Have you ever acted like a racist in public?
If yes, how did people react?
Have you ever acted like a racist in public?
If yes, how did people react?
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All the time.
People almost always laugh.
i got in an argument with a black guy once over whether fat cottage cheese booty or small fit asses are better. a nearby fatty got annoyed
Said "I only date white girls" to two Indian girls who were interested in me. Some people were kinda upset but I explained it's a preference, not racism.
Got drunk and called a nigger "NIGGER!" on the street. Fortunately I didn't get beaten up.
I redpilled my best friend and now we're openly racist around each other. At the beginning it was difficult but at this point after meeting a mixed girl he says "she's mixed with shit, don't touch that".
I always give niggers the stink eye, like 80% of my fellow Estonians.
Said nigger during rugby. Ppl were upset
>Two days ago a black bum blocked my way.
>I walk around him.
>He throws a sandwich at me.
>I call him a nigger and walk on.
>black teen on bike sees this & follows me to parking lot and stays circling me
>pick up empty brandy bottle, wave it menacingly at nog
>he rolls out
>I remind myself to watch my power level.
>scream niggers at local drug dealers (they're always black or kebab)
>come back at night
>start autistic screeching.mp3
>chase after them with a knife
they usually come back after a month or so, they'll peddle their shit elsewhere ofc but atleast not near places where a lot of youth hangs around
in college i was at a basketball game and one of our players was an israeli import, and did something stupid, and i was like, "come on, you piece of shit from israel."
and some girls next to me were like, "did you hear what that guy said?" like they were shocked. nobody did anything though, because 99.999% of people are pussies.
Almost 99% of the time, they are reacting good or not at all, we are all racist towards skin color and ethnicity, we even hate greeks, serbs, macedonians and russians
>t. Russian rape baby
not directly towards someone but i say words like blatte, babbe, neger loud as hell, no one ever says anything
Yeah. Whites usually laugh and women/shitskins get uncomfortable/start wishing someone would say something.
Don't know.
The concept of western racism dosnt exist here.
So by your standards everyone here is very openly racist.
As it should be
Yeah when I was young I didn't have a filter people found it either funny or were really offended by it.
::big nog walks by terry a davis::
>terry: hey nigger
::big nog stops and looks at terry
>big nog: undistinguishable nogging with catbuttface
::big nog carries on::
>Have you ever acted like a racist in public?
All the time
>If yes, how did people react?
Everyone is as racist as me
At first they acted shocked. One person acted offended. When the offended person left then the others told me they hated niggers as well.
Yes, was kicked out of the bar
Every time I brandish a handgun at a bad driver I yell 'Nigger' at them, regardless of their race.
I once called a drunk abo in a pub a goon-guzzler after he shoved a mate of mine, no real reaction from anyone there.
>"Two guys got escorted off site earlier for stealing"
>"I bet it was the black guys"
>Deathly stares.
Turns out it was them.
fucking kek
You forgot the part where he gets beaten up..
I sometime give people the you blacky mc black stare. but they don't know how to read stares. but if they did, theyd be like woah.
how public?
in a half controlled environment, yes (classroom with people I knew for about a week)
they thought I was joking, since I did make racist jokes, but even my 'I'm actually serious, people just think I'm joking.' was brushed aside as a joke
people at work told me I look too nice to be racist, guess they can't stand that thought that not all racists are retarded 1488 skinheads
What kind of stuff did you say
I call my Asian girlfriend a gook and a chink to her face, I imitate a a stereotypical Chinese accent in front of her, and I make constant references to cooking dogs and cats when she makes food for me.
same here, she is japanese tho
And yet you're more degenerate than a mud shark.
Holy fuck polacks look retarded as fuck
At parties, often, it's like people were just waiting for you to start off the dirty talk.
Went around in public with a very ugly girl (school colleague) I couldn't care less about.
Saw a nigger with a blonde. Unintentionall blurted out: "Rassenschande".
She was shocked and didn't speak a word for the remainder of the time (footwalk plus long train ride). Admittedly, she was some sort of anarcho-leftist or something. Really low IQ.
Only once when I was 10, and by accident.
>new years party at rich friend's place
>he starts up his Sega console with the TV really loud
>incredibly loud "SEEEEGAAAA"
>afterwords I yell "NIIIIGGAAAA" the same way
>no clue what it meant
>black adult looks at me weird
No one reacts because it's perfectly normal
Wow lucky girl and you sound like such a swell contributor to humanity
I didn't even laugh. I wish i was sheep again
but my gf is qt
Do I need to post photos?
They were like "OMG, I'm so triggered right now." but that was all. I just stood my ground and smiled.
What did you exactly say?
Cringworthy. Typing and talking American style but being a foriegners living in somewhere like Spain.
Yeah, I have. Nobody actually does anything, including the nigger that you just called nigger. They just stand there with their mouths open. Leftists will talk a lot of shit online but they'll never say a damn thing to your face. So much for the whole "punch a nazi" thing when I walk around with a swastika patch on my backpack all the time and nobody says shit to me about it.
Okay Alfonso.
The only right answer
>pic related
Once a nigger cut a line in front of us and My dad said "Hey Bongo, the line ends over there!" and pointed at the end. Everybody was smiling or smirking. Some things feel good in eastern europe.
Okay elaborate more on what you're talking about and explain pic.
I'm interested.
yes. some bitch was angry about it and called me rasict and i called her bitch.
I'd honestly take your gopniks over the plague we currently have.
I've got a friend who's turned into an art, he's always saying super edgy shit to cause a reaction, eventually everyone just caught on to it, when said horrible shit in public other people would tell new people "oh that's just josh, he want's to see your reaction", this lead to him unleashing his power level and calling ever black person we meet a nigger to their face without consequence.
I'd rather have a qt japanese gf than your typical european feminist cumdumpster whore. Seems that most girls here in catalonia are like that.
That said, 2D>>>>>>>>>>infinite>D
Every possible racial slur concerning niggers, arabs, turks, gypsies. Everyone just nods their head in affirmation or uses a similar slur.
We don't have political correctness.
Called a nigger a "nigger" in a pub when I was half-cut. He punched me in the face. Not making that mistake again.
Yeah, got in a fight over it a couple of months ago on a night out.
Police saw everything. I didn't throw the first punch so I wasn't even fined or anything.
Good job my fellow Kraut.
I call everyone a fag in public.
No blatant racism in public only "interesting News and statistics" but im openly racist to my friends. I always call out (((them))) while my cuck friends are calling (((them))) globalists.
I've always tried to stay pretty tactful, but I used to date this girl that discovered my power level, and she started wearing swastika earrings occasionally (sometimes when we went out, sometimes when we were just fooling around).
Mostly there were just stares, but I remember one time this black dude flipped out in a restaurant. He didn't say anything to either of us, but he started yelling and demanding they make his food to go, because he didn't want to be there anymore.
i was called racist at gregg's
black guy kept ripping my shiry in a soccer match. had enough and pushed him and told him to go back to africa like a nigger. when i think back i might have overreacted a bit. but it was a private soccer league with 0 rewarda and he acted like there was a million dollar prize for winning. never liked people who rip shirts in soccer, to this day it still pisses me off when i watch a soccer game and grown men rip eachothers shirts. an aggresive hard shoulder is fine though.
that's actually hilarious
Nowadays, I even go steps further to my friends. But as a law student, I must keep shut in public.
How do you act like a racist in public? Do you just say "nigger" instead of black person? Do you say "fuck off nigger" whenever a nigger asks you for directions?
I don't see how it'd be any different if black people don't talk to you anyway.
"Neger" in German. For as valid as a Negerkuß.
in the early 90s it was essential to survive my middle school. everyday when our bus rolled up we were shouting fuck niggers and what not and backpacks were sporting KKK and confederate flags. daily confrontations were to be expected and a group of 20+ of us whites vs. 30-40 niggers was more than enough to hold our own. they called us Tamacrackers after our neighborhood. we proudly adopted it. we were the last generation like that though. by the 2000s it was no more
Post a better pic without the fag(you) if possible. I'll rub one out to your gf
yes, I said fuck white people and nobody even looked
I dont know if it counts, but I've gotten scolded by my professor for saying polack (I have a polish grandfather who says it all the time) and for a few of my extremely mild jew jokes in class
Haha German
I have 2 german tourists staying here atm.
They're super interested in all my Hitler speeches and info like the German Civil War 1918 etc and myself and all my flatmates openly hate jews all day
However the tourists met more tourists and we had 18+ germans here for the last week and they are Uber closed minded.
In a conversation about civil war I referenced 1918 and they instantly told me that never happened. They argued it into me showing them wikipedia entry on my phone and they still denied it, said racists made that and they would know about their own history more than some Kiwi fuck
All the time, with lines like 'all niggers deserve to be lined up and shot in the back of the head'
It's perfectly fine because 99% of Polish people are insanely racist and agree with this
Does she have some kind of raceplay fetish (comfort girl for white men; bonus points if she's Korean)? That just sounds stupid and uncivilized otherwise.
But knowing their own history is illegal. Mein Kampf only recently came back into print in Germany
not really racist but "homophobic"
>be out drinking
>someone called me gay
>told him i don't have HIV
>no one but the gay guy gets the joke
>gay guy goes on a complete meltdown
Wow since when do we hate south western Bulgaria?
Stabbed him in the back...Jew confirmed.
>hugs him
>stabs him in the back
It is fun pointing out to Germans that the only history they're allowed to hear, History Of World War II 1946 Edition, is largely regarded as old war propaganda in every country but Germany
>Do you say "fuck off nigger" whenever a nigger asks you for directions?
Well, no. To me the difference lies in the attitude.
Single individuals rarely cause much trouble where I live. So a negro asking for directions is no big deal, at most you get extra conscious about your belongings.
The troublemaking niggers almost always hang around in packs, usually a blend of niggers and sandniggers, the latter being dominant in numbers. Obviously you stay clear of such people at all costs and stay away from the big cities.
Germans have a pretty morbid sense of humor don't they? (not that that's a bad thing)
Had an argument with like 12 students at NYE about why being gay is hurting our society, why childless dykes (there were 7 of them at the table) should overthink their issues wtih settling down in monogamy and why the EU is basically East Germany on steroids. Got kicked out before I could start talking about the 'fugees (and before New Year). Shit was fun actually cuz i drank their alcohol fo' free.
Caught 2 niggers trying to get in the back of my van with a crowbar during Xmas holidays.
Opened my bedroom window and shouted at the top of my voice something like "OI, FUCK OFF MY VAN YOU DIRTY NIGGERS" and they ran off, luckily they hadn't put the crowbar to the door, so no damage.
Now my neighbours know my power level.
Sounds like a busy evening.
Post her feet.
I'm not very familiar with soccer so I have no idea what "ripping a shirt" is. At first I took it literally, but then you compared it to giving someone a hard shoulder which confused me. Mind explaining?
Does jail count as public
>'fo free
Are you a nigger? You know you can type properly and no one would notice.
I've realized a lot more people are red pilled to the pajeet problem here in Iceland than I thought. (Note:"Pajeet" is really just a catch-all term for black/brown "Asians". It's mostly Philippino's and whatever, Indians aren't common at all.)
Ye it was...I drank a whole bowl of bowle and I had to concentrate a bit more than usual. While debatting I drank another half of a bowl (some dykes made some new bowle in the kitchen). Didn't knew everyone of them except for the host, which is a dyke co-worker of mine. I want to have a little aftermath talk with that cunt to crush her spirit of being a useless part for our society.
>Triggered by wordings
Red pilled Canadian born Chinese wife driving almost gets side swiped by mainlander ching chong rolls down her window and screams what you didn't see me here you fucking chink! Keks for life about that one orientals born in are based as fuck and hate their own kind. Also have beautiful super smart daughter
I used to tell jokes about niggers in front of a nigger, who didn't know if he should laugh or not.
Since they became 60% Albanian
It's a slippery slope. Don't call it out now because "it's just the internet, man" and eventually we'll be typing like texting high school girls.
Have some dignity.
Its verbally and physically impossible for I to be racist.
>Its classed as self hate, regardless.
>Self hate is destructive.
I hate you not because your black or white, but because your flawed and imperfect.
faggots in soccer tend to grab the opponents shirt and hold onto it. like pic related.
>finding Asians attractive ever
wtf is wrong with you
I have been openly racist at my job for years, never heard a word back about it, in fact I'm pals with most of the supervisors. But, this is the South.
>triggered by someone calling out your valleygirl nonsense