Why are whites so self-hating?
Because it is moral in their eyes.
Emma, however, just likes the attention.
Also that book title pisses me off because they are losing the racial argument so hard all they can do is deplatform. Like a Mormon telling people not to read any other literature.
same reason they cut themselves when they're teenage girls I guess user. I dunno what the underlying reason is necessarily but there is clearly some deep, self-harming mental illness that exists in our culture and even unfortunately I would say in our genes.
Books like that are why I'm no longer trying to educate brown people.
Because with the other narrative she risks to lose fat contracts in Hollywood.
it's a strange "logic".
>whites have an IQ one standard deviation higher than most "brown" and definitely black people
>somehow we're supposed to take the opinions of the stupid, borderline retarded race rather than the intelligent race that crafted civilization, took us out of the barbaric ages, and created the entire concept of "human rights" as we know it today.
yeah ok and people are actually buying this nonsense? picture related. why the FUCK would we ever take THEIR opinion over our own on topics of ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING.
This book won't catch on. They need to keep talking about it to keep the guilt going. If they stop that kills the guilt.
I know that Sup Forums generally shits on Peterson, but he got some things right. For example, what do you call a person you can't or wont talk to? A mortal enemy.
What's funny about this is I doubt she even read that. Most people around her age on the left love using books as props to take pics with but they very rarely read them.
Anyone read that book? Perhaps you can present us with your redpilled critique? No? Hmm.
Because they understand that there is a rather large contingency of racist bigoted white people that make decent white people look bad and they want to separate themselves from them
Ask her how sucking Harvey Weinstein's dick was empowering women.
>same reason they cut themselves when they're teenage girls
insecurity from a world without guidance and being told all the feminist lies and not feeling attached to them or able to succeed.
>deep, self-harming mental illness that exists in our culture
not mental illnes, subversion. Its just the feminist, globalist, and multicultural agenda mixing to create a constant air of "feel bad about being white". Since there is no formal education regarding race this is all they hear and women being followers just believe it.
> I would say in our genes.
highly doubt that just genes that perpetuate it once it takes hold
So empowered
If the book actually believed its message it wouldn't have been created, it's like when you see a 3 or 4 paragraph reply to a shitpost here about how someone doesn't care and is above this, except in this case it's a whole fucking book and the thing they are supposedly above is the basis for their entire fucking career.
we love her for being hermione but celebrities are just vessels for the elites
Christ, what a shame. She's looks like a typical member of the Anarcho-Communist society (yes, it exists) at my uni
lots of women have humiliation/domination fetish
they want a burden to carry
sometimes it overlaps with their race
I've noticed this to.
...While trying to convince whites there's dignity in shutting-up. Goddamn these wretches.
Because they're not white
Here's a critique: you're a faggot shill who deserves the rope.
emma watson finally looks like an adult but the resting bitchface since infancy seems destined to persist. i wonder how many black bulls she has let dump inside her to satisfy her self-image as an inclusive, progressive woman.
Why I'm no longer listening (((to hollywood))) about anything
should've saved Emma when we had the chance
Faustian needs and no frontier
But you also have to realize why the book probably came into existence in the first place. There has to be some sort of perceived racism/power imbalance (which there is) for them to go "gib me mor".
But the plain and simple truth normie white people have to find out is there is no shame in keeping this imbalance, because that is how capitalism works, that is how human nature works, and we can otherwise offer perhaps a few ways to help people out without completely turning this into marxism or a nation of blobs.
So yeah, the fires of racism keep burning even to today, and it is going to take some brave souls to actually give logical reasons as to why it exists and it isn't all bad.