Can Europeans and East Asians live together peacefully?

Can Europeans and East Asians live together peacefully?
It seems in the modern diversity nightmare East Asians are the most easily assimilated, and generally have temperament and behaviors befitting white societies.

If all the jungle- and sandpeople were banished and replaced with chinks, would our nations function better? Or would the issues manifest once chinks become a more prominent minority? Examples welcome.

Aren't we already?

user do u want hapas? Cuz that's how you get hapas

Of course it would be better. All multiculturalism leads to conflict, though

That thing is a jungle creature

Asians have no souls. They could watch a fucking child being skinned alive and they wouldnt feel a thing, just watch with their dead eyes. I cant stand them

They already are...

and I am Colonel Kurtz

Lol when you actually, unironicaly believe the Asians are soulless meme... Have you ever actually met an Asian?

THEY ALREADY ARE OP, there's your answer, now fuck off

They're hotter than full Asians.
I feel like the Japs exercised all their pent up savagery in WW2 and have calmed down. The Chinese, on the other hand, still have that inhuman callousness going on.
>insert video of that gook lady shitting out a baby in the middle of the street.

Asians are basically herd animals. Herd mentality causes otherwise smart people not to speak up in the face of something they know to be wrong. While superficially less problematic than imperfections of other races, this fatal flaw has led to the greatest mass death in human history. (40 million during Mao zedongs great leap forward)

>Can Europeans and East Asians live together peacefully?


>Have you ever actually met an Asian?
i live in uk, what do you think?

Yes because east asians are literally the only non-white race actually able to create a functioning, modern society

Japs and gooks yes, Chinks definetly no.

The Chinese are an invasive species of pathologically dishonest rat-people. They are doing everything in there power to colonize and exploit the west and steal our technology.

Chinks are utterly ruthless bug-men without any redeeming qualities and need to be violently purged from our countries without mercy or remorse.

No, only Aryans and East Asians.
Europeans and East Asians are of different essences and do not mix properly.

You need Jesus

The quality of the immigrant is not the central reason why ethnic pluralism is a bad idea, it's that a) ethnically plural societies ultimately devolve into either ethnic balkanization or low-trust community-less hives of misery and b) the erosion of ethnic groups' culture and identity. Do you think they'd like for us to be mass imported into their countries? Of course not, because they recognize the foolishness in handing over your land to a bunch of foreigners. Whites would naturally begin to territorialize and assume the "right" to live on the land they settled on; "multiculturalism" is a fantasy, it's just a smokescreen for colonization.

Right, says the race that exterminated 6 million jews in ovens and gas chambers.


I consider whites to be overly expressive with their emotions. This fatal flaw has resulted into two world wars in the past century. What would the final solution be I wonder....

Japs, gooks, and Chinks don't define individuals.Honestly you will find out your own "race" probably doesn't think highly of you either.


Don't forget the lampshades and masturbation machines!

So long as Whites accept that Asia is for Asians, and Asians accept that White countries are for White countries there is no reason for there to be conflict.


Umm, you’re off by three orders of magnitude, sweetie

>Umm, you’re off by three orders of magnitude, sweetie

what does he mean by this?

ah, but what did jew mean by this?


not the 600 trillion

True Han aren't that different from Japanese and Koreans. If you at those genetic distance maps, they all overlap a lot.

And much of the basis of Japanese culture traces back to the Tang dynasty in China. China just had the misfortunate of getting conquered by Mongols, Manchus, and communist ideology.

Asian here. We hate chinks too. A few months ago we were hoping the India and China went to war so that they could exterminate each other. Still hoping it happens.

In my humble 56% of an opinion Blacks & Hispanics > Asians

I am a Jap who relocated to the US at age 5, initially to Ohio, where I saw only northern European white people around. I subsequently moved down south where again whites were predominant by a large margin. Thus I saw in real life everyday experiences the behaviors and cultures of the predominating white race in the US. On media: TV/film/magazines, on advertising and toys I played with, in schools and government as well as by the 1990s online, I internalized the self-evident message that whites, especially blonde haired, blue-eyed beautiful women were the highest expression of Godliness. By college, this message was so inherent, that I despaired their absence at the Ivy League university where I obtained my education. Post graduate school, I ultimately paired off with a beautiful nordic fair-skinned, blonde haired, blue-eyed girl of my dreams.

I find northern European features utterly irresistible. I could not possibly mate with any other types of human, including for East Asians like myself. My only critique of a nordic white ethnostate would be that I would be excluded and thus be deprived of access to the beautiful and superior blondes of the northern European subtype.

My kids are hapas/hafu. I am of the opinion, that ultimately I'd prefer that my kids both marry other nordic fair whites, such that eventually a few generations downstream, their kids would have mostly blondish features, but with the useful high IQ, hard-working, conscientious, and less violent tendencies of the northern East Asians.

Hitler didn't mind chinks. Chinks are fine as long as they stop immigrating so much and breeding like rabbits while replacing Australian cities with their ethnic group.

Basically high IQ people can live together peacefully. So yes. Personally I have never had a negative experience with an asian person, they are all kind of introverted and on my wavelength.

"Pride in ones own race-and that does not imply contempt for other races, is a normal and healthy sentiment."
-Martin Luther King
Would be a great meme to redpill normies

Short answer is no

Plenty of """""whites"""" executed Japanese with no mercy also, collecting skulls and bones of dead Japanese corpses. Talk about Asiatic savagery, but hey, that's what happens when you are ruled by (((asiatics))), as Germans never did such things in WW2.

I've met some adoptee Asians, who were pretty aggressive and had a very short fuse. Can't really blame them though.