Where will you be when all white "skeptics" are logically convinced into being WN?
hahaha imagine?
Who the hell is andy? Anyways it seems like it’s over for the altright in america. I mean what are they going to do when destiny crushes enoch in a debate?
Will Destiny be able to withstand the onslaught of
>Here's the things
No but seriously this is gonna be way more intense than the Spencer one, if it happens. I don't even think Warski realizes the very real possibility of getting his entire channel shoahed for letting him on, he is so enamored with his newfound shekel machine.
Enoch is a decent orator but I don’t think he has much experience debating.
Uhh, I think he'll do just fine.
Enoch puts kid gloves on if he's talking with women or a non-white.
If he's debating with white men or Jews pretending to be white men he goes hard.
It will start out with him being very respectful, then over the course turn into a live 1.5 theater yelling but the loud yelling will be directed toward very salient anti-white hypocrisies.
It will be interesting to see what happens. Destiny isn’t a very popular guy though, so seeing enoch vs peterson would be far more pleasing.
Also listen to the Marantz tapes if you wanna see him go to work on a slippery Jew. I think Destiny is too arrogant to not accept this happening, but he will get absolutely rekt.
Enoch is the best alt-right debator, way better than Millenial Woes and Spencer who are too slow and calm. The sceptics are gonns be destroyed without effort.
Talmudic Steve will be d o n e if he accepts.
Best tactic he’ll be able to muster is “you were married to a Jew” and trying to get Enoch to painquit by digging into his family situation.
Either way, it will be glorious.
Dear god I hope the talmud tangler accepts
>enoch vs peterson
I agree, I would rather watch that as well, but there is absolutely zero chance of Peterson accepting that anytime soon.
That being said, there may be a day that comes when he would, as things shift.
But yeah, he wouldn't even allow himself to be even tangentially associated with Faith Goldy.
He really isnt. He is good at derailing and dodging questions
>dont deconstruct my identity
Destiny would wipe the floor with him
Can't wait to see that pedo gnome Destiny get his shit pushed in
Peterson seems to have carved himself a small but useless niche. It would be nice to see his arguments get spanked.
B l o o d s p o r t s
Peterson wont risk it. Don't think he is afraid of talking to them, but rather that it would hurt his bottomline and I think he knows deep down that he agrees with them somewhat as well.
Sure like Kraut wiped the right.
The thing about Enoch is that he actually enjoys autistically arguing with leftists. I myself do NOT, even though I enjoy watching other people do it. But yeah he's been doing this shit for so many years now that he knows all the arguments they're gonna make before they make them, and is able to instantly recognize when something is not real argument but an appeal to authority, which is most of what Destiny falls back on.
Steve "if shes shorter than me then she is staring in my ethical cp" Bonell
what does kraut have to do with it? he didnt debate enoch he debated ryan faulk and very poorly.
Wow. Can I join too? I wanna spout anti-semitism and kill pedophilia. I'll use a Nick and try to do a funny voice, I promis
>debating retarded autistic manlets that drop n-bombs
It would be fun to see enoch debate commies like xexizy because unlike most wn he actually seems to understand marxism.
Who the fuck is Destiny, why does Sup Forums care about him so much, and just how short is he that every reference to him has to be that he’s a manlet?
>ethical CP
what the actual fuck?
Say what you will, I would rather be debating people like Jordan Peterson or Steve Bannon if that were even remotely a possibility but these things are getting a lot of visibility. The one last night was the #1 trending live event on youtube. These are almost the equivalent of a beer hall putsch on a bigger scale.
He already did the best move he could if he wants to keep his income = Ignore and poopoo. He has nothing to gain and everything to lose.
I'm not familiar with xexizy but I don't know how good that would be if the subject matter ends up being autistic sperging about communism as an economic system. Also being sort of post-libertarian I don't think he's even opposed to all forms of collectivism so might wind up even making a communist not look so bad IF that's the subject matter.
He does best on debates about race and Jewish influence.
What is a talmudic debate style an how do I do it
He's a 5'6 child body that used to play Starcraft 2 he debates the lowest hanging fruit the right has to offer and "wins" he also said incest isn't bad and pedophiles should look at ethical CP. His reddit and discord raid this place now and then but it's fun to act pro Destiny to fuck with Sup Forums and watch them squirm.
Tldr he's nobody
If you say something alt right disagrees with or ask a question they cant answer.
>The Gish Gallop (also known as proof by verbosity) is the fallacious debate tactic of drowning your opponent in a flood of individually-weak arguments in order to prevent rebuttal of the whole argument collection without great effort.
How will that tactic ever work?
Guys from KulturKampf tore him a new one with ease.
yeah dude its totally that not the fact that i only talk to people who agree with me so when someone challenges me they are wrong
>he debated ryan faulk and very poorly.
and so did destiny
Peterson is a boomer who would slightly agree with mike on some points. I want to see this destiny guy libfags keep on dangling like a secret weapon.
We are creating a new sport. The whitest of. The whitest kind. Intellectual combat.
Destiny didnt debate him. He had Ryan on to present his view and let him do it unchallenged.
It works when your opponent can't debate. For example, a counter to gish gallop is to establish and guard the premises of a debate. People are not aware when they are being showered by counterarguments that those counterarguments often switch premises. If you accept conflicting premises you have lost. And that's just one aspect of it.
He wasn't able to challenge him in any meaningful way it was made especially clear after JF spanked him on Warski stream recently
That ah is ah al a ready ah a ah diverse ah sport! If you ah can't ah deal ah with ah such ah, ah diversity ah then ah you ah are ah a white ah male!
Why do people here and elsewhere place so much importance on verbal debate?
The outcome of any given verbal debate very often says nothing at all about the subject matter, and everything about an individual's debating skills.
Verbal debate is a talent that some people have and some don't, so the merits of an idea very often have nothing to do with the outcome.
Retards are swayed by it, so both retards and non retards see it as important
Lol I forgot how vibrant the new style those lovely ladies introduced to the forums was. I'm sorry my privilege blinded me.
Why do you put so much importance on the validity of an idea? The validity of an idea has very little to do with the real-life outcome of that idea, no matter its merits. It's those who are most convincing about their idea are the ones who will be on top. Humans are not machines, humans are illogical.
A piece of wood might be worth $1, but if I convince you to pay $5 for it, it's value is $5.
A good verbal debate is a logic proof with some extra spice. Not only should you prove yourself to be correct (because why debate if you aren't), but you should also signal this to everyone else. If your opponent tries to undermine your honest efforts to educate everyone, then you must show everyone how and why your opponent is unethical. Then you must strike him with pathos.
Most verbal debates are worthless because few can into logos.
Un-ironically God bless Mike.
this will be a shitshow, because both have a tendency to interrupt others
It will devolve into a shouting match
Can somebody give me a quick rundown on this guy? He comes off as the living embodiment of a jewish untermensch.
>Verbal debate is a talent that some people have and some don't
It is one of the most important talents to establish a new political order very few people are actually swayed by the technical details and need to be coerced with charisma.
He's Serbian phenotype.
He literally looks like someone from the Balkans
I do believe he's sincere, but he has a convoluted backstory: Jewish wife, mulatto stepbrother. He is an intelligent man with a good radio voice and good comic instincts, but his other public presentation skills are sorely lacking, particularly in oratory and argument. I'm no better than he is and don't envy the position he'll be in, but he's unlikely to appear the clear victor despite holding the correct position.
You are deeply goncerned Moshe ey ?
I imagine this is exactly what he looked like last night