This kills the Hillary

This kills the Hillary

No way she can win in 2016 now!


SPOILER: Trump had his hands in Clinton's election-rigging scheme to make it so that Clinton won and Trump could scream about election-rigging for 8 years, but Trump was too incompetent to rig the election and too good at smearing shit and so, against his own wishes, he got elected.

They are alleging illegal conduct and even if she lost the law is still the law.

yet another of these fucking threads.
stop it, she will be prancing around free for the rest of her miserable life, get used to that, Trump is a failure when it comes to locking up the elites, because he is one.

Yeah, we need to get back to investigating Trump and Russia!

Fuck off

I'm sure they're investigating really hard and haven't already drafted memos saying theres no crime

Sup Forums does you stupid kangaroo cock loving faggot, get the fuck out stupid fucking aids chimpanzee

>the guy that wanted to lose won
>the hag that wanted to win lost

Now this gets my nergles nargling

While perfectly possible, it's meaningless now.

>you stupid kangaroo cock loving faggot
no one can resist the chad kangaroo

More like William Binny approached DJT around 2011 just as Weiner was being exposed as a baby girl chaser. remember when DJT ate pizza with a knife and fork and called it pizza-gate?

fake news if there ever was fake news

Right, because what people say they want is what they actually want and nobody ever lies or attempts to trick others or plays 4d chess.

Both CNN and Fox are reporting on it. Thats how you know its real.

What is the point in coming here to comment this? Every major news source, including your beloved cnn, is covering the story.

Did anyone else see Geraldo Rivera on Hannity talking about this last night? He couldn't go two sentences without moving goalposts and ended by screaming

>I care about the future, not the past!

The absolute delusion people have about Democrats committing crimes.

bamp. fuck the shills and slide threads

Well as another user said, it doesn't matter now.

lol shes going to jail faggot, you know the foundations got so many donors and secrets, liberals are finished.


All media is fake news, there's nothing real about any of this.

counter faggot bump

hillary is going to prison

If she wins in 2016, I will never born. :(

Can you describe how you reached this level of self-aware delusion? Is there like a mantra or daily ritual you go through?

Just wake up from the coma this is all in your head.

Daily reminder that the shills new battle cry is to litterally scream "SHE IS ABOVE THE LAW" while probably shitting thier panties.

wrong, if it doesn't matter why waste resources? oh yeah because it matters, andBIGLY


>uragay can't tell Australia from New Zealand
nothing new here

>kangaroo fucker can't either
still nothing new


dems are fucking pathetic kek

55656556 what does it mean?

>liberals are finished
At this point I'm convinced you're a liberal shill pretending to be a retarded conservative. Nobody is genuinely this stupid.

invest in 5.56

Please re-read the reply chain.
My point was that the election is over.

she goin' to jail

>Trumpcucks are STILL talking about Hillary
Could you imagine if Obamafags were trashing McCain or Romney in 2010/2014 respectively?

Oh so NOW everything is fake news.
It's not either CNN or FOX, now it's all media outlets.
I fucking love how your game has to change when things like this happen.
>Trump will never be president
>Trump won, Russia hacked the election!
>Trump Colluded with Russia to hack the election!
>No, DOJ is lying! Hillary did not collude with Russia!
>No, she didn't do anything ilegal
>No, feds aren't investigating her
You are here
>Just because they are investigating her it doesn't mean there is any wrongdoing you faggots!
>Yeah well she might have been guilty of X, but DEFINATELY not guily of Y!
>Ok guys look, she did that, but it's not her fault, look at this smokescreen bullshit!

I swear shills might be the best thing to ever happen to this board, it's a a new heartly laugh every single day with you faggots

>Nobody is genuinely this stupid.
Welcome to Sup Forums.

Pic related, just got to pump your body with enough drugs to cause psychotic breaks and you'll be on your way.

>implying that obama wasn't blaming bush jr for all his problems for 8 years

>implying my comment was anything but sarcasm
You took the hook line and rod from me buddy.

No, because somehow liberals are less childish than republicans. How did the GOP become bigger snowflakes than the SJWs?

hey faggot, you lost over a thousand government positions and are due to lose even more, Hillary is going to prison and theres nothing you can do about it but whine on Sup Forums

they are not the same

Oh so this is why so many shill threads are up today.

they're getting scared

if this was true it would actually make me like trump even more lmao, don't people say that the only people who should rule countries are the ones who don't want to?


>Trumpcucks are STILL talking about Hillary
>Ignore liberals crying over muh russia for over a year with not a single shred of evidence

Whatever makes you sleep at night utter faggot

Good thing that's never happened in the history of this country, otherwise one party would have been in control for a century? Oh wait, it has, and that didn't happen? Well let's just pretend it did, right? What use is actual historical evidence when we have your godly logical skills.

Yes seriously, if you're not the president you should be allowed to commit any crime you want!

America is now 556% whiter.


Just because she didnt win the presidency doesnt mean she lost. She has wide sweeping power throughout the world.

I just did a presentation on the conflicts of interest that came from the Clinton foundation accepting foreign donations when the Clintons are high ranking government officials. The class was surprisingly supportive and didn't get any SJW reactions.

Literally been about 5 RACEMIX WIT BROWN GIRL WHYTE BOI and niggers beating white threads up in the past hour

fucking took long enough
im sure the FBI got the signal from the CF that all evidence had been thoroughly destroyed before the FBI made the move


It's interesting what happens when you let the actions speak for themselves.


is this a branch FBI division or is it an in house investigation

>he yells at his screen in between huffs of petrol

I, too, wonder about the integrity of the Arkansas branch of the FBI. Can they be trusted to provide a thorough investigation into the foundation while being at the litteral ground zero of the Clinton crime syndicate?

>I'm sure the FBI got the signal...

Oh shit I forgot Hillary's eight(8) years as president before Trump

Last time I checked, Hillary is completely out of any office whereas Putin is still here and stepping up his efforts. Nice deflection tho~~

You commies can either get with the times or catch bullets.

Yup, or more. The shilling is hard today boyos, eyes open.

She was slightly involved in politics.

Then they went home and watched Colbert. "FUCK DRUMPH AMIRITE"

Huma wearing an ankle at hillcucks house...noose is tightening on killary's flabby neck folds

It was reported last year that it's a field office running the Clinton Foundation investigation. I want to say one in Texas, but I don't recall exactly.

And the 9000th excuse comes vomiting forward.

You said nothing of substance senpai please try again with less anger. I haven't even said how I feel about Russia but they still aren't equivalent no matter how much you try to say they are.

K then

>ITT: Drumpfshits still living in 2016

Conservashits really do have a hard time adapting to the present lol

"this time hillary will be arrested for sure" says increasingly frustrated patriot for the 700th time this (and last) year

also bump

Shills: Leave her alone stop talking about her OMG she lost, she's not the president gosh!!

She's going to hang

>news released today
wow libfags really do have a hard time adapting to reality

>Completely ignores the fact Clinton is being investigated over stuff she did while she was a Presidential Candidate
>Nice deflection
>Simpsons image
Shills are so easy to spot it's embarassing

Moloch's dirty trick 556 56 556

>whether any donations made to the foundation are tied to actions carried out by us gov
of course not

>Simpsons avatarfagging shitty opinions
How dare you

you HAVE to be right :^)
also bump for thread of the day. shills brigading like never before and it's beautiful

No it doesn't, she just destroys evidence like always and feds wont care because her last name is cosa nostra untouchable tier

She's seriously a super corrupt person. She needs to be held accountable for her actions - actions that have damaged the US.

Nigger you brought up Russia as an equivalent to Hillary and I said it wasn't, namely because Russia is still in power and Hillary isn't.

If the Simpsons is triggering you too much I'll switch it up just for you, keep concerning yourselves with Hillary while Tyrone fucks your Oneitis ;^)

correcto mundo
reminder to continue bumping so fellow non-shills can see the thread through the sliders

You are a bad shill

oh fuck...this is alarming

You are fucking retarded.
You are saying because Clinton isn't in office she should be free from being charged of any crime she comitted in the past.
Enjoy your 0.002c a post faggot.

I do have an honest question tho, do you ever worry someday, not far from now your name will be on a list titled ''clean up''?
Is the bullet worth the meth and the shit money you get for posting your bullshit that nobody buys?


Today was a good day.

You can’t just lose an election an be absolved of all your crimes. Else every crook and two bit theif would... never mind.

Hillary did nothing wrong

Drumpfags are getting desperate lmao

I'm ready

Yes, that is why the FBI had to conspire to break the law to exonerate her.

i posted that and got trip8s and nobody even chcked me in that thread. feels bad man

so true. this thread will die soon if we don't bump it