Side characters that are a bigger hook to a series than the lead

Side characters that are a bigger hook to a series than the lead.

I'll start.

Wrong girl.

It's true of both though.

May as well be the main character


>Come in expecting Yotsuba but with food
>Stay for her smile and literally nothing else



>side character

You clearly have no idea what side character means you dumb fag.


Correct answer probably is Inari's Touka, but pic related is personal favorite.

Chiyo isn't bad but how can she possibly compete?.





no you for you

You should read the manga. For whatever fucktarded reason the anime decided it wanted to cut out almost all of her screen time. She's supposed to be every bit the main character the other two where.


Only reason I didn't drop the manga.

Fuck these lesbians. I just want cute tomboy romance but every arc ends up being about these cunts.


I want to fuck Misuzu


I sat through this whole goddamn piece of shit anime and she only showed up for like 2 episode. Instead we got nothing but nosebleed embarrassed crushes and retarded anime girlfriend cammy

You could argue virtually any girl over the main one though unless I forgot something vital about her.



Nothing Vital really but her pic was the reason I tried watching the show. If the show had been at all decent I may not have felt so put out but fuck it was bad.

Yotsuba may be a gift from god, but I stayed for more Fuuka


>You will never hang yamada's teddy bear from a noose for her to find when she get's home

Is Tomo-chan on hiatus again? I didn´t see a thread these last few days, maybe I´m just blind

I share the same sentiment exactly.

She is clearly not the protagonist though. Co-star? Doesn't sense when using with characters.

We all know pretty neighbor is canon

yup, until next week but i don't remember the exact day

I just caught up, how many pages per week is the usual?



One chapter/page per day

Literally the only redeeming thing in the show is her smugness.

AND he got the true best girl

Yeah ad I'm pretty sure reddit likes breathing too, you should stop doing that.

Pretty sure I stomached that series cause of her only.

these two, both solo and working together

Shun didn't deserve what happened to him

How can other rivals even compete?

Was it autisim?

>Make MC the most boring blank space selfinsert shit ever
>Give his friend all the personally and an actual love problems that isn't just trying to get back to status quo as fast as possible
>Japs eat it up
Can't make this shit up

This. I'm a little surprised Chiyo is so much popular than these two, they both have very distinctive personalities.

Of course


>be a huge dicktease
>never gave the MC pussy



>Not the takanashi sisters.

Biggest moment of the series was this. Orders of magnitude more weight than the finale.

(Ruri was an amazing side too.)

These two.

Misuzu's "woe is me" DRAMA is pissing me off and is turning me off the series.

I want that storyline to be over and just have actual development in relationships. This is actually more frustrating than a normal romance manga because you have three couples where absolutely nothing happens instead of the usual one.

Im gonna need a sauce for that PTSD-kun.
Is she gonna go crazy once her Humbando dies of old age?

MICHLAN breathes


wtf is a michlan?

A tripfag who frequents Tomo threads.

Keep your fucking namefag obsession in the tomo threads, stop spreading your cancer.

>All this projecting
>Shu just takes it

Well, you have a point, but I still had to post Yamada.

also adagaki a shit

fuck is that hand?

My first thought.

Sawako is best girl tho

Shun, Sora, Sawatari, Selena, Yuzu, Gongenzaka - I think we'd save time by naming Arc-V characters that AREN'T a bigger hook than Yuya

>His hot blue-eyes girlfriend didn't get reincarnated

But why though?

It's time.

Reread/rewatched this recently, and I found Furuichi to be pretty annoying. He has his good moments towards the end of the series, but until then he's just comedic relief, and a really bad one at that.

I watched it for the guy next to Yamada.

MC became shit and that awful ship with good thing Chef plot ended first so I could drop that awful series, sucks for Popura.



I hear Kurumeme finally got kissed by MC in the novels?

It's not that I find the MC of a certain manga boring, it's just that the whole plot is building up to his death and no one seems to realize it. Well in that sense he's not the "real" MC, I guess.

*with Inami

Inami a shit.

She is the best written character from the series and ironically she appeared since Vol.1 and not 3 as everyone thought.



everyone in MHA. I almost wish it was a show that just had a bunch of main characters so we'd get to see more of everyone in 1-A.


God im so glad i don't read that shit so i don't have to suffer through her not winning

>twin tails
How can neko even compete?

Yeah, but Shun in particular lost his imouto and best friend.


Is that the chinese girl from Kenichi?



That's why Yoshino is for.

Seo is easily my favorite character in that. Some of the scenes with her and Waka had me actually laughing and I almost never actually laugh.

>That Kumagawa thread that last for 3 days

How you figure?


Every time.


Is Lina drunk?

That is a 7 not a 3.