>Be aspiring business owner
>Take out a 100k loan to finance my business
>Do the work of finding a suitable location, buying the equipment I need and creating advertising to make people aware of my new business
>Hire an employee who agrees to work from 9-5 for an agreed upon salary
>Make a modest profit in the first six months of operating
>Retard employee claims he deserves all of it because it was him doing the work of turning the raw material (whichI purchased) into a finished product (which I sell)
Can someone explain to me why unironic communists still exist? How is it possible to be so ignorant about how business functions?
Be aspiring business owner
if hes got the skills then balls in his court. welcome to capitalism
Maybe reward his efforts in the initial six months with a slight raise?
Fire him and move on. We on the right need to treat them like they treat us. Fire them and punish them for being leftys
You should murder your employee.
>explain to me why unironic communists still exist
because they're greedy, petty, and childish.
this is how they think:
>"somebody else is rich while i'm poor and that's not fair because they sit at home every night and do more work while i go out and drink. i deserve more because i do more things while they just work."
they legit think in reverse.
This. Bonus points if you can manage to sell the corpse.
>Fire them and punish them for being leftys
He says before going back to his job at Mcdonalds
>continue to get rich off of the labour of the employee whilst doing absolutely nothing
He has every right to seize your machine. The weak should fear the strong pussy.
The employee wouldn't even have a job in the first place if it wasn't for my 100k investment in creating my business. Are you saying it's preferable for him to have no job at all? He's selling his labor to me for a price he agreed to, that's not exploitation that's a deal.
The employee agreed voluntarily and explicitly for a salary in return for worked hours. Why does he suddenly get to retroactively change the contract terms in his favour?
Sell your business to him for 150k.
What a goddamn son of a whore you are ahahahah look at him guys look and laugh
"What is risk?": The Post
Most wagecucks don't understand capital investment/risk that the entrepreneur takes on. Another person could have easily invested 100k and lost it, and no one would ever know about it. It's what Frederic Bastiat called the "seen and the unseen".
>.005$ to your account
>The employee wouldn't even have a job in the first place if it wasn't for my 100k investment in creating my business
Yes but now he's created his own business simply by seizing your machine
If your profit margin changes then he can decide to take the machine
nice argument
No risk no reward
>Be an employee.
>Work my ass off cause I really need the job.
>Boss always gives me shit.
>Boss hires a new guy who is a drug addict.
>For some reason Boss allows druggie to do as he pleases.
>Druggie calls in sick and dosent come to work often.
>Boss fires me one day because I am "lazy"
>Druggie is in the break room passed out from a heroine OD and the ambulance must be called.
>Leaving the parking lot as the ambulance tries to revive his dead corpse.
>He was gonna keep druggie.
Tell me why I should give a shit about my job ever again.
Idk if businesses in the UK work the same in USA but if you consider him an excellent employee after a while of good work give him a raise if he is shit let him go find someone else. If your business continues doing well, expand make more money hire more employees make managers so on and so forth. Sounds simple but is pain in the ass. Some people will always be ass holes and hard to deal with.
What the hell does that >coolstory have to do with the OP and/or communism?
U shouldn't keep looking and working until you find a respectable boss. In most cases the management are the biggest problems. If you want some real truth do research and find out how to become a manager yourself take their job make them your bitch (without being obvious other wise you get in trouble for targeted harassment) be smart play smart. ;)
There's literally tens of thousands of different employers in the U.S. If you get stuck with a shitty one it's your own fault.
Man 1 takes a loan of 100,000 dollars and hires other people to work for him. If things go well, he makes money and pays the employee. If things go poorly the employee moves on to his next job no worse for wear and Man 1 is financially ruined, has to hit reset button on life and live like a leper.
Man 2 goes to work for Man 1. He agrees to take a fixed amount of money in exchange for his labor. If he does his job and the business does well, he makes the amount of money he agreed to make, and Man 1 makes money as a reward for his risk. If Man 2 doesn't do his job well and the business fails, he walks away and finds a new job while Man 1 eats the price of failure.
Tell me how the 2nd person is being taken advantage of.
>major corporations can find loopholes everywhere and find a way to make tax raises on them fuck over others rather than themselves
>communist's solutions to this is to tax the fuck out of people who actually work hard for their money
>most of these commies are either lazy niggers who do fuck all or upper middle class kids who want to end up taxing themselves
Communists are braindead retards
Sure, he can decide to. Doesn't mean he has a right to it.
I think their habit of perceiving all businesses as faceless corporations when businesses with less than 10 employees make up around 60% of all businesses is a huge problem for them
This is when you tell them that you were the one to take the risk, to put the work into finding all of the appropriate items & locations, to getting the name out about your business and are still doing a lot of work to keep it afloat.
You tell them you appreciate their work and give them a small bonus and ask them to continue with their dedication to see the business grow for the benefit of everyone involved.
As a small business owner, you made a bad life decision. You should have gotten a humanities degree, or gone to law school.
tell him to buy the materials and pay op costs and pay the loan and he can have the profits and see what he says
if i was him i would copy you and ruin your life
your boss
hes the employee
how on earth does he even know about the profit of the business
do you share every detail with him. why.
You are almost able to understand that the system is retarded, but you need to go a little farther. You understand that 100k of debt is a huge risk to your life and well-being, but you are still attracted enough to all the rewards that it's hard to believe failure can be real. Perhaps you can imagine that there are people who are risk adverse in the world. People who look at all the reckless behavior capitalism creates and wish for something else.
Maybe communism isn't the answer, but maybe we can also do better than capitalism somehow. Maybe there's a better answer, when we stop thinking in terms of binaries--capitalism or starvation. You're close, though, you get that a small business *might* be a really bad idea, but the allure of the prizes are so seductive that it's hard to understand why we should just do away with so much risky behavior in the first place. I think it's hard for many people, because they don't stop to consider all the ways that it could go wrong and how much punishment there is when that happens.
Consider this: you're dildo store goes tits up, and you default on the bank loan, who's the real burden on society? What if you ask for billions instead, because you are too big to fail?