White people

/Pol when will you grow up and just accept the fact that the world doesn't revolve around whites, and that if you are christian like some of you claim to be; that blacks,Asians and Hispanics are also included in the statement "man was created in gods image". You should have never invaded our countries if you weren't going to accept the fact that we would come to the west. Give me a legitimate answer instead of the usual dead memes and cherry picking ugly people. Do you honestly think the Christian God would reward this behavior?

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/z8qhdc2m3x7a2u6/CHRISTIAN BOOKS COLLECTION.zip?ssl=1

>dude weed
>the post
go to sleep

>niggers have ethno states
>spics have ethno states
>poos have ethno states
>chinks have ethno states

whites have.... multiculturalism

Oh really, then why does every single one of those have entire laundry lists of countries in various states of destruction as a result of inter-ethnic strife? Like, literally only Japan is exempt and we know how well they're doing.

Also why the fuck do you care? I don't feel any brotherhood or kinship with most of the EU or most of the "white world". I care about Afrikaners because they are kin, I couldn't give a fuck less about countries like Sweden or Norway, with their disgusting state-centric virtue complexes. White supremacy is even more asinine than Europeanism.

Adam was created in Gods image. Adam was not first "human", Adam (Aw-dawm "to show blood in face") was the first "White" human (Caucasoid)


Louise Farrakhan knows the truth youtu.be/jzqypp9wNEM

Pre-Adamites were Asian and Black or Mongoloid and Negroid. Jews of today (Ashkenazi) are spawned from both Mongoloid and Negroid.

Shut up, fag, you've never even fuckin' hit the DMT before retard.

America belongs to whites, more specifically Anglos. It is ours many times over by right of conquest and we annihilated the only other possible claimants.

All of the virtuous black and brown people Cried "colonialism" and the evil white man agreed with them "Colonialism is bad, you are entitled to your own home" so the white man left. Why is the opposite ok? Why are the black and brown people allowed to colonize the white homeland no questions asked.

The virtuous black and brown people cried "Racism" and the evil white man decided racism was bad and was the first to codify it out of existance. Now the black and brown people openly discriminate against white people.

It's very clear most black and brown people lack the maturity and intellectual capacity to understand life on the white man's level. But there's no use trying to explain it. Mentally, they're mostly children.

Know where I can find some? I live in the UK
No it belonged to the natives, "muh prophecy" doesn't change that

>meme flag
>thinks he deserves an answer
Kill yourself.
The only mistake the West made was not exterminating all foreign cultures/tribes when we came into contact with them. This planet belongs to us yet we were too weak to do what was necessarily to ensure our final victory. We won't repeat that mistake again if given the chance.

So why do the other races exist? For what purpose?

Operative word.
If you take something by force, then it's yours until someone else takes it away or you give it away.

The natives lost it.

And the modern world does revolve around whites, nobody gives a shit about a terrorist attack in Turkey, everyone gives a shit when it's a white country.

The entire modern world revolves around whites and asians, with a few dictators lucky enough to sit on some mineral wealth chipping in every once in awhile.

You're an idiot user, don't you realize that everyone thinks this way? Everyone thinks they deserve a utopia, my question is why should it be whites? Especially if you believe in the Christian god why the fuck would God allow the other races to exist, if not for the fact that they would be judged the same way you are.

So when you come on this board and complain about the fall of western society, are you not the same as those natives you took the country from; when you fall eventually will you also ask for special benefits? What makes you fundamentally different from every other race besides the power you hold right now.

instagram local area, or craigslist.

I don't believe in the Christian god, stop assuming things you stupid fuck.
>Everyone thinks they deserve a utopia, my question is why should it be whites?
Because unlike everyone else, Whites are capable of building the closest thing to utopia. Why else would they want to live in our countries? Would it have to do with the fact people are rich, have good food, good clothes, homes, cars, and don't have to worry about every day violence like the brown shitholes on the rest of the planet?

Whites spent thousands of years fighting each other, got bored and then conquered the planet in a short amount of time. All but a handful of countries were subjected to our rule. The mistake was not killing them all.

So if your shithole of a country, where ever you live, invaded any white country, we would have the right to come to your country, live of your welfare, fuck your women, and tell you that you are racist 24/7

And who says that the world revolves around white people? White people are a minority in this world, just leave us the fuck alone and go back to your looser country you fucking idiot

cook ayahuasca by yourself, just buy mimosa hostilis root bark from south america.

fuck yourself subhuman if your shity genes cant make your country great dont spread your fucking disease and kill yourself,european make the world great bringing the world to a new era you fuck everything you touch

Created the jinns and angels on Earth, can't wipe one another out. It is impossible.
It is to serve the people on Earth. quit complaining.

You're correct. The world doesn't revolve around whites, it revolves because of whites. Without us you would still be living in your mud huts eating bugs. You're welcome.

>can't wipe one another out. It is impossible.
The White man disagrees. You can be wiped away like a boot wipes away a cockroach, we just need the will.

When will you tumblr faggots be able to name a nigger country you'd want to live in

not even human

>the world doesn't revolve around whites
Then why y'all motherfuckers keep comin around ??? Blacks,Asians,hispanics AND jews are Whites beta orbiters .




>Do you honestly think the Christian God would reward this behavior?
God's not real faggot, fuck third world shitskins.



this is the only god there is


Whites invaded, they won and they built you schools, hospitals, technology and all the basic shit to keep you alive and well. Stop rambling.



mediafire.com/file/z8qhdc2m3x7a2u6/CHRISTIAN BOOKS COLLECTION.zip?ssl=1
