whats Sup Forums opinion on artists boycotting israel?
Whats Sup Forums opinion on artists boycotting israel?
roger waters is a cunt who let syd barrett go crazy
do you even link?
fuck off Shlomo
I like it.
search roger waters on facebook, literally the first post.
reminder Lorde used to post on Sup Forums is friends with /ourgirl/ taytay
KYS Ahmed
meme flag nigger faggot
lrn2bake bread lurk moar
Good step in the right direction.
Yes goy stand with hollywood.
>syd barrett go crazy
He was totally nuts, and there was no stopping that spiral.
I am somewhat suprised that Watters came out about this.
Go fuck yourselves with chainsaws JIDF.
That’s my opinion.
Lorde is a self hating white, i wonder if this experience has changed her at all?
>woah they attacking israel by not letting them genocide people
fuch off jewish trash
Antisemitic doesn't even mean anything anymore. Everything and everyone is nowadays for doing anything.
Israel has no legitmacy, was made by rothchild type interests, and is literally a hive of jewry. Needs glassing
>boycotting israel
That's a federal crime, stop that immediately goy
Alan duiyshuvitzszxc approves of this message
he wasn't his fucking dad
he is a cunt though but for other reasons
You don't need to support either. Quit trying to set up a false dichotomy. That's all the kikes do, "Judeo-Christianity or Islam," "Science and Reason or Religion," "Debt-based currency or gold-backed currency," "Israel or Hollywood," "Anti-Semitism and racism or anti-racism." Fuck off.
Hitler really was right wasn't he?
you have no idea