Who wants to take back Rhodesia?
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It starts in Salisbury. February 5th 2019.
>February 5th 2019
Why not 2018?
Larpers and alt right retards mostly
Sourcing firearms doesn’t happen overnight neither does recruitment.
but why?
Because they feel like they belong there in that right wing wonderland . Same for far left communist retards that want communism back
whats wrong with that
Its futile , they have no leverage irl to start a nation lmao most of them are to anxious to go grab a coffee alone
Anyone who tries to 'take back' Rhodesia is just going to spit on what Rhodesia stood for. Reminder to Sup Forums, Rhodesia was good precisely because it didn't follow your type of thinking.
so your making your conclusion on an assumption that they lack motivation?
Do you seriously see Sup Forumsacks taking over zimbabwe and instoring a gouvernement there ?
In case of how things are in Zimbabwe is more about going back to a time where things worked from a time where everything is shit.
this...isnt Sup Forums...
>In case of how things are in Zimbabwe is more about going back to a time where things worked from a time where everything is shit.
What the fuck, is this English?
*actually confused*
Friend , /k/ and Sup Forums have the same visitors
then what would that make me since i never visit Sup Forums
Influenced by /k/ that is influenced by Sup Forums
I would do so if there would be the slightest chance of success. But knowing what brought it down in the first place, i see any advances to bring back a functioning government go down in a proxy-war. Let's not kid ourselves, they put mugabe in place for a reason.
>treat black populace like shit, preventing them from reaching a higher socio economic class (with higher education and wealth + spending power)
>blacks revolt because theyre being treated as second class citizens (putting it mildly)
>they fuck it all up because power is concentrated with a few individuals and the larger populace doesnt have the schooling to unfuck itself
What a shitshow. Rhodesia was a fucking mistake that left us with the turd that is Zimbabwe.
dont think people understand what i meant when i said"take it back"
Have more (you)s
>>treat black populace like shit, preventing them from reaching a higher socio economic class (with higher education and wealth + spending power)
Wrong, plenty of blacks with wealth existed, just that most blacks where of tribal heritage so they weren't all that wealthy.
>>blacks revolt because theyre being treated as second class citizens (putting it mildly)
More like communist funded insurgency. Communists who spent time and money brainwashing tribal blacks that they where oppressed, when they where enjoying the best life available in Africa at the time.
>>they fuck it all up because power is concentrated with a few individuals and the larger populace doesnt have the schooling to unfuck itself
Jesus do you know anything?
Communism was the mistake that left us with the turd that is Zimbabwe.
I'm gonna assume this is b8, because no one can be this retarded.
this makes sense to me
>Wrong, plenty of blacks with wealth existed, just that most blacks where of tribal heritage so they weren't all that wealthy.
I would say that the gap between the average industrialized white and the tribal derived black was quite huge.
>Communists who spent time and money brainwashing tribal blacks that they where oppressed,
Althought it would sound quite nice to think that way, propaganda can only amplify problems that already exist not create them by their own.
>when they where enjoying the best life available in Africa at the time.
The best life avaliable in Africa for the avarage black was still quite horrendous, in comparaison to the average white that at the very least had relatives in the western world and a safe net(see Elon Musk, surprsingly enough is a South African with a Canadian mother, thats what gave him the pass to a proper university, you imagine something like that in nowherestan?)
>Communism was the mistake that left us with the turd that is Zimbabwe.
More like this weird idea that forcing a regime change in the middle of a civil war after decades of sanctions for not being decolonized enough was suposedly turn out good and the guerrilla leaders will act like rational democratic politizians and all the institutions will just maintain themselves.
Comunism barely had anything to do with half assed interventionism, where the UN cares enough to act but not enough to do things right.
I want things to be like my fallout 3 video game!
Who would want some shitty land out Inna desert.
niggers and deranged short short wearing dutchmen can keep rhodesia.
notice how the pic you posted says "in the sun" they had to cut the "fun" out of "fun in the sun" because it's a bold faced lie. fuck monkeys, fuck pachyderms, fuck spiders, fuck all of that jumanji shit
let 'em keep rhodesia
cuz my short shorts are on backorder asshole.
>propaganda can only amplify problems that already exist not create them by their own.
This is one of the stupider things I have ever read.
>dutchmen >Rhodesia
user, I...
Gee i wonder why that was. Perhaps because even the poorer white families who settled the land where wealthier than the tribal, because they where citizens of the British empire and most where educated and had wealth before they settled the land. It has pretty much zilch to do with racism, just history. And remember Rhodesia was only properly colonized at the end of the 19th century, most of Rhodesia was always just badlands.
>...propaganda can only amplify problems...
The 'problem' was that whites where doing better than blacks. The solution was obviously a black nationalist communist insurgency, and you take uneducated black tribal and it works on them. Well except not really, most Rhodesian tribal where neutral or pro Rhodesia. No one knows the true origins of the Guerrilla forces, but consider that most of their bases where on the border of Zambia.
>The best life available in Africa for the average black...
And the best worst life to a Black under Rhodesia or even South Africa was better than the best life available to the average African black. Most of Africa was still tribal, living hand to mouth. And it got even worst when the Europeans left their colonies and the whole continent has pretty much been in never ending civil war.
>that at the very least had relatives in the western world and a safe net
And? Are you arguing that people shouldn't help their relatives? Also this is assumptious, obviously the average white settler was of wealthier background, but drawing one example doesn't show that the average white was some son of nobility.
>More like this weird idea that forcing a regime change in the middle of a civil war...
The guerrilla leaders where funded by the USSR and China. I don't know what reasons the UN nations had to sanction Rhodesia. Israel somewhat supported Rhodesia because the USSR also funded Arabic states and Palestine to oppose Israel. But yes, part of the blame lies with the UN, or rather the powerful UN nations.
When will leftypol fuck off? This is a right wing board.
you think i'm well informed? i'm just some asshole
>When will Sup Forumsniggers fuck off? This is a weapons board.
No fuck off you cretinous leftypol cunt. Leftism is the GREATEST threat to gun rights there is. Both /k/ and Sup Forums are right wing nstionalist boards.
>left is wrong so go far right cuz that's better
^^^that was sarcasm btw
Go discus politics on Sup Forums you stupid fucking nigger.
Yes. Pro-gun rights = right-wing position.
Fuck off back to leftypol or /r/guns, cunt. We've had gun control and Rhodesia threads on here for ages. This is a right-wing board. Deal with it
You all suck, authoritarianism, be it right or left wing, is the true threat to firearms rights and individual rights in general . So fuck both of you and leave my raifus and my waifus alone. You collectivist pieces of shit.
No but it will be fun to see rhodiefags get btfo and ass raped on live leak by aids niggers
you realize far left and far right both= despotism right?
of course you don't
I never said this was a fascist board. Try harder. It certainly is a right-wing pro-nationalist board akin to what the founding fathers envisioned. Keep crying bitch nigga.
>world class elites
>all blacks
Maybe i'm seeing things that aren't there, but...
>right wing pro-nationalism
>founding fathers
oh okay you're ignorant. i wont bother you again sir.
oh it’s THIS thread again
Not sure which is funnier, pathetic radical centrists posters or posters that think Africa is shit for any other reason than it's populated by blacks.
>implying he's wrong
>only whites were allowed to immigrate and become citizens
Cached items also it's Africa. They lose shit all the time from bases.
Cutoff pants bro.
Hey are there any organisations wanting to take it back? List some please
not sure if i want to drop you from a G-Car or want to pop you in the face with a 20mm Minengeschoß from a K-Car
worst founding father
are you saying that non-whites dont belong in europe?
Definitely Larry too
I'll do it lads, but give me a year or two to finish muh educayshun.
And I'm a bong so no guns (unless share? :3 ), but if you need a colonial overlord with a delightful accent but no real tactical know-how, I'm your guy.
I don't care either way, but these Rhodesian fanboys seem to hate non-whites in Europe and America. Yet they want to retake Rhodesia and spread white culture and values in Africa?
Seems really fucking hypocritical to me.
White culture and values?
You mean civilization and prosperity? Sounds good to me. Better to build something out of Africa than just stripping it for resources.
white cultur is objectively superior
All Blacks is the New Zealand rugby team, which is pretty good.
It’s not hypocrisy.
It’s conquest.
Is it just me or has the whole Rhodesia thing picked up in momentum really quickly? I only heard about it a month or so ago on Sup Forums, since then I've had a couple convos with ex-Rhodesians on the internet and seen increasing pro-Rhodesia content produced recently.
Today I was pleasantly surprised by Gun Jesus' video on the Rhodesian FAL.
After the empty year of 2017 following 2016's high notes, could Rhodesia be the new meme of 2018?
>inb4 fuck off lazy edgelord
if we can meme a president into office maybe we can meme a country back into existance
I hope so :3
>hordes of fat, pasty basement dwellers with PSA AR15s, Mosins, and AKs fly to Africa
>6 months of fighting, rape, and crime; stalemate ensues
>Trump revokes all their passports and prohibits flights from Zimbabwe
>Africans are forced to breed quicker than rabbits and overcome Rhodesian fanboys after 10 years by spawning child soldiers
>Rhodesian Bush War 2.0 is repeated with more dead or fleeing whites
t. Emmerson Mnangagwa
Yep. I used to be pretty partial to the occasional rhodie thread, but this is every fucking day man. Its just tiresome, Sup Forumsacks and fanatical larpers have run it into the ground.
Remember to report and submit!
whats so valuable in Zimbabwe that we should risk our lives for it?
Literally nothing. It's just retards from pol who want to participate in a race war because he lost a fight in middle school to a nigger.
>On 19 November, he was sacked as leader of ZANU-PF, and Mnangagwa was appointed in his place.[396] The party also gave Mugabe an ultimatum–resign by noon the following day, or it would introduce an impeachment resolution against him.
>Literally nothing.
explains China's interest
China is in Africa for natural resources. America is fine, retard.
>stalemate ensues
when one side is composed of
>fat, pasty basement dwellers
>nothing in Zimbabwe is valuable
>except China's sole purpose being there
Nothing for the Rhodesiafags. You think they want to be in Rhodesia for natural resources? They want a fucking race war and an opportunity to use their FALs.
Wow. The /k/ mods actually did their job for once.
rare flag?
thread was moved over from /k/
Literally where are you niggers from
The flags aren't showing up cause this was a thread moved from /k/
your mom's house
donate here instead of youtube celebs patreon, you'll do a lot more good for whites.
Welcome to Sup Forums.
Now get out