A fucking idiot

>a fucking idiot
>a dope
>dumb as shit
>not only dumb but crazy
>a fucking moron
And that's just what his "friends" think.

>tfw Sup Forums got conned by a KNOWN conman

>speaking of oneself in third person

t. shill

Keep drinking that soy, it was her turn after all

Harambe vs. UnGebegaoo is starting on
GFC network in 5min goys...

Keep drinking that high fructose trumpkin fatty

The alt right version of muh dick everyone

dont forget his wife literally crying in terror

But thats not how you spell main stream meteor!

Thats no way to talk about your mother

Lololol. Trumptards are crying into their cereal this morning and screaming at their moms about how their king emperor is king and that "liberul tears" will be sweet once Sessions throws them in jail for the weeds.

Grow up, you got conned! Fucking Nazi idiots.

2 bottles of soy milk have been deposited into your fridge.


Was it your intention to prove to be a moron? Because that's all you're doing.

Prove that there are infinite prime numbers.

Go cry on the giant MAGA pillow your mommy bought you with her truck stop hooker money, fatty,



Never gets old. Gonna be saying that as a catch phrase for the next 20 years.

and that makes it all worth it? You can't hate both things, you hate 1 thing so the other is by definition better? How delusional are you? Not even saying Hillary is good but forget her for a minute, can we all agree Trump is a fucking disaster and needs to quit?

Why? So he can be replaced with another deep state puppet?


I would consider Pence more like a bible thumping idiot but at least he can read, at least he doesn't piss off the entire world on twitter, at least he doesn't cry himself to sleep when he remembers his position.

>Sup Forums tier thread


>incompetent asshole wipes floor with libtard opponent
>does so accidently and with no effort at all
>this is seen as a positive development

Libtard logic: stab self in stomach then promptly declare victory

Fuck you. He's our bitch.


Nice digits, master

>image is everything

wtf i love trump now
guess i have more in common with him than i thought

you know that book that you are referring to is a work of fiction right? it says so on the second page.
Mr. wolff is well know for lying to profit taking thing completely out of context for thrills....

Just go away simpleton

le trump man isnt going to put up with any of your back talk mister. youll pay . le trump man is going to rain horrors down upon you the likes of which the pope hasnt seen and that fucker has diddled little boys to the point of suicide many times

He's just extremely narcissistic - justifiably so - which leads to him to act like a baby when attacked personally. It's not unusual among good looking talk people. You get put on a pedestal your whole life and it's no surprise character attacks will be more cutting than other attacks. I'm that way too, but thank Christ I had parents with good characters and as a result I can regulate my conceit with emotional intelligence.

saged and reported