where is the rest?
requesting p2, also infodump/redpill thread
where is the rest?
requesting p2, also infodump/redpill thread
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bump for interest
bumping for part 2
>the only ''redpill'' I've seen that isn't ridiculous nonsense
>correlates directly with 2021/2030
>Sup Forums doesn't have it
I bet you all could dump some absolute idiocy like that Kalergi nonsense though, right?
I think I have something sans references:
I suggest you read it:
To understand what's going on you have to grasp something important: there are sides to this global conflict that has been unfolding before you, it has never been random. Every significant move has a purpose. We won't go through all of them, just enough to understand where we are at now.
I'll give a brief summary though to those who don't care about the details: The US leadership has chosen to take things to the brink by planning to take a very aggressive measure against the Russian air force in Syria and is planning to show force now to give the impression that they would retaliate with massive force should their aggressive measure be countered. In all likelihood, it's a bluff.
Part 1: Twin goals
There are two sides to this conflict, the Russians/Chinese and their somewhat independent alliances (for example Syria) and the NATO/US/Israel side. To make things simpler, I'll group them all together into team red (former) and team blue (latter). There are also countries with no sides, such as Iran, we'll call them Grey.
Team blue wanted to bring in a new era of world governance, some call it the "new world order", but it's really just the UN having governance over the entire planet, including social order and taxation. They cannot bring it outright so they have various programs to achieve this, agenda 21, 2030 and so on. Global taxation is to be achieved through "carbon credits", which is why despite the tensions around the world, all the leaders held a global climate summit [1]. Social programs intending to mix all races, reducing the risk of future fissures in the rule of this government was to be achieved through mass displacements and eventually, forced sexual integration [2]. Of course the elite (I don't need to tell you who they are) will not be part of this gene pool destroying exercise and they already brag about the outcome [3].
So, you might ask why China and Russia's elite don't just take part in this? Firstly, their land and resources are coveted by the Israeli/British-linked elite running the blue team [4], they don't believe they deserve that share of the cake. Secondly, they're strong enough to run their own goal: A multi-polar world [5], basically a return to the previous status quo with nation states that served their own interests.
Why can't they just pursue their goals independently by just avoiding each other?
The blue team's goal is inherently self-destructive just like the communism it's modelled under. Advocacy for social justice, is necessary for the long term goal of merging all nations, however it destroys the fabric of every nation it touches, just look at Sweden for a good example. The human development index is set to reach an all time low in a few decades. Merging economic systems achieved through CISA/TPP/TPIP will achieve third world status for all nations effected as well. To stop the US from rising up, immediate gun control laws have been passed and free speech is to be terminated ASAP through CISA provision which kill anonymity (the only way to achieve free speech today). This is to be normalised in the EU ASAP [7] as well.
If red team doesn't participate in this national suicide, it becomes an alternative where everyone with brains can escape to. We all know the results of that experiment from the cold war.
This leaves the blue team with only two means to force the issue: economic and military. Economically, everything has been tried against Russia including bottoming out the price of oil. For China the process is just beginning [8]. Neither of these exercises are likely to net the wanted results.
So in the next part we move to examine the military aspect of it.
[1] baka.com.au
[2] youtube.com
[3] news.bbc.co.uk
[4] foreignpolicy.com
[5] journal-neo.org
[6] unpan1.un.org
[7] theregister.co.uk
[8] express.co.uk
Part 2: The race to the finish
So when economic means don't work, blue team and red team will have to duke it out military, the good old fashioned way right? It doesn't work that way in the nuclear age, at least not entirely. The prospects for rule after a conflict between blue and red team isn't a very positive one.
That’s why the best way to win a military conflict is force your opponent to avoid one at all, that is, to capitulate in front of your more impressive forces. In this day and age, you can have as large a conventional force as you desire, but if you can be struck with nuclear weapons by your opponent, the war will either be decided as a draw or a total defeat. Side stepping a deeper discussion about nuclear triads, what is of concern is missile defense, specifically anti-ballistic missile defense systems.
There is current a race between red [9] and blue [10] teams to have a ABM capable system up and ready by 2020. If we are to believe Russian propaganda, they will be done either at the end of this year or 2017. If we believe our own incompetent defense contractors, they won’t be really done until 2022. In reality, it’s likely both will be up and ready around 2020.
If this were to pass, suddenly conventional warfare will be relevant again. Perhaps even limited nuclear exchanges as it would both lower the threshold of using nuclear weapons as well as eliminate the need for a total strategic retaliation over the use of tactical nuclear weapons in a battle field.
Ahead of this sort of military climate, it’s important you take all the important positions as well as forge the necessary alliances to maintain ground control. Blue team has been reaching out to grey teams all over the world in order to deny red team alliances that they might require when push comes to shove.
In the case of Syria, it’s a cross-point which connects energy as well as political (read: Israel) goals and a victory there for either red or blue team could snowball into a total victory by the end of the inevitable conflict.
This is why there is currently (within the last 72 hours) a race to the finish by both sides. Sure, the Russians blinked when NATO shot down a Su-24, but that may have been deliberate in order to bring in S-400 systems that basically shut down the sky above Syria. That’s why a very dangerous action is about to take place to counter that counter-movement, one that threatens the safety of the entire planet should the other side misinterpret the actions or get hot with the trigger finger.
Next part will discuss the tactical situation and what spurred this sudden high alert condition in the both the Russian and US military.
[9] russia-insider.com
[10] defense-update.com
Part 3: Final brinkmanship
It doesn’t take a fool to know that red team is winning in Syria. The consequences for this victory will be the shattering of the various alliances the US built up in the middle east, including the loss of the Saudis and the forced pivot of Israel to be more friendly to red team. As Israel is a central political piece of blue team, it’s effective “capture” by red team will spell long-term doom. Israel likes to use Iran (Gray team) as the boogieman when it is in fact afraid of red team [11]. There’s no guarantee they will be treated as well as they are under blue team. The prospect of being under their sphere of influence frightens Israel and so the Israel lobby are pushing for a total victory in Syria.
So blue team is at it again. While building an air base using Kurds in Hasakah province, Syria, they’ve ear marked the 101st airborne [12] to conduct parachute drops over Syria, beginning in Hasakah and ending in Raqqa once ISIS changes its label to something moderate to allow it palatable protection. But this can’t be done without being able to strike at the Syrian military, as it is a breach of sovereignty and if those forces would be attacked, short of striking Syria with nuclear missiles (likely to be downed by Russian aerospace forces, I won’t say more on that matter), the US/NATO/Turkey has no answer with Russia’s S-400 protective umbrella in the region. To make matters worse in December, Obama decided to “test the waters” by striking the Syrian military fighting against ISIS in Deyrezzour [13]. The reason for the choice of this province was its final east-most location in Syria, allowing red team a base which can act as a defensive umbrella for US intervention in the east.
After this incident, Syria posted S-300s and Buk M-2 missiles all over areas under its control, spanning North to East most provinces in Syria.
The Race Mixer Agenda does not merely support population stability, it is the life blood of the Elite because it provides a permanent Slave Labor Class which is easier to manipulate than pure whites. But what about the time table for the big push? My prediction is the following: 2028 to 2048. Closer to 2028 if the economy crashes, closer to 2048 if the economy booms. Why? Simple. The Boomers will be in their 80's by 2038. Then the mass diversity agenda can be forced easily, but only if whites are still self hating by that time. Therefore, look for even more race mixing propaganda than you have ever seen before and at some point, the passing of Race Mixing Favoritism laws such as tax breaks for mixed families, etc. What might derail this? White Power is the most likely movement that can stop the Race Mixing/NWO agenda. Notice how the media freaked the fuck out over the Charlottesville incident? That was one death from one frightened kid who probably was just trying to escape an anti white mob. Imagine the reaction if a White Power soldier shot up a dozen or more white self haters. It would be like 9/11 on steroids and aimed at white people. (I think they were hoping to get Charlottesville to be a blood bath, but the whites largely kept their cool so there were no mass shootings. Cville was supposed to be the end of gun rights, free speech, 4th amendment, etc. but it didn't go according to script. The anti whites are back at the drawing board right now, they are not sleeping.)
Anons, do everything in your power to keep your cool in the next 10 years. There are going to be massive provocations designed to get the rights of the little people taken away. Get to know your neighbors and know who is an outsider. Don't let the Elite kill your community just because it is in the way of a profit scheme.
All "pills" are bullshit meant to control potential dissidents by distracting them and offering a sense of novelty/reward at being clever enough to comprehend it/be in on the secret— A memetic Skinner box that spreads propaganda and disinformation as a fun bonus. The only way to break the cycle of bullshit is to observe and dissect yourself and the world around you with honesty but without bias, judgement, or preconceptions.
Are your thoughts really your own? Observe. If this information is so sensitive or unknown, why is it so prevalent and easily available? Observe. Are you responding after careful consideration or are you reacting on impulse/instinct? Observe. What's the source of your thoughts? Observe. Are you acting of your own will or are you mindlessly being manipulated? Observe. Why does this post unsettle you so much? Observe. Are you really observing, or are you pretending to so you can continue to live in delusion/illusion without having to consciously face that you don't want the truth? Observe the observer.
If you want to break free it starts with one single step: Observe.
You'll thank me later for how clever I am. :)
Alongside the S-400 system, this multilayered air defense is impenetrable and can’t be jammed from the ground [14].
The key word is ground here. It can be jammed from the air however, using AWACS. And that is precisely the plan. Obama is requesting NATO support to fly AWACS over Syria. What is the excuse? Ummm to fight ISIS. Yeah, because ISIS can’t be fought using satellite imagery, drones and other perfectly capable surveillance equipment. The real purpose is to establish a radar network over Syria ahead of the establishment of the air base as well as the persistent jamming of Russia’s assets.
This can then act as the necessary catalyst to divide up Syria into “East Syria” and “West Syria”, allowing for an energy pipeline to be routed through its territory and into Turkey, effectively killing Russia’s energy monopoly in Europe.
This could very much turn the table on Russia’ intervention and result in a total defeat for red team that will reverberate throughout not just the region but the world. Russia will lose Venezuela, much of South America, Cuba, Tajikstan and other countries which will have zero confidence in its ability to act as a military broker in front of threats by blue team.
There are still sane voices such as Rand Paul [16] warning people about the prospect of such folly, but even he doesn’t know the full picture.
So why now? Because there is “negotiations” on-going and the blue team is raising on a busted flush [17]. That’s why they’ve decided to kick things into final brinkmanship.
So, who will blink first this time? Will Russia use MIG-31s it posted in Syria which fly at a incredible speed of Mach 2.8 while carrying R-37 “AWACS killer” missiles with a range of 200-400km to force a stand down? Will the US stand down or will it stay in the area?
If the AWACS is shot down (say by Syria, to mirror NATO shoot down of the Su-24) will NATO have an answer? Will that answer be responded to with greater force, in areas that are weak for NATO, for example, Latvia/Estonia and so on? Will things spiral out of control if a show of force is not demonstrated before?
Game theorists will be up all night for an entire week by the way things are going. I suggest, in closing, that everyone watches the news carefully with what was said in mind.
I just seem to observe the jews getting away with shit time and time again much the same way I see you copy and paste this time and time again
I think that's all I have on it. You better screencap this one if you want to nab it and are missing it, OP.
thx boo
these posts were outdated months ago, the only thing to watch for now is when "ISIS" gets dropped for a couple years to rebrand and get new funding.
in the meantime there will be a shift in focus to Afghanistan again where we "need more money for dem programz to fight the Taliban ™"
True they need to be updated, we are in a slightly different timeline and we need to see ((their)) plan