Become a nigger.
Become a nigger
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why niggers didn't rape """her""" yet?
guys stop joking around this is my only chance to get a right wing waifu
Tell you are Finnfag.
Donate $2000 via patreon and you are entitled to a 10 minute skype conversation.
yeah I was just looking on her instagram, she's a million miles out of my league.
feels bad man
Don't worry too much, she is actually a very nice and friendly person.
wow look at these faggots hahahaha
go to bed woes
/r9k/ tier shit
im not woes lol
i wonder how he's doing though
She's too fat. Look at her arms.
keep your yellows
dont bother, shes got a pussy already and doesn't need another one
she prefers nigger cock so you don't have a chance.
She's already taken.
>How do I contact her?
Try and meet her on the streets, she usually goes everywhere abroad with her boyfriend though
>wanting to date a girl who got BLACKED
Contact her through email and just say you're a based black and voted Trump in Scotland. She only dates black guys
[email protected]
[email protected]
she's taken?
i ant black lmao. should i start to 'identify' black though.
Yes. Long term.
alright cool.
how am I ever going to find a proper wife. fuck.
I just want a (cis) girl whose white and redpilled.
Shes at Airdrie sheriff court. Don't ask how I know.
that finger ratio ...
Man I can't believe that racist nazist is going to walk away from this. Both him and his anti-semitic dog should be put down. Free speech not Hate speech.
Why did she hide her relationship status on FB tho? It showed, that she was in a relationship for at least half a year, but it is gone now, same for Luke.
probably hides it so that retards like me are more interested in her
try the israeli embassy
Tell her you're half-irish.
It's only 200 bucks a month bro. Dont be a virgin, pay the girl.
Strange girl
oh god hopefully she leaves soon
>english flag
Don't know. I assumed that they are still together as there has been nothing coming up about them not being a thing anymore. Maybe she's single then, I don't know for sure.
buddy it's the UK flag. scotland failed to gain independence.
Looks like a porn convention
It's only most of my monthly wage bro
you're damn right
She really fucked up her upper lip.
Ask Woes, he'd have her number.
Its a union flag the porridge wogs are represented
She doesn't share too much about her private life, which is a good thing. She never even confirmed, who her boyfriend was, it was obvious tho. Some of her patrons asked her about it during livestreams, buit she never replied. She is right, private life should remain private.
My camera man just had to walk out of the Nazi Pug case because the crown has said "gas the Jews" about 700 times and won't stop acting like this mans pug was going to start the 4th reich. I can't do this anymore.
She does it so you can think she's attainable, not for some noble purpose. She brags about guys masturbating to her for god's sake, she's well aware of what she is.
>She brags about guys masturbating to her
There's only one finn.
Finnbro, show yourself, I know you're here.
It was a joke in her book not bragging.
"She was joining a verbal game about anime and masturbation that others had started. She was also clearly signaling her political alignment with the rightist men that Rick Wilson was attempting to mock. It was a small political joke and nothing else, a joke that indicates that she sympathized with Alt-Right racialists and felt inclined to include herself among them."
In her book, and even that is taken out of context. She doesn't brag, but point it out for some reason.
Lauren Southern is actually a Ashkenazijew named Laurent Soderstein. Haven't anybody noticed his extreme jaw-line?
Who cares if she is in scotland you daft wee twat.
She's a roastie.
Women are always cunts.
It's funny though, when I saw the pic while scrolling the browser, I thought to myself "fuck what shite country is she in? it looks like scotland" sure enough, it was scotland.
My advice is, if you shag her, shag her well.
Nothing beats a scotsman in the bedroom. We all ken that.
>"If there was a moment in the 2016 U.S. election that epitomized this newfound hate for the young on the right, it was Republican consultant Rick Wilson’s infamous… declaration that Trump supporters were “childless, single losers who masturbate to anime.” Guilty as charged. Well, except I don’t masturbate to anime characters. I dress up like them and guys masturbate to me."