>on the enemy's dick the instant the war ended
>the same enemy that killed her father and brothers
>the slav
>the untermensch
>the man she was taught to see as the subhuman
Sup Forums will defend this
>on the enemy's dick the instant the war ended
>the same enemy that killed her father and brothers
>the slav
>the untermensch
>the man she was taught to see as the subhuman
Sup Forums will defend this
>Sup Forums will defend this
The fuck we will
whoever made this meme flags needs to be boiled
>Sup Forums will defend this
im sure the ones who stayed loyal after defeat had a much better time
as a man, just never be defeated or make sure you go to valhalla
That's just the nature of the world man. Female nature springs from survival.
You can teach your women that someone else is an untermensch or you can prove your point by chadriding into their capital. Guess which one women respect them most
Woman is the Jew Hitler warned the Germans about.
this is why woman cannot be redpilled, they are children with no deep convictions or beliefs easily swayed by anything.
she needed protection
do you realise every German (including boys and little grils) were getting raped by allies on both fronts?
>hating on this
Thats why you are going extinct nordcuck because you cant stop submitting to the whims of your women.
>do you realise every German (including boys and little grils) were getting raped by allies on both fronts?
Only by Russians
I guess Argentina has no history books?
>Sup Forums will defend this
Hell no
You're just mad because you don't have this.
>Proof nazis were bad in one picture
If it's what's necessary to preserve the life of your children, than why the fuck not.
My wife could fuck the enemy if it meant a loaf of bread for our offspring.
I'm guessing that black boy American soldiers did their fair-share of raping, considering that they do their fair-share of raping today, wherever they are stationed.
No, Americans were almost as bad as the Russians according to reports made by Americans. You were also most eagerly executing the Morgenthau plan, Brits were mostly trying to make sheckles and Russians and French looted.
Why does pol get so buttmad about this
To the victor goes the spoils, might is right. That's our whole fucking mantra is it not?
If the krauts didn't want their chicks banged by Ruskies they should have fought harder
the truth is that giving women the vote is what killed the west. everything bluepilled currently being voted into policy is being voted on by women
It's just the way it's always been. Men fight, and women will bear the children and adapt the culture of either succesful defenders or conquerors.
Honour has always been a male trait. I know plenty of men who'd jump overboard bridge to save their woman but not many women who'd do the same. Women are only loyal when you are strong.
Also significantly stressed out
Oh a white cunt big fucking deal, a worthless baby making machine fucking stupid white knight faggot.
Someone post that picture of this bitch kissing that fucking rapefugee shitskin.
>according to reports made by Americans
Citation needed
Russians committed most of the atrocities as a sort of revenge.
My Grandfather was 15th infanrty in europe.
Only stories he told was of the horror of prison camps
I'm not saying no americans did rape but us military was more disciplined and honorable.
Certainly not on par with what the russians did
>all (95%+) women are whores
>my grandfather
Who gives a fuck about your gramps
You think your grandpa would tell you if he raped a 14 year old?
This one?
No, this.
Putting women on a pedestal got you in this mess in the first place.
>You think your grandpa would tell you if he raped a 14 year old?
He was a man of integrity
Unlike some /pol user degenerate such as yourself
kys fag boy
You didn't answer the question retard
Women would betray their men for some virtue signalling points. Loyalty isn't a female trait.
>women are brainless sluts who like violent, drunk, dirty men wrecking and looting everything in sight
You stupid fuckers
you americans were alwas savages in every blood, the jew gave you green light to do whatever you wanted, and you did. you complain of niggers but americans are no better, they act the same
That's just all germans friendo
You went out of your way to photoshop this? smdh
He wouldn't rape a 14 year old fuckhead
Sounds like you would though
Some people have morals and standards
The question has been answered
You're just too stupid to understand
>you complain of niggers
Says the nigger from argentina
This is a good start. Do you really think some farmboys from bumfuck nowhere high on Anglo-Jewish propaganda wouldn't chimp out? Take your soldiers from today, they probably thought they were defending America from another 9/11 in Iraq.
people knew about this since the dawn of time since history is mostly war conquest and rape. Women dont stay mourning thier soyboy dead husbands, they should have won
>that cope
Kill yourself, my man.
this one too.
That's not a citation
How about alice in wonderland?
I mean after all it is a "book"
dont argue with americans all they have is their saving private ryan or band of brothers heroic propaganda shows and thats the only truth to them
Hah, this upset because the Taylor Swift image is real and his isn't.
Why do you format every post like a fucking retard? Stop starting a new line every sentence like you're writing some shitty poem.
I'm sorry, would you rather accept a Spielberg movie?
That picture is as real as the rapefugee bull you'll be preparing for your wife tonight, Varg.
Burgers on /pol are such a fucking normies.
Prove that it is real. Also, show your flag, coward.
go fuck yourself mohamad
Know your place hwuite boi, just like your women.
>Books aren't sources
Are you retarded?
In all fairness, she is 50% swedish.
The absolute STATE of wypipo
>>Books aren't sources
Some author wrote a book to make shekels and that's your idea of "historical" facts?
Dumb fuck krauts
No wonder you lost two world wars
If I was a mohammad it only makes you look worse by comparison. Having a paki call you out for writing like a retard would be a real insult.
Have you ever read a book with no pictures in them? Usually when you have secoundary sources you can find a reference to the primary.
A .jpg on the internet can be about a lot more shit.
Nah, we good, we good.
>this is what social democracy looks like
Jeez, you can see where the wall is going to hit her face already.
>A propoganda picture is decisive evidence for the jewboy incels.
Sure showed us buddy. 6/10, made me reply.
What about all those French whores spreading their legs to the Germans?
"My heart is French, but my ass is International." - Arletty
Have one more.
Yeah, I got to go now.
Who cares?its just a damn property of course she's gonna spread her legs to the invader once her owner is gone
A property doesnt have any dignity,honor or loyalty it simply serves the person who gets a hold of her
of course women will betray you if you are a loser, if you are the winner
they will betray others with you.
All whores should be lobotomised.
uhh but we shown alot greater clemency than you
even the few Brits we had as povs we treated like kings,we never killed fellow whites (in the falklands war we didnt even manage to kill 1 Brit)
>All whores should be lobotomised.
Pic related is not a lobotomy dickless
>tought from the cradle that the strong superior man is who you should breed with.
>drilled in that you should be submissive and obey
>years of your alphas getting btfo
>everything ends
>not breeding with the people who where strong enough to put all compettitors down
these idiots litterally raised us to do that.
>these idiots litterally raised us to do that.
Maybe you should have listened you gender confused faggot.
is no one going to mention how german women comitted mass suicide as to not be raped by russian forces?
really Sup Forums?
German women Not being complete Whores throughout history.
>Fellow whites
Keep lying shitskin, maybe it'll come true
He's fucking White. What's the deal here? Is it her? She's not White?
Kill yourself.
Holy shit please be joking
Plus sign, worst sign.
>Jax's voice "Gotcha!"