Anti-wallers BTFO. Trump will build the biggest most expensive wall the world has ever seen.
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This is good news if he doesn't bend on the DACA nonsense. Otherwise we'll be Sweden in 10 years.
>seeking the money =/= getting the money
>only 700 miles
mexico is not paying for it
the wall won't stop illegal immigration at the slightest
and 18 billion dollars will go to some wall instead of things like education and welfare
but hey, at least he's doing something other than making tax plans that benefit the rich
You trumptards must be proud of yourself
mr president weve hit a snag in the budget. were now going with a long string to trip them as they come across. bu dum hiss
The rest is unpassable terrain.
Chinas "great wall" btfo
if it costs that much to build it, think about how much it will cost to maintain it!
not going to happen
don't try to out do yourself
It's already been done - The Great Wall of China
For a country that spends trillions on their military, that's literally nothing.
citation needed
I love seeing Mexican jerky in the Sonoran desert. Trump should command ICE smash up water stations too.
Are you arguing with yourself?
Wtf I love giving Doquarius and Sunfobeatria money to pump out retards and then waste money trying to make them not retarded now.
>instead of things like education and welfare
I'd rather 18 billion dollars be put in a pile and burned than go towards entitlements.
>It's already been done - The Great Wall of China
how much does that cost to maintain?
most illegals come here on a work visa and just don't go back.
A wall won't change that. And there will never be support for a secret police force conducting deportations.
If you want to get rid of the mexicans, you need to punish the people and businesses who hire them to work here. If a contractor got shut the fuck down for employing illegals they wouldn't do it. But they aren't, so they continue to give American jobs to Jose and Jefe which only brings more of the breeders up here.
>700 miles
>And there will never be support for a secret police force conducting deportations.
who said it had to be secret?
parts of it are in ruin because nobody gives a shit
Is there a better design for the wall than this? All of the prototype walls in Arizona look retarded by comparison.
Education isn't an entitlement dumbass. Unemployment insurance and social security are though. You need to pick up a fucking book.
they dont catch people there
Make it an even 1,000 miles for $15 billion, $15 million per mile is a steal.
Long as the illegals are corralled into ICE traps or California this will work
Because it wouldn't work otherwise.
>18 billion dollars will go to some wall instead of things like education and welfare
the US government, as the CURRENCY ISSUER, does not need to choose between the wall and education/welfare. they can have both, i hope they're smart enough to do so.
That's not a citation, I wanted proof not conjecture that 1200 of the 1900 mile border is impassable. Sounds like wishful thinking to cover for a meager 700 mile request.
That looks nice. Europe needs one of those.
Fugg boner, how much steel would it take to build the wall?
China literally has millions of tons of steel just sitting in warehouses to be sold. I am all about buy America but this could be cheap as fuck to build.
Go try and cross it yourself, nigger boy.
you're right except the wall is extremely important, must have it.
If you've ever driven stretches of the border in parts of Arizona and west Texas you'll know there's fucking nothing out there but desert and semi-mountainous scrub. Between Yuma and Nogales is a fucking wasteland. Texas has similar sized gaps. Why the fuck would you chance crossing over into these hundreds of miles of nothing when you could just swim across into McAllen or walk across right up the western coastline of CA? I don't have a source but it wouldn't shock me if like 90% of these border crossings only happened in like 10 places.
heres one of those "wastelands" that they wont cross. Tons of garbage and litter for an area that is "impassable" -- though I'm sure you'll be happy with only 700 miles even if its just a token amount to pacify you and doesn't actually solve the whole border problem.
>asking for money
>sane people btfo
lol gtfo
after this also fails,
>new plan to ask for money
>anti wallers btfo FINALLY
>fails again
regarding the wall:
common sense tells me that the Mexicans would simply get a small rafts and launch by the hundreds of thousands a year from Playa Bagdad and land near Port Isabel Texas, and as well launch by the hundreds of thousands per year from around the Parque Mexico Norte near Tijuana and land around the Imperial Beach areas of San Diego.
So the immigration will simply be shifted from overland to through calm beaches. How is $18billion dollars therefore worth the cost? Perhaps I would still support building it, as it helps fortify the conservative tribal forces and unify us.
The government has been throwing money into education for decades and our literacy rates have stagnated. If you had a brain you would know money isn't the issue.
Trump promised a wall.
If only we had something to guard our coasts. Some sort of Coast Guard...
You don't understand dude. In McAllen you can take a boat tour and see huge groups of them just hanging out in the reeds waiting for the sun to go down. Not talking about a base camp for a couple hundred desperate individuals.
What a fucking waste of money. But hey, at least gutting health care can pay for it since Mexico isn't!
18 billion dollars to spend on what? More failing inner city schools? More "das racis" blacks to get a free pass despite failing grades? You fucking morons think we can just throw money at it until it's fixed.
Small sized automatic fire drone swarms patrolling a 5 mile wide death corridor buffered by a 1 mile safe zone, in a perpetual patrol/recharge cycle all controlled by AI, shooting anyone in sight, all along the border.
Panama Canal 2.0 - Let's GO. It's been awhile since America's built something so huge it can be bragged about for hundreds of years. .
you might not be very smart
not getting. I thought Republicans voted against the wall 38 times
>completely moves the goalposts and starts talking about river crossers instead of muh wastelands that "nobody crosses"
Wasn't Mexico going to pay for the wall?
>Why the fuck would you chance crossing over into these hundreds of miles of nothing when you could just swim across into McAllen or walk across right up the western coastline of CA
McAllen and CA are where the wall will be?
liar shareblue shiller cuck sjw you are liar and FAKE NEWS reported for not maga
Why is Israel the only country that achieved 100 percent separation barrier? And that barrier is keeping Israel safe.
A document prepared by the Department of Homeland Security for a group of senators shows the administration's plan to nearly double the amount of fencing on America's southern border, from 654 miles currently built to around 1,000 miles total
Why just 1000 miles? Why not 2000 miles?
KYS Ahmed
Why do people have to have this explained to them over and over. Trump said Mexico would pay. He did not say they would cut a check. Instead, we will take it out of the shit they rip us off with, such as the 26 billion in remittances or some other thievery the Mexican government perpetrates.
>The big, beautiful wall is going to get built and Mexico is going to pay for it
>The big, beautiful wall is going to get built and we are going to pay for it
>The see-through wall is going to get built, and we are going to pay for it
>The partial wall is going to get built, and we are going to pay for it
>The new fencing is going to get built, and we are going to pay for it
>The """wall""" (in the form of increased border security) is going to get built, and we are going to pay for it
>The wall was just a metaphor, and we are going to metaphorically pay for it
>The wall is not going to get built, because border crossings are down and we never needed it anyway
>Otherwise we'll be Sweden in 10 years.
Nah. My country will beat you to it.
Not really a wall isn't going to stop people from getting here. They can float over on a boat, smuggle themselves in a car or truck, or buy a plane ticket and not go back. If they were really desparate, a ladder or a shovel would defeat the wall in at most a few days.
Take away the jobs and they will fuck off back to Spic land. Anything short of throwing businessmen in prison for hiring illegal immigrants will not do the job.
18 billion? Should be a piece of cake for a guy like Trump, he has congress under his thumb. There is probably tons of money left over in the budget after all those tax cuts for rich jews to build an 18 billion dollar advertisement for trumps second term. He has lots of friends in congress ;) [art of the deal chapter 12 - 5 milliionj d chess]
Worst case scenario us NEETs of Sup Forums will just have to get jobs and contribute a little extra money to the tax pool. Definitely this will happen guys, nice.
Funny how that pic is supposed to ridicule white men when that actually sounds like paradise
Nice plebbit spacing you enormous faggot
>Walls don't stop illegal immigration
Patently false
>Implying 18 billion dollars is a lot
>welfare is more important that preventing people that pay little to no taxes and send money out of the country
Wew lad
~90% of the Great wall is literally a pile or crumbling rocks or dirt piles and has been since almost the moment it was built because it was never maintained. Turns out building a wall the length of a country isn't very economically sound. The parts of it your see on photos are mostly restorations for tourism done by the chinese government to the cost of hundreds of millions in the last couple of decades.
They will pay in trade deals and slashing of aid and subsidies.
That's the point, they pay one way or the other
>That looks nice. Europe needs one of those.
Not really, just kick the turks out of Constantinople and patrol the Mediterranean
It is made of stone and 2300 years old mate.
I think rebar supported concrete might last a bit longer, we've made a few advancements in building techniques since the fucking Qin dynasty
I'm going to build a house and my boss will pay for it, because I get a raise.
He'll pay for it one way or another.
How is that even remotely the same?
A more apt metaphor would be my employees will each kick in 5 quid for a security system or I will take it out of their paychecks, they pay one way or another
>18 billion murishekels for a third of the wall
You trumptards got fucking shafted and still believe his bullshit.
The thing I love about Trump is that, hes a do shit kind of guy. Think about where obama was at a year in. That nigger was sitting on his ass, and all he did was fix the world eocnomy that the jews had destroyed the year before.
One year into trump and theres no nigger bullshit like that at all, rich jews are getting a free ride again, we are totally ocmmitted to israel stronger than ever, even promising that america will do whatever it takes to liberate jerusalem for the jews, and there were some pictures of the wall online and a vague threat that white working people (not mexicans) will have to pay 18 billion dollars for it. Fuck yes.
>I think rebar supported concrete might last a bit longer
Well you'd be wrong. Conrete isn't actually that good, a superb concrete structure with a solid foundation will still need maintence every year since it's built, after 75 years or so it'll become increasingly expensive and will last ~100-150 years maximum. Solid rock is in fact a much stronger building material, and requires basically no maintence for a couple of years, but as it starts getting into 100s of years you have to do constant maintences instead.
Conrete is used as a modern building material because it's cheap and easy, not because it's actually better. For longevity rock beats concrete every time.
It's worth any cost.
>education and welfare
That's just burning money. Welfare should be reduced or abolished and money will NEVER improve education. 'Bad schools' are that way because of bad people. The wall is more important than all of that.
Trump, 4d chess against the deep state: Steve bannon ?? Hell no hes a fucking retard -- Im the king. Hes not in charge of fucking anything, hes gone. Wheres that jew thats fucking my daughter? Anything complicated, just ask him. I willl be watching CNN.
So 18 billion (presuming it actually needs fully replacing which it probably won't) per 100 years or so? That's fucking peanuts mate, it pays for itself easily
Hmmm interesting but you know what Im thinking? Some cheap shit my mafia buddy doesnt want to pay to store anymore. Yeah, some plywood, or maybe a bunch of rusty scrap metal haphazardly lying around. You think that would work, you swedish faggot?
From what I remember, it was around 2000 KM of border that was needed and the rest was impassable terrain.
800 KM is a disappointing, man. I want a big ass wall man fuck this shit.
if they don't catch them there now they will when other routes are closed.
so that's no argument for only 700 miles.
the promise was everywhere but (real) natural barriers.
>Few people cross through these wastelands it's silly to bother with the wall
>But look at my picture of some trash from the literal DOZENS of people who cross every year
>You don't understand there's much bigger problems and much better places to put a wall
>Muh goalposts
Sometimes when people say "nobody" does something what they really mean is that "a statistically insignificant quantity of people do that thing".
We'll have to see where they choose to put it. There's already a huge amount of barriers in place so this could be replacing portions of that or it could be in addition to what's already in place.
This whole thing is only part of a comprehensive plan anyway. The goal is to shut down easy routes and remove a lot of the incentives to come here. The final part would be giving them incentives to return to Mexico.