Who was in the wrong here?
Who was in the wrong here?
Bitchboy that was hilarious af, get off 4chin if you're such a softcunt soyboy.
Any male who witnessed that but didn't lay the nigger out.
t. catredditor
Based Pajeet
This triggers the poo nigger.
the cat was in the wrong. it relaxed around blacks. bad move there kitty kitty.
both african immigrants
It's hard to tell, I can really see both sides of the argument, here
the jew for importing these pavement apes
Thanks for reminding that street shitters are subhuman
The cat, should relax around blacks.
The cat failed to avoid the groid.
Around blacks, never relax.
nigger is as nigger does, but this particular kick wasn't even that rough, it was more of a lob, and cats are terrific landers. way more vile shit used to happen and happens every days in niggerville.
dat racist cat wuz talken shit
Based aryan destroying soyboys in every thread.
>subhuman low empath low inhibition nigger detected
>uncivilized response from a country that thinks toilets are haunted by witches
Exactly what I expected
What's wrong with you?
Based anti-cat chads
Redditor soyboys
Dumb cat got BTFO, deal with it
You pooloos should definately drown in your own filth and polution
americans for letting this happen
SomeWan poo'd in his cornflakes
Deleet it!
I don't visit this board much. You're welcome to /gif/ and Sup Forums pussy ass bitches.
Holy shit I've never seen a Panama flag here
cats a redpilled
nice try JIDF
why do you Jews always have to make sense
WTF i wanna kill niggers now
Domestic cats are african immigrants.
careful with that edge, sonny. someone watched a little too much WWE in the trailer park this weekend
>posts made by people who believe in toilet witches
indian "people" are subhumans.
I like how he starts dancing at the end. They're called jigaboos for a reason.
Me, for believing that the overwhelming majority of niggers aren't subhuman filth for so many years.
Cat hate thread?
i cant watch this my soymilk is spoiled
debit or craydit?
What ever makes you help sleep at night,Rahul.
At this stage I believe that non-whites don't really have souls.
You're not white
memeflag troll that doesn't get enough attention from his single mommy so he's fishing for replies
Get out of my country mohammed
if you dont like animals you are not human in my book.
I'd pluck your eyes out with spoons, fill your eye sockets with hot sauce and then duct tape is shut. A stray cat is worth more than you.
cat love thread, stop hate
Cat's playing 3D laser pointer. He knew there was someone filming.
My nigger
True sign of a subhuman nigger. You don't have to be a redditor to not be a nigger. This should be grounds for hard labor jailtime.
Post b-tier thread, get b-tier results. /sage
Das rite wite bwoi we steelin ur pussay ahhhhha
Man I wonder what would be the cause of dead if youd die from spinning around like that.
Hello newfriend. Take some time to lurk before posting. Thanks.
All the soyboys in the thread right now
Cats are good at chasing bugs, snakes and rats, who spread diseases
what are niggers good at ?
Catfags are honorary redditors.
Based Poo
I love cats but this one always gets me.
Pleasing French women better then frenchy froggy fags.
>hurr durr if you don't like hurting animals you are a soygoy redditer
>Show bobs n vagene bitch spaghetti
how's the toilet witch doing ?
If you think kicking cats is funny you're a confirmed nig
Eating, kicking, and enslaving animals is the normal way.
White degenerates have other things in mind for animals.
>Niggers fucking frenchies wife
>Meanwhile the french cuck pleases and serves his cat
Sup Forums has a significant amount of edgelords lad desu
>it is ok when another animals are cooked
>when it comes to cats or dogs
The cat obvi
He relaxed
>Fucking anything outside of anglo countries
in britain maybe, there's not a lot of poo in loos there
Better than your whore womens pussy, which are being destroyed by rapefugees and niggers rn.
It's the same people who think owning pitbulls is a human right.
>It's ok to kick cats but don't dare touching my holy cow
>here, you can even drink its holy pee
kek. free ahed
I said niggers
i want to take every animal abuser and light them on fire and blow their knee caps and elbow caps out with a double barrel shot gun and feed them to a wood chipper.
>Sup Forums thinks they themselves aren't niggers
I just said niggers were useless, why are you triggered my shitting friend ?
Livestock isn't kicked against walls before being slaughtered. Also I'm personally a vegetarian but I don't give a shit about people eating meat as long as it's humanely raised
Indians aren't honorary niggers ?
>kicking cats
That was my favorite game as a kid.
Akin to shaken baby syndrome, some sort of brain damage.
>We have to treat everyone the same regardless of genes
Yeah you'd like that wouldn't you
This is why niggers are the most dangerous beasts. They are capable of emulating human kindness, but it is always a farce. Only a fool relaxes around blacks.
Both here are harmful african migrants. Gas them all. On the second thought, send the cat"s back home so that they kill all of the nigs' native small fauna so that africa can finally turn into a real tomb for the nigs.
just more proof that slant-eyed niggers are soulless robots
What kind of creature would kick a small, harmless animal?
Oh yeah! A nigger!
Why are all streamer girls hot but fucked up in some way?
Actually, all girls have shit to hide I guess...
they're molded out of poo.
what a way to go out
what the fuck is this faggotry. Sup Forums has always been procat. nog in the wrong for luring the kitty in
I really hate animal abuse
La crème du trolling.
What people don't understand is toxoplasmosis gives cat people the ability to murder a cat torturer/killer and get rewarded with copious amounts of serotonin
Don't fuck with us
This is an example of wild animal problems converging. The nigger and the stray are both poisonous vermin to the healthy state and society. In this case, unbridled niggertry cleared the area of one vermin leaving only the nigger. Shortly after the nigger cleared the area, it's nigger senses started tingling about a liquor store that hadn't been robbed in an hour that also had a mentally deficient unraped mudshark twat sitting by the door. The lesson is that without proper control of wild animals both will return and continue to tear down and destroy the areas they infest. This is always the end result of allowing the weak emotional reactions indicative of women to decide how to address blatant and obvious problems.
You're an animal abuser pham.
I'm not triggered I just said they're better at pleasing French women than you froggots.
>Why are all streamer girls hot but fucked up in some way?
Because they'll do anything for attention and money ?
thats a turkish cartoon
Daily reminder that animals cannot commit wrong and therefore taking pleasure in their suffering is undeniably immoral