nose blew off due to a bomb explosion in WW2. And if my cranium remembers it was an english bomb.
woops, got my mud castles confused with the djenee one
juz and shiet
lower Egypt is part of wide Egypt.
Egyptians were basically Arabs.
Research the Malian and Ethiopian empires. They were great.
Also, no. You can be a loser like these white supremacists, and take up a ridiculous stance of keeping everyone separate if you want. It'll never mean anything, because they're just disgruntled untermensch LARPing as Nazis. The world is becoming more interconnected, and that's a good thing. I'm not talking about "globalism;" the ideal system would be even more federated than national divisions - it would be at the community level. But people will soon be able to choose their communities more easily than ever before, and it won't be based on something as nonsensical as race. More likely, values and competencies, with people selecting partners more on intelligence and interests. Now excuse me while I chase Indian and Middle Eastern pussy, with my ethnically French/Russian/Jewish/Turkish cock/DNA.
The "Sphinx" was originally an Anubis and some Kang thousands of years ago destroyed it to put his face on it.
Ancient Egyptians nor Modern Egyptians are Black. Modern ones might be shitskins but they are not Niggers.
"Strikingly, the mummies were more closely related to ancient Europeans and Anatolians than to modern Egyptians"
"Both types of genomic material showed that ancient Egyptians shared little DNA with modern sub-Saharan Africans"
Stop claiming white history as your own.
Evryone knows it isnt Napoleon who blew it but Obelix
>haha loool you are such a nazi user xd
>The man who steals history has none
Memes aside. You have the right to be proud in your race and you have the right to live in an racial homogeneous society.
So go back to Africa and jump around a fire but don't act like ancient Egypt, which was ruled by an Aryan caste, was a society ruled by a bunch of Niggers.