Explain this pol

When I masturbate to porn I usually watch white pornstars but when I socialize with hot white girls (without the porn tricks and preparations) I'm like meh.. But recently when I socialized with a dark skinned woman I literally had to fight the urge to bend her over the table and start doing ungodly things to her holes. Is Hollywood/porn elevating white women to the point where it backfired on them?

Stop watching porn, you degenerate

>Is Hollywood/porn elevating white women to the point where it backfired on them?
No, you simply need to stop watching porn

You'll never get to suck my dick because of my desperation you faggot.

No, but i have the same urge. Im barely interested in white women despite wanting to 1488.

Sorry but nobody will control me through my balls. Answer the question faggot.

This is your problem. There is no simple explanation to your problem if you are watching porn. It is like a drug addict asking why he feels strange when talking to other people. Now with porn aside, I understand what you mean. I am a white guy but feel very attracted to black women and its just something I have come to accept. One possible explanation I've come to myself is that I hold white women to a higher standard and they should know better than to be degenerates while wasting their youth. I don't have these same expectations for black women so when they act like thots it is expected. Hopefully when the white ethno-state is established I will be the first to hang

pretty obvious faggot, youve watched so much internet porn that your brain is too used to seeing white women naked and lewd and it not longer finds that exciting or sexual. however because you dont see other races as intimately your brain still finds that new and exciting, basically kys.

It dosent matter if ur attracted to nonwhites or fuck them but u have to be sterile if ur going to fuck non whites dont listen to the fucking losers xrying about u fucking a colored there probably virgin faggots ive.

I think its the tribal instinct and the fact that white women collectivelly treat us like shit that makes this paradoxical mindset.

They really dont tho, some of them are cunts but thats the same with all women. stop falling for pols psyops and realise white women want nothing more than a huwhite man

no, you just sound like a desperate virgin

Except the jews. They are doing literally that with porn.

>masturbate to porn

There's a lot of white male self-hatred on Sup Forums today. What's up whitey? You need a hug?

If with that flag you call it self hatred that I want to fuck dark skin who is really self hating?

stop watching porn you imbecile

Stop watching porn weirdo. It's not normal behavior, no matter what jews tell you. You should be trying to avoid, with all of your might, ever seeing video or pics that might include a naked man.

A bunch of beta faggots telling me to stop emptying my balls because they can't empty theirs lol. Talk about these crabs.


you must be a nigger

Not jerking off increases test soyboy

>But recently when I socialized with a dark skinned woman I literally had to fight the urge to bend her over the table and start doing ungodly things to her holes.
This is your white man instincts kicking in
t.dated a qt black gril really into interracial shit, literally called me "Master", excellent dick pleaser, 10/10

I kinda thought race play was a meme to be honest. Sounds incredibly awkward.

found the NatSoc larper



Keep telling yourself that cannon fodder.


>Polish nigger racemixing spammer now using pirate fag flag

In general people in hollywood are not portrayed accurately.
Screw that, EVERYTHING in hollywood ist not right. No one has as much fun as people in a party in the movie.
No ones job is as fullfiling as jobs in movies (not working on movies, jobs as shown in movies I mean).
So of course any girl will also be portrayed idealistically. And since there are not all that many negresses in hollywood, its easy to see where your thinking is coming from.

he's right, though. also fapping causes baldness.

stop fapping, get a girl to do it for you it's so easy.

If Jesus is watching me masturbate does that mean he is pro-porn and pro-gays?

genetics has a bigger impact on hair loss

not jacking off isn't going to save you

>no one will control me through my balls
>im addicted to porn
pick one, and inb4 "I can stop anytime I want"

stop watching so much porn

I choose >I can empty my balls without compromise anytime I want.

t. things that didn't happen, the thread

It's incredibly hot if you're a white guy. Black women love you and that's kind of besides the point.
>Be me
>Meet qt black gril at bus stop
>She's into me
>Go on a date, she's cute, pussy could be nice
>Find out she's one of those college educated types
>In philosophy believe it or not
>Go to her place one day
>See fucking Julius Evola of all things there
>Get talking politics
>Super conservative
>She finds out I'm super right wing too
>Gets this 'come hither' look
>We really get into it after a few drinks
>Fuck like there's no tomorrow
>Whispers things like 'fuck me with that big white cock master'
>Not even fucking joking
>She was an interracial nut
>Afterwards we start talking fetishes and shit as pillow talk
>She finally fesses up how into interracial she is
>Literally tells me she was aroused by reading about slavery
>Don't know if she hates her race or not, but she certainly fucking loves Whites
>"user, the best part about us fucking is that we were free for almost two hundred years, and in one little moment we give it up just for a taste of that fat. Fucking. Cock."
>"We used to be the white man's best pet, more loyal than a dog, smarter than any animal out there, I want to go back to being your pet user."

makes perfect scientific sense to want to leave sperms in a female of a completely different group. The word you are looking for is "cuckhold", or "cuck", as in cuck-servitive, etc.

Breeding with a female of your own group most likely means a big investment in raising any offspring, breeding with a female outside your group more likely means you both go your separate ways, and she or her group get the full burden of carrying your DNA into the gene-pool.

This is why Niggers are smart. Notice in all (((Hollywood movies))) its always the Nigger who has to Black-splain science and stuff to White Establishment figures, as well as act as The Voice of Reason in disputes.

The Jews are just accurately portraying the DEEP hidden intellectual superiority of the Negro in a context suitable for a PG audience (without alluding to actual sexual acts and squishy stuff).

Your body may also be urging you to tap into Hybrid Vigor. There will be less chance a DNA donor outside your group has same defects, and more of a chance they will carry evolutionary improvements.

This is very true. Know a few black females that I have fucked just like this. Raceplay is a lot of fun. It seems deep down, all black females have this urge. Literally, haven't fucked a negress who wasn't this way deep down. Sometimes it takes some coaxing, or getting past the typical "stronk" ghetto woman attitude.

Qimmah Russo

>saying degenerate makes you a larper

Dumb commie

TFW you are from European country with no historical basis for race play :(

lol @ genetics meme.

excuse baldies use.

Could always roleplay and try for the Euro Colonist in Africa...that is the hand I would play. kek


It's quite simple OP
White women irl do not act in a sexually appealing way, they are feminist cunts and try to act like men. Since they're not men though they wind up manifesting the worst traits of both genders which coincidentally are the exact same personality traits that make you hate faggots.

Colored women on the other hand often act the same way but they have exoticism on their side so you overlook their shit unfeminine personalities and your dick passes it off as irrelevant foreign culture.

It's legit dude. Southern fucking white male here, used to fuck a chick from Jew York regularly who called me "Master" and I would call her "my nigger slave" and all that. She was into incest and shit too though. Wanted me to breed her and then fuck our daughter.

I'll be euro colonialist bringing back home my loot. A pet tiger, and a pet black woman.

Wtf is this?

It's not even porn. White women cheapen themselves with their sluttery. Muslimas make just seeing their hair a privilige. Scarcity = increased value

>>Coal burner.

Fucking die.

>tfw the more racist I get the more I want to fuck black women

You are a peace of shit race trader. The “tribal” (a meme term) thing to do would be to cull your bloodline from existence.


A shotgun to the head?

Fuck off talking about flags memeflag. There is no bigger nigger then one who hides his real flag. Give you hide yours and want to fuck mudskins there is proof enough of how big of a peace of shit you are. Go back to tumblr. Nigger.



2d brown does not equal 3d niggers you dumb fucking troll.

Every posts you made is about your dick.
You are truly a nigger. Like for real a nigger. All you say is “muh dick”. That is everything that comes out of your mouth besides nigger dicks.
Faggot nigger.

We hope it will be you.

Nah, you're just bored of the old thing that you jerk off to. Stop masturbating to porn.

Does nigger mean something different for autists on a meltdown?

Hans , this one made it out!

>implying high sex drive isn't passed down from father to son
there are multiple avenues through which it could be genetic

Somebody make a brain meme out of this.

Being a race trader aka slaver is based. Race traitors are the bad thing

>these are the people who think white women should die for merely dating other races

This but also this.

No. but white women who don't want white men to enjoy multiculturalism too should die.

So it's permissible for whites of both races to mix? I don't really mind either way, but I hate how Sup Forumsacks impose standards on white women that they themselves have absolutely no intention of upholding.

What would Hitler do...

same here but I don't watch porn

>Sup Forums, why am I so eager to display my dominance over brown girls?

A real fucking scholar right here.

You mean both genders? I don't care really but if non-white men attack me out of tribalism I'm killing their white women too. That's the only issue I have really, you want multiculturalism and race doesn't matter outopia but straight white male is the source of evil in outopia where race doesn't matter.

Because women are lower than men, and you need to stop viewing them as equals.

Nonsense, men racemixing is just as bad as women racemixing, sometimes even worse because atleast people don't make excuses for women. Don't expect white women to adhere to stipulations that you don't follow yourself, essentially.

got to say she is nice

i wish there were black women here

I told you Faggots...

That image is a Dude pulling his Dick with his right hand...


One thing I like about black girls in particular is that they're very easy to read. They'll let you know without hesitation if they like you and are attracted to you. There are zero mixed signals or her leading you on. White women, in contrast, tend to be very opaque about what they think of you at first. You have to play retarded mind games to uncover their intentions. It's tiring and not worth the effort.

>Because women are lower than men, and you need to stop viewing them as equals.
not an argument since women have the same needs and sexual desires as men and like exotic too

Also leads to the same results unless you only "breed" those foreign women and keep them in their own contries. If you bring them to your own country and raise a family with them it leads to the same results as females "recemixing".


All women, deep down, want to submit to a man. Sex is penetrative, and they want to be underneath him as he takes her. They want to be chosen, desired, taken, and used.
When you add (any) race into the picture, the woman still wants to submit to the man, and that will exacerbate and reanimate any historical or contemporary issues of dominance or subservience.

hah. I had those same exact chairs.
Needed to get a replacement after one got ruined, could never find it anywhere :(

good goy

You are not white you sbhuman amerimutt nigger

He's probably white, even if his children won't be.

Nobody cares about you’re sex life you memeflag closet case

OP just wanted to niggerpost like a worthless trog with a brain degraded by porn


>fapping causes baldness.
Is this some thing you learn in school in the U.S. or are you trolling, I can't tell

it's basic science.

DHT is produced through masturbating. DHT also triggers hair follicles to shut down. Every time you fap, your hair weakens and falls out.

Also ejaculating takes a LOT out of you. You deplete your biotin levels every time you cum.

after doing nofap for a while, you'll notice much stronger thicker hair.

Same here, I don't even view white women as objects that I want to marry or have sex with anymore.
Speak for yourself faggot. White women couldn't be any farther than wanting to do anything with white men

swastika is backwards faggot

wtf lmao there's stats proving the vast majority of white women prefer white guys.

stop going on Sup Forums if you can't differentiate what is true and what is a meme.

yes, brown girls are more interested in me than that overrated white trash swill my race calls "superior"


They prefer *Chads. If you aren't a Chad you can fuck off. If you are a typical non-white male however they will fuck you. The vast majority of us white guys are shit out of luck.

jesus I'm diamonds

> This happened