As a libertarian

As a libertarian,

how do I defeat the road argument

You'd have to start by speaking coherently, for one.

Privately funded and built roads

cant have infrastructure privatized without gov regulation, roads are practical monopolies

toll booths

Privatised roads exist even with government funding of public roads, therefore the market is ready to provide

The interstate system was only passed under the justification that the military needed it to efficiently move supplies, not a public road necessity

When you realize roads are nothing but chains holding you to the dying earth.

First you make some vague ad hominem
Then you start clutching at your pearls when they get triggered.
Alternatively you do what dicky spencer does, which is saying "UUUUUGH Whaaaat?" and then say "Oh you're dumber than you think hurr hurr".

You can say something like "libertarianism is not anarchism, some public utilities can continue to be managed by the state, even though the private sector would almost certainly do a better job at it"

Take the USPS. FedEx, DHL, UPS, they all do mail delivery way better than the Post Office, but USPS can still deliver some mail when it's not feasible to do so for the private sector. Like stuffing your mailbox full of junk mail and tax bills.

All paving is done by private companies already.

Sewanee, Tennessee

Ask them if they've seen the roads recently

Because you don't have be 100% on everything that all ideas of your political ideology hold.

>comparing libertarians to spencer

You're right, lolbergs have principles.

You are retarded

How did they build roads before govt regulation?

When you sperged your way into defeating the "road argument"- be ready for the police argument, which is a way better argument against total libertarianism.

>Get stabbed
>Please mister policeman can you help me?
>Sure sir, please subscribe to our premium package that includes stabbing incidents

Toll roads.

"Libertarian" you mean AnCap.
There is not a single problem with the existence of State and state funded programs in Libertarian logic.
It is highly convenient to have a small tax to make things that can help the development and enhance the quality of living of the free people.
Having sectors like Defense, Logistics (roads) and Education and Healthcare as a national focus is not contrary to Liberal economics neither.
You need a minimum standard of education and health of your workers and entrepreneurs to secure a successful nation. You can't ask for ideas and business if the people can barely read.
Of course those who willingly agree to not use lets say public education or hospitals can avoid to pay the taxes, but by doing that you'll have to renounce to the right to use those services and it all will become pretty messy.
And you'll still be benefiting of the healthy and educated people those public programs produce as you hire them in your company so you still should at least contribute a little to the maintenance of them.

Chile has private roads.

The question is not how they are built but how to make sure the infrastructure serves public interests, read JS Mill on natural monopolies.

National Libertarianism pro Bolivian Genocide when?

roads are a spook

The government does not build the roads.
The government just contracts construction companies to build the road.

In the US privately owned roads (with toll) are the only roads not falling apart. (they do cost a little bit more but thats how it works: pay for what you use)

Badly, compare the Roman roads and the Medieval ones

>who will build the roads in an AnCap?

Honestly the best counterargument is:

If we let the free market do what it naturally does who knows, we might have private helicopters or teleportation. Imagine a world with 0% taxation. The economy would explode and grow 50% every year: we will be playing football on the moon in 1 decade.

I have always been libertarian, even before RP. But I am not religious about it and dont push this 100% private owned notion.

To me I think its fine for the government to handle certain essential things, to the highest level of quality, as a priority of their existence along with protection peoples freedom. I dont think water/electricity or at this point, internet should be for profit services. Something like an allotment of use with fees for overage. I think roads/highways/bridges/trains should be public, modern, and free. If there is going to be any form of taxation these are the kind of things it should go towards. Public jobs should revolve around building and maintaining infrastructure. Construction workers, electricians, plumbers, masons, engineers...not fat bitches in welfare offices or the fucking DMV.

So thats what I think about the roads argument. I think its included in things that are common use between essentially all americans that improves our lives both directly and indirectly. If you leave it to high priority things like infrastructure, which includes building facilities for power/water/sewage etc, the taxation would at least be something that benefits people. But you have to look at it from a Hoover dam perspective, great feats of engineering and nation improving. Id rather pay taxes for Hoover dam caliber projects all over the country to produce us electricity and get us clean water than whatever the fuck it goes to now.

Toll roads