I hate my country

This country is so jewed I can't take it anymore.
>Tfw you have an identity crisis, don't know if I'm Bosniak, Serb, Croat or Yugoslav
>tfw all political parties are cucked
>tfw you love your land but history fucked it in so many ways
>tfw you are forced to use this (((flag)))
>tfw you survived Turks and commies
>tfw your country literally exists only because of (((them)))
>tfw you have to leave your homeland because of crippling economical crisis

Help /pol what do we do?

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobody likes you Mujo, as you can see from this thread. Your tragedy consists in the fact that you accepted foreign religion and customs that are completely at odds with european ways of living. You accepting conquerors religion and customs and gradually identifying yourself as them makes you a literal Stockholm syndrom victim. Even though you’re racially european you don’t have that kinship that europeans sense with one another even though they fought against each other for centuries. You don’t feel the common pride in fighting the non-european invaders that is deeply entranched in many european nations and used as mythos to their struggle and inspiration for current generations and generations to come. You don’t really have friends in other countries or at least someone that is symphatetic too you. Because of you losing your old traditions “making friends” with other countries is unlikely since you don’t have common things to share. This situation puts you in self perceived enemy surrounding countries who want to take “your territories”. And with no one too help you turn to your “mother” Turkey, which only reaffirms your neigbours opinion on you as “non-european” europeans or interlopers because of you siding with culturally backward, at odds with euroepan customs and hated “enemy”. Bosnia shouldn’t exist and I pity your tragic existence.

Nice copy pasta Ante

seriously shut the fuck up, you're the cancer that keeps everyone unhappy

I would like to see an established union of Slava from the Adriatic to the North Pole. Everyone in the Slava union would get to redraw their borders or abolish them if desire. My stance on religion is that the ME versions are all Satanic in origin and a would love to promote more spiritual belief systems instead to help older folks transition back to tradition. It's just an optimistic outlook

allow serbs and croats to declare indepedance, throw out arabs and turks and declare white sharia on 22% so we see how it could workout

Are you me?

This would have been solved had there been no (((intervention))).
Here's what you do now:
>Srpska into Serbia
>Croat areas into Croatia
>Muslims given a sovereign little country where they can be left to rot in peace
>Problem solved

We need jobs. Why you give no jobs, europe union mmh? Stop witholding jobs from bosnians, it's a human right.

>Kosovo areas that were majority Serbian prior to 1999 and current Serbian majority areas into Serbia
>Shqiptar areas into Albania
>Medieval Serbian holy grounds into Serbia where applicable; given special autonomous status where not
>peaceful and state-assisted minor relocations of residents where needed
>mfw we now have beautiful ethnostates and all that's left to do is destroy all of Croatia together

Create a company. Like a cleaning service whatever. It's free movement within EU so
you can offer good prices.

Except BiH is not in the EU and won't be for like 30 years.

Hahahah whoops

what's a "bosnian blowjob that makes you puke"? it was the most discussed topic in turkey for a while, not even kidding

Why has this nightmare befallen my countrieman? Being a bosnian is not crime. We are not dog breed.

you have beautiful nature
visited Sarajevo in 2002, was blown away by mountains

Should have just split BiH between Croats and Muzzies. You can thank Alja for holding BiH together. Was it worth in the end?





And serbs




Not bad.
Kind of Ukraine bro :(
I feel your pain brother.
Thanks. We truly do. Too bad Arab hotels are going to destroy it.
(((Izetbegovic))) was funded by kikes unfortunately.
Top kek

Stop this attitude. You're actually making me feel bad for you.



>a fucking battery



How can we stop Milosmrade? Our entire existance as a people is pain. At least from the Turk invasion. I wish medieval Bosnia survived. We would be bros today Milosmrad :(

>albozerg diaspora


That's Bulgaria depictions from some German/austrian author, cuck porn watcher

>glorifying a man who sparked the worst war yet seen


Real flag of Bosnia

Indeed we would be. You could have just converted back after the scum was kicked out, but no, you had to double down in your typical Serbian/Slav fashion.
We are all suffering the repercussions of our transgression right now, and Bosniaks are bearing the brunt for they allowed themselves to be duped and manipulated against their brothers and participate in their lies.

you turk rapebabies are not brothers to the Bosniaks, and never will be

Behold, OP, for this fine emigrating specimen is showing you precisely why you suffer.

You're right, we're more like your dad.

I'm truly sorry Milosmrad... I mean you haven't acted much better but still. I just wish we could be friends again.
Shut up please.Most Bosniaks and most Serbs are literally genetically the same. Yes we both have some Turk descendants and gypsies. But for the most part we are white

Oh god I missed this gem.

You are not dog breed :(

Your country's flag bothers me on many levels.
Who the fuck created it?
It's a Canada tier flag.


It's worse than Canada. It triggers me hard. You can thank Bosnian Serbs and Croats for rejecting our Fleur de lis one
Serbros would this one be acceptable?

Stop, my penis can only get so erect.

That thing is gorgeous.

I know right

Thread theme song
