Is Psychology the biggest fraud?

Their only function is telling modern people why they're unhappy in hedonism

No, it's not a fraud. There's a lot of nonsense within psychology, but it's a worthy science.

yes, look at tim cruise. he's the most successful movie star of all time and he did it by outright rejecting modern psychology. The real redipill is that scientology is right

I think we're meant to change and grow and work through things like depression on our own by staying busy and not wallowing the way people tend to do. Aren't Jews the ones who are known for complaining about shit 24/7? Always be grateful for the things that you have

Tim Cruise is Tom Cruise’s less famous younger brother. Tim works twice as hard, but never gets the big roles or the attention of the ladies. Tim has a snagletooth and a lazy eye. God made him defective. Poor Tim. A cloud always hovers over Tim Cruise’s thinning scalp. Will anyone remember Tim when he dies? Poor Time Cruise.

Jews are known for working, staying busy and constant prayers of thanks and gratefulness.

Psychology is more about controlling people than actually helping them
>You've been through X hard experience, let's funnel the trauma reaction into something that's useful for (((us))) and not a threat to our (((system))).

>Jews the ones who are known for complaining about shit 24/7

are you implying everyone on Sup Forums, including yourself, is a Jew?

With that system you get a high suicide rate
And while I know you're gonna pull up natural selection next, that is not gonna help our declining birthrates

Psychology is necessary, but I think we rely too much on medication
A lot could be fixed with a healthier diet and more exercise,
a healthy body healthy mind kind of thing
Most people just need a confidence boost, and what better way then getting in shape

Here have it my deserve it

I think psychology is kind of a shifting sands field, it’s supposed to get to the root of how humans think and/or why, but nothing is absolute because everyone is different and you can never say with 100% accuracy that any given person will act or behave a certain way based on study of other people in the past. At best we can group people together under certain umbrellas and identify common behaviors, but even then these are just coincidences at best since we have a hard time proving that actions of one person help determine actions of another.

>everyone on Sup Forums is a Jew
This is the real red pill.

How do you tell apart what's nonsense and what isn't? Psychology has no objective criteria by which the veracity of its claims can be verified, only ever citing muh consensus as evidence, meaning it's basically just a circlejerk.


Observations, psychometrics, experiments, etc. And even natural sciences like physiology often aren't as objective and purely empirical as people like to think. But I wasn't commenting on methods, I just think that a field dedicated to studying the mind as it is, removed from neuroscience, is a good idea.

The toothpaste knows

there is such a thing as psychology, it just bears very little resemblance to what is taught as psychology

real psychology is all about physiology and the quantum mind hypothesis. it would also have to dip heavily into archetypes to serve any type of good purpose.

Nothing wrong with that on paper, but people are stupid. As soon as you attach the label "scientific" to anything, retards start to believe anything that is said as Gospel truth. Then the drug pushing pharmaceutical industry takes note and begins to exploit it, next thing you know children are being fed drugs they don't need based on theories that can't be proven.

>Is Psychology the biggest fraud?
That's questioning, and one would expect a reasonable response of ones psychological feedback.

Freud believed that most human motivations derived from an unconscious sexual drive, the body’s relentless search for pleasure.

Jung believed this approach was too limited. He saw that we are motivated by the need to adapt to our environment and that the search for pleasure is only one aspect.

Peterson mostly ascribes to the Jung-ian school of thought.

I think Jung is more on point when it comes to the Oedipal complex because he identifies women from a young age seeing other women as competition starting with their mother.

>quantum mind

and into the trash it goes

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