How would you otakus feel if this faggot came to your country, caused public disturbance and then started gloating over a dead guy, in the process making thousands for himself and his little turd friends?
How would you otakus feel if this faggot came to your country...
Good thing about this is that no one is defending this lefti faggot. Everyone hate him but I remember that everyone defended Pewdiepie when he say "death to all jews"
I don't see how what he did was wrong.
Everyone is just virtue signaling and wanting to be offended at nothing.
Could they give a logical explanation WHY it was wrong?
>No respect for the deads
What are you a nigger?
How about this my man. I don't care about ecelebs. I don't care about Japan. What now?
To be honest in England; if they were white, no one woukd give a shit...
I wouldn't give a shit
I would cut his jew face off.
That fucking dyejob/haircut isnt fooling anyone.
You're not in a war and you're not a soldier, kid.
I agree with the guy but holy shit I can't take the video seriously
>I ama verrrry pissed off
>shamefur dispray froma rogan paul
I wouldnt give the slightest fuck
I would politely but assertively ask him to wear this
I wouldn't care
I don't respect sinful evil people that don't value the gift of life
you're asking me to respect a murderer
I'd think he was a dick, but people are generally dicks. Much of human history is comprised of people just being dicks. Not to excuse what he did, but there are FAR larger priorities for people, the Japanese in particular, to focus on. Such as, there is something so wrong with modern Japanese society that thousands of people commit suicide in the fucking "Suicide Forest".
I honestly don't think his reaction would have any kind of impact if he was some foreigner coming to western country.
The only reasonable outrage is the fact that he uploaded a dead body on fucking youtube.
Gee, I don't know...
>go visit a country with a huge suicide problem, iirc the biggest in the world
>during december, the month with exponentially the most suicides of the year.
>hit Aokigahara, the infamous forest known to be the most popular spot for suicides in the nation
>go to the section beyond the yellow tape
>find a dead guy, and act all surprised despite the fact you actively did all this
>film the guy in close-up
>laugh about it with your friends, right in front of the body
>put the body in the thumbnail
>that shit trends because you're the new face of jewtube, so everybody knows how you were mocking the dead of said country
>be forced to take it down, so release a half-assed apology. With emoticons. And promoting your own hashtag
I don't know man, what could have he done wrong? Fucking christ.
Really says something about western countries when a country as soulless and atheistic as Japan has more respect for their dead than we do for ours.
He came to Italy and got himself arrested in Venice for loitering, harassing people and jumping off a bridge into the lagoon. This shitter is literally the average american bluepilled normie who comes to countries way more traditionalist and historically rich than his own and thinks he is in some kind of theme park. Internet makes useless idiots like this guy into even more brainless morons.
Kek too many kids walking around in england with pseudodepression and shoving tons of Citalopram into their bodies, that's why so many of them are dropping dead so quickly.
>thinks he is in some kind of theme park
thats so true lmao
Glad because he would be murdered in seconds.
Even if you're an atheist, you still respect the dead because it's proper - just like you use a fork instead of your hands and eat with your mouth close because it's proper. Because you don't want to disgust those who are seeing you, and in particularly when it comes to the dead, because you don't want to offend their families or, in this particular case, their compatriots. Because you're not an inconsiderate nigger.
Wew. I can't write today. Blame my cold.
The person and their family deserve no respect, they raised a failure that spat on God's gift.
>The only reasonable outrage is the fact that he uploaded a dead body on fucking youtube.
No dumbass, you see plenty of dead people on youtube
What he did wrong was laughing like an autist and joking about a dead guy in a vid for more YouTube shekels. That is sick
You know Japan should really take a lesson from Singapore and whoop this cunt's ass with a cane. Make him the next Michael Fay
do you realize how fucking retarded you sound, you act like these fucking countries are places of holy sacrament but you're just a dumbass yuropoor virtue signaling
Kill yourself faggot
Let he who is without sin cast the first stone, you piece of shit.
Bet your ass someone like you wouldn't support the pressure of japanese society, and you'd end up ending your useless existence too.
There's no cane in Japan, but seriously, they shouldn't have let him leave the country. He should've received a treatment at least similar to Bobby Fischer's.
I'd end japans useless existence
Let the dead tend to their dead
most soldiers didn't desecrate the dead though so try again
Holy shit! An internet tough guy! In this day and age!
I thought faggots like you had been shamed extinct for a few years already. Or maybe you're just 13.
Come back when you have an argument
>uses someones tragedy for views and shekels
>puts that person in a video where his family/friends can see it
gee, what's wrong with that? This is offensive, not words
How bout you cane some of those serial rapists at home before you spread that iron fist of the anglo, Cuck!!
I've already given you an argument. "I'd end japans useless existence Let the dead tend to their dead" is no argument. It's what a self-aggrandizing kid says to make himself feel like he's got more hair down there than there is, and what his adult self will cringe about whenever it pops in mind, years down the line.
Checked, I know what you mean; I have these guys -my age- posting two line poetry like they just got off from reading Neitzches aphroisms, maybe there is chemicals in the water...I want to go back; user, my town had a railway station now it has Co-op and a carpark, my town had a textile industry now it has a Aldi, my town had a tram now it has ricketty bus; hell we used to have a chapel in the middle of town that was demolished in the 60s thanks to labour...
user, we have lost more than we every had...we can't have a past, we -and our children- might not have a future; what is left for a man but to die well; to die as one die as an Englishman.
>>puts that person in a video where his family/friends can see it
And in the fucking thumbnail, let's not forget.
You cringe at God's word
>Even if you're an atheist, you still respect the dead
Excuse me, how dare you tell me what to do?
You fucking ass bitch nigger dumbfuck.
There is no intrinsic morality in respecting dead people, especially suicidees.
I quoted God's words at you. Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
Now, pray tell, what word of God am I cringing at?
Read the whole fucking post, you illiterate piece of shit. You do it because not doing it is the inconsiderate thing to do. Because that's acting like a nigger.
It's not a question of morality. It's a question of civility. Only coons, and even worse, wiggers, would gloat about being uncivilized.
i love how just literally days after i find out this wannabenigger exists because some of fag nigger here viral marketing shilling his ass here, that he goes and pisses off all of japan and ends up getting viral marketing shill spammed here even harder, all of these threads on this particular faggot are shartblue/CIA nigger slide threads
also viral marketing and offtopic posting is against the rules
Luke 9:60
>It's not a question of morality. It's a question of civility.
There is nothing uncivil about what Logan did, ya mongoloid. He just took pictures.
I can't wait until you religious people die off. I'll even take pictures!
Damn the burger meme is strong in this one. I can just imagine some fat guy typing all this.
lol same, his engrish is so distracting
Nice bait but sry sweety we don't have dead bodies just dangling in the forests here.
You are basically describing rapefugees, and they are treated pretty well
Its almost like the Paul brothers are just bullshit artists that do things for attention.
That's not what I (or the passage) was referring to.
"I'd end japans useless existence" is, in japanese terms, 中二 shit.
As for the passage you gave me, it has fuck all to do with suicide, or with high-pressure societies. It's about choosing Jesus over even your dead.
>61Another said, "I will follow you, sir, but first let me go and say good-by to my people at home." 62Jesus said to him, "Once the hand is laid on the plow, no one who looks back is fit for the kingdom of God."
Don't take the word of god in vain.
I'm an atheist, you imbecile. Just very interested in world religion, and raised a catholic at that.
And I already explained why it's uncivil.
Can we just take a moment to talk about his fucking gay jacket? Apparently it's some 8000 dollar Gucci thing too. It's ugly, and I bet the brand that gave it to him are regretting it... But since it's so fucking ugly and a shit design (random gay flags, Coptic words embroidered, etcc) they deserve the association with him.
>u think it Internet tuff!
>fucking 13 year old I'm at least 17
Who brings up age non stop? Insecure kids. Fuck you weeaboo thousands of $ and hours you've WASTED trying to be a gook and they'll always hate you. Embrace your inner good and kys. It's the only way to show solidarity brother. Clog your forest with your corpse. Be honurubru.
Youre both fat.
exactly, you're fretting and crying and bitching over a dead guy, a damned and in hell dead guy
lay seeds there, don't fawn over a corpse
so like when are you gettin your sex change operation?
Fuck. Copypasted wrong. Calibre is being a bitch, sorry.
>59Another to whom he said, "Follow me," replied, "Let me go and bury my father first." 60But he answered, "Leave the dead to bury their dead; your duty is to go and spread the news of the kingdom of God."
I misquoted, you idiot. This was the correct versicle.
In either case, nowhere in the New Testament (old testament is jewery. Literally the Tanakh. And most of its rules were denied by the new testament anyway) does it say to act like a cunt towards the dead of a country you're visiting.
>Who brings up age non stop?
Someone who used to be a cringy kid and can't avoid cringing at other kids acting the way I did 15-20 years ago.
Why? Are you getting a discount for referrals or something, faggot? kys
I hate this fucking faggot
never watched him but he looks like the prototypical soy boy.
If you're actually asking if we think this little asswipe is a little asswipe, believe me, we thought that long before he pulled this disgusting stunt.
When he did this, nobody was surprised, and everybody but his sheep-like fanboys & fangirls was outraged at all of it.
Hopefully, it will not end well for him.
What country is this?
>t. mobile faggot
Blue Peru.
The guy has no talents, just don't pay attention to him and let him fade away into obscurity.
I agree. You're all a bunch of crybabies.
it doesn't but it does tell you not do what you're doing faggot
>it does tell you not do what you're doing faggot
Be more specific. What does it tell not to do, which is something I'm apparently doing?
I hate all you edgy teenagers but the fake outrage and virtue signalling pewds is doing pisses me off. Even though I hate nazis, it was still better when he had an edge.
Logan acted like a stupid blonde retard though. It was cringy but doesnt deserve quite the amount of virtue signalling clickbait dog pile that people are doing.
Okay, he was disrespectful towards some anonymous guy who killed himself. Can we move on to some actual problems?
whatever anyone says, fucking with a dead body is fucked up, no matter religion or what, it dosent affect anyone except people personally involved. Whats fucked up is the fact that this cockwit is still making money off this fuckfest of a situation he got himself into.
banned from entry into the country
the perfect humiliation and a warning to all who would follow in his footsteps
otherwise Sakoku Act of 2018!
Go to Sup Forums
he must perform the hari kiri in public to atone for his shameful behaviour
Is it possible to have respect for the dead, but also not feel offended by something happening to one dead guy across the globe? I'll forget about this whole ordeal in a week like most people. He'll I would have in a day if you guys would stop threads about it. I mean its just silly to see people making vlogs and Youtube videos in response to this literally breaking out tears as if some global catastrophe just occurred, when you know they'll forget entirely about it within a week. What the guy did was kind of fucked up, but I don't care enough to start some internet crusade over it like some people are acting like they should.
caring about a corpse for the sake of the traditions of man
How would americans feel if the united states became like britian?
This drama was the first time I ever heard of the Logan brothers and they both come across extremely dimwitted. Unfortunately the reality is that he will suffer little to no backlash because his primary audience happens to be millions of children who don't know any better. Youtube aren't about to spank their golden goose either, as evidenced by how long the video was up for, that it was manually reviewed and left alone, and that his apology was put right up that was the number 1 trending video by Youtube.
This guy managed to piss off the japs, the weebs, the leftists, Sup Forums nazis and the SJW at the same time.
I understand why some people are upset about his stunt,especially all the angry nips. Death is kinda a sacred thing in Chingchong land and they way Logan acted was "a shame on famary and rite pepul." I'm more upset about all the Americans that are angry over this. You have 9/11 jokes and Shadman posting pedo shit on a daily basis, but THIS is what gets them riled up. If anyone else did what Logan Paul did, no one would have gave a shit. But here we are giving attention as the vicious cycle continues as these retards wonder how did these idiots get popular on youtube int he first place.
It won't happen we got something those bread bongs don't, 300 million assault rifles 500 million handguns and a lot in between
it's everyday bro.
i wouldn't give a shit.
this is old news. all has been said
>acid attacks are bad
>but 13% of the population committing over 50% of all violent crime is fine
How can you be so fat and useless at the same time?
Meanwhile the Japanese mutilated livzing POWs
user It's a real shame that we have raised our young people to become lazy and insolent fools who expect everything; money, houses, cars and healthcare to be handed down to them. Perhaps America is not too much different with cucks like Logan and his autismo brother Jake Paul. We have raised children in this country to get what they want, but we have never taught them what to do if they DON'T get what they want, and as a result, what would be called a 'minor disappointment' in most other countries becomes 'depression' in the United Kingdom.
We have run our own industries to the ground with our retarded left wing policies that make businesses suffer as they try to become bigger, and to the companies that have survived, we have then stifled them to death with 'Health and Safety'. We have put a price on the heads of those who choose to work by introducing government taxes on top of council tax, and that has killed so many families and young people's dreams. Yet, if I chose to just sit at home and idle out, I pay less tax and get to eat and live for free, or for much less than those who work. How is this sustainable user? One day we will wear out the remainder of our working population with all these policies and then we will have communism all over again.
Funny, your country still does that to random arabs.
Proof? I want to see some mutilated arabs.
This guy can show a dead body on camera, no strike, no ban, no nothing. But if you say "nigger" or "death to all jews" you get striked or demonetized.
I wouldn't care.
They call it JewTube for a reason
Keep crying though faggot, this eceleb is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars off of his videos lmao
Lets be real, it wasn't a real dead body it was some douche friend of his blurred out.
When a person dies, you move on like they did. You don't hold it in.
Yep, over 15 million still. Definitely a career ender. Did they mention his apology was monetized?
I cannot wait for one of these stupid fucks to do something that gets them imprisoned for 10 years so they can't make their stupid ass videos anymore and their "loyal" fanbase forgets about them a week later
Youtube threw all their eggs in a new basket the moment a more marketable and kid friendly creator came along.
I love this guy. I hope Trump appoints him to his cabinet. People who committed suicide don't deserve dignity.