Should Germany be partitioned between France and Poland???
Should Germany be partitioned between France and Poland???
yes,just end us already
Only after we clear out the shitskins from both countries.
BTW if any of you anons would wanna play a game of being feudal lord in the times of Charlemagne, look into Crusader Kings 2. Shit's dank
Keep dreaming, turk rape baby.
WTF is wrong with you
Eternal German will destroy the continent before that happens
Should Ukraine be partitioned between Russia and also Russia?
>being uneducated
>believing communist lies
Damn straight.
Also no. Salian Franks including Merowingians were Sicambrian in origin as per King Chlodvig's baptism record, and the Sicambrians were a Germanic tribe, although admittedly with some Celt admixture. As such, if anything, France as a Germanic nation (and of course Poland but without the population) should be re-integrated into Germany, though with the current occupation it might be some time till we can look into that.
Everything east of Elbe river is Polish, it always was. Thousands of archeological digsites proves this.
No, I don't want niggers and shitskins to flood my country.
uh, nein, taki 'freundów' nie chcemy. aha and tell that nogbert Schultz hes not making any friends over here
Its NOT polish, POLAND is still a NOBODY.
But who would take the niggers? We don't want them.
>implying Poland isn't already a country full of niggers
>inb4 only in le major cities argument
yeah like every western euro country
Can I we wuz too?
Gib this, parts of germany, best parts of poland and our shitholes.
>was actually referring to ethnic Poles
Major cities are also nigger free, save the occasional student and tourist. You can probably find a few skulking about in Warsaw centre
>major cities are nigger free
yeah nah
I lived in Poland for 18 fucking years and I've seen 4 (FOUR) niggers in total, and all of them were tourists. I lived in Kraków.
Suck my dick, all Euro countries are flooded with niggers except Poland.
>seen 4 niggers
yeah if you spend your days in the internet you probably won't see many people anyway
Who are you trying to fool? I bet you fags right now if I go to Poland tomorrow I will count more than 4 niggers in one fucking day
>he sucks the Polish dick so hard
How about Poland gets partitioned between Germany and the Ukraine. We’ll facilitate the poles to migrate to the commonwealth countries which they prefer anyhow.
That’s right polish people are white in color!
>Should the only country that can save the white race be partitioned between the 2 most pathetic nations in europe?
>save the white race
Do it.
france gets all the sandniggers, turks and shitskins and poland all ethnic germans and poles, the rest gets deported
Hahahahhahahahahah nice try Ali
кpим нaш, бpe
yлaн yлaн
>just ship them all to Turkey/ Greece and let them fuck shit up and make the region whiter
>100% Polish country has same average IQ as 56% Mongrel America
>because the average 25% Turk, 25% Gypsy, 50% Slavic Romanian is going to save the white race
>Frankish Empire
It's funny how Germans made a German out of Carolus and how Frenchies made a French out of him. Both modern nationalities do not know how connected their origin myths are
Good idea we should partition Ukraine too its a non-country anyway
gg tartar
>implying I said anything of the sort
try harder cunt
and who are YOU ?
you are literally a meme flag created by strong to suppress weak
the only influence that UN has is about countries like niggeristan that are weak and vulnerable
That is the silly thing about France and Germany: both have huge ties but we think we are natural ennemies
Some french even forget that England is France's natural ennemy
England is everyone's enemy
Not them, you know (((who))) is the natural ennemy of all Europe
>the only country that can save the white race
I don't know how to feel about your post. On the one hand, it is beneficial for Poland that Germans hate their country and don't give a shit about its future. On the other, it's just sad to see a man to give up hope for his own homeland.
bulgarian empire ?
this is some serious deep autistic shit
>Bulgarian Empire
More like Bulge-aryan empire
That's a pretty big empire
Just like you should be partitioned between Poland and Russia.
It's some old shit.
shut up and get children!
>be german
>blond hair
>blue eyes
>great grandfather fought in WW1
>grandfather escaped russian camps, then fought in stalingrad where he lost an eye and was later awarded the iron cross
>get called a turk by some some self hating mongrel
How's it feel to have no ancestors or nation to be proud of ?
Not even its greatest extent. Pic related.
And this is in 814.
It was bigger in 927, just when our greatest tzar - Simeon I just died. He annihilated byzantines on regular basic(once destroyed their whole army they had to run all the way back to Constantinopole), btfo'd magyars from modern-day Ukraine and forced them to settle in Transylvania and Panonia and demolished the serv state.
This. People for Russia, land for Poland.
hear this: i don't care for the shape of you borders
i care for a government that's strong enough not to let those borders collapse
France? They are just as bad.
Aheloy battle best day of my life
>called "the battle of the century"
>60 000 Byzantine scum slaughtered
>The Bulgarians obtained a decisive victory which not only secured the previous successes of Simeon I but made himde factoa ruler of the wholeBalkan Peninsula
No, then France would be the new most powerful country in Europe.
This. Fuck France.
what in the fuck
See Pollock, this wouldn't have happened if you let the Fallangists win, give back Danzig to Germany then join them in an attack on the Eternal Anglo and his best friend the Eternal Jude. No disrespect Poland, but you dun goofed right there. Good to see that your current youth are returning to their roots as protectors of Europe. It was you who helped defeat the disgusting hordes of liver-failure from the Asian Steppes
Kek just go with it
>Anglo saxon kingdoms
Slav is larp, slav is love
>southern Basarabia to Russia
>Now find a picture that says Slavic Tribes in the 4th Century
>Pro-tip, you can't
>Slavs pretending they did a great thing by cucking behind the Mongo-Hunnic Hordes and taking land from the fleeing European population.
How was it hiding in the Urals whilst Europe was being raped by the Yellow man?
Take back bessarabia from the Russkimutts you proud Dacians.
I buy it.
Croats too.
>travel across the entire Poland and play "spot a nog" just to win this argument
>fail miserably
will do Viking friend
>Travel across the entire England and play "spot a whitey" just to win this argument
>Win argument because there are no white people left in England
Pollock, I hav question
How comes polish move to England, France, Germany to let their children hate Poland and become niggerloving racetraitors.
Every polish person i met in England that grew up there want Poland more black and owes no allegiance to Poland. Should emigrants like these be considered allies of the Eternal Anglo and the Eternal Jude and be executed?
You know what that means, right?
Wessex conquered those Cornish cucks so hard most of them fled to France.
top kek
Ey yo senpai, yuo called?
we wuz Slavs and shiet?
Im ok mit this
This is a perfect example to how official history is manipulated to fit the interest of the big powers.
You were bandits and thieves. That's what the word means.
yeah that's all in the past
And then west goys unironically believe it.
Burn and throw salt on it.
Lets see if that way they stop from trying destroy Europe every now and then
Probably because HE IS polish kek
Poland is such a overrated place by the right wing.
The whole Turkic invasion of South-East Europe is rather shady anyway. Who's to say all those Bulgars, Pechenegs or whatever were literally identical to modern Turkic people in or whether they already heavily mixed with Iranians or other populations.
Those are the lefties. Few conservatives leave Poland for richer countries even though economically that's an obvious choice. It's a matter of personality and beliefs. Lefties only give a shit about themselves, value having fun, living an easy life and having little or no responsibilities above all else. Conservatives on the other hand value unity, have strong collectivist values and want trust, order and peace above all. That's a matter of one's personality traits. That's also why it's so hard to convince people to another point of view regardless of which one do they have.
>dun goofed
>get to keep Gdańsk
>14 million germans die in the process
I think germans are the ones that dun goofed
Give them all to Poland. Maybe their nationalism would rub off to the krauts and they'd stop with their annoying attempts at globalism and the browning of the west.
Denmark and Holland! Last thing the poles or french is more clay. NOW GERMANY GIB!
Thank you for your answer polland
Those Anglo Saxon kingdom borders look wrong
No, because if Polland fought WITH germany instead of against, the jew would not have one. You poles would have raced to Moscow faster than Stalin would be able to say "Hooraah, blame the Katyn on the Germans"