How much Magyar blood do Hungarians have left?
How much Magyar blood do Hungarians have left?
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Good question. Another would be that how much Avar blood is still in Austria. Some of them look suspicious.
>Magyar blood
you mean from the original already mixed ~200.000 magyar.
I would say not more than 30%
I would guess about 10%.
original "magyar" blood going away is not a bad thing. Middle asian nomadic genes being bred out is good.
A lot. But with Slav genes and cuman and jassic assimilated tribes as well
And germanic and a bit of many other European ones as well to add flavor.
I’ve never seen a 23andmeme of a Hungarian that’s wasn’t a total American like mutt
it cant be anything but a mutt. germanic and slavic blood mixed for 1000 years. it doesnt mean we are amerimutts tho we dont have sub saharan and indian blood
You don’t need shitskin blood to be a mutt son... but yeah I get it
It’s just kinda interesting that Jews gravitate towards mutts, in the old Europe Hungary was known for the Jewish capital, Budapest being called judapest ect
And then they all disappeared to America where the other mutts of the world live, just interesting.
yeah we participated in the holocaust and there are still a lot of jews for the population in hungary.
but we didnt get the guilt like germany and to this day hungary is the HQ of many international neo-nazi organizations and the government names the jew all the time. so i like being a german-slavic mutt in this shithole
How similar are Hungarians to Finns? You consider them like cousins?
Depends on the region.
doesn’t sound like this when you go on about how evil and corrupt ORBAN is.
you can’t have it both ways
You hungarians are well aware that you're mongoloid. You can be part of the new totalitarian Mongoloid order that will rise due to the degeneration of western society. Only thing you gotta do is let us bang your women.
The Magyars were a Siberian tribes close to Finns, mordvins, udmurts.
i mean if you saw a finn and a hungarian you would think its a german or slav next to a finn genetically we differ very much. the reason we are both a cultural enclave. mainly in terms of language. finnish and hungarian is so removed from say english that indian and iranian has more common ancestry with english than hungarian
I raise you this question.
What about Fingolia?
Hah, the government might be naming Soros, but overall they are quite philo-semitic.
>slavic-germanic and genes from 1000 years ago make us mongoloid
>our women are beautiful and mutts want to bang them
fuck off mutt we are full and whiter than you
nem tudom honnan jössz de hallottál már magyart zsidót dicsérni?
Finns are the true europeans and the cro magnon precursor race. Everybody else is an immigrant to our lands.
I'm no Mutt. I'm a pure Mongoloid just like Attila and Arpad. If anything, I am purer than you. You got to admit to mongoloid supremacy. Germanic my ass, you got btfo by germanic peoples during Trianon. It's better for you to rejoin the Mongoloid fold. But if you get in the way you can get destroyed as well.
>this is what autism does to the Finnish race
No wonder you think Spürdo Spärde is the greatest thing ever.
I thought Magyars were Bulgarians?
nah thanks a would rather be with the european you know the guys whose religion we took up lived with and married for 1000 years and whose achievements lead to western civilization not jurt dwelling subhumans
A kormányról volt szó. De egyébként igen, hallottam.
Bow before your cro magnon masters!
biztos máshonnan származunk Borsod ne olyan. te hol nőttél fel?
and proceeded to get cucked by europeans even though you defended them from Ottomans. Now europeans want to push political correctness and homosexuality on the hungarian.
Just give it up and accept that its better for you to be a mongoloid. I don't care if you worship Christ, Tengri, or Mohammed, but you gotta support mongoloid supremacy and let us bang your women.
Now Hungarians are realizing they are mongoloid haha:
hungarians get cucked by the powers that be for a loooong time. that doesnt mean that everything good that happenedd to us wasnt because our proximity to the most enlightened region in human history. it speaks volumes when people talk about eastern europe being a shithole when its in the top 20-15% of nations in terms of development
Szintén észak-mo (nem borsod), bár tény hogy nem az átlag itteni vidéki ember az, aki pozitívan, vagy legalábbis semlegesen tekintetne a zsidókra.
Kivéve mikor a Nobel-díjasokkal kell dicsekedni.
De vissza a kiindulóponthoz: a kormány egyáltalan nem zsidó-ellenes, nem véletlenül van jóban Orbán sem Netanjahuval és a Fidesz a Likuddal. A világ meg nem olyan egyszerű, hogy gonosz zsidók vs. mi.
Your language looks scary.
you fucking blew it
ki mondta hogy az? csak mondom hogy zsidóellenesség az magyaroknál gyakori.
nobel díjasokról annyit hogy "vajon ki gondolná hogy egy nép magas iqval és jó asszimilációval szorgos intellektuális réteget alkot" ezért utálják sokan a zsidókat. baromi okosak és befolyásosak. szerintem racionális
its long winded and archaic in a lot of places and the grammar is dogshit for everyone who isnt hungarian(i guess even for hungarians as well)
this a jewish thraed. Leave hungarians alone, they're honorary europeans
what the fuck is a Magyar?
it means hungarian in hungarian
If multiculturalism and political correctness is consider enlightenment then I'd rather be unenlightened. It's better to be a mongoloid than a white cuck.
>this retarded mutt meme again
We dont have to larp about muh ethnostate, muh haplogroups because we already live in one. We dont have to specify "white hungarians" because the opposite is unthinkable. It is white by default. All of our neighbors, our enemies and our rivals are also various flavors of white, sometimes genetically even the same and only different by culture.
I know this is hard to comprehend in a nigger-infested ethnic shithole "melting pot" of a country but we dont have to measure every drop of blood where it came from. You might be the muttest mutt with 4 grandparents from 4 countries youre still white and your still hungarian.
Now proceed to whine about how irrelevant we are and muh murka is 1st
You should be proud of it. Most languages these days are simplified to the point of becoming no different to animal calls. Just look at spanish and english, best examples.
Implikáltan Amit meg a végén írsz, azt úgy is hívhatjuk, hogy irigység.
Bentmielőtt: nem védeni akarom őket, nem tisztem. De a magyar lakosság túlnyomó részében az ellenszenv nem tapasztalatból vagy racionális megfontolásból ered, hanem hersey és irigység.
i have been told listening to hungarian poetry is soothing from foreiners
Éljen a möster.
We are, in general. Although Hungarian is going through some bastardization as well, mostly due to the uneducated masses on facebook and such
nem hiszem hogy az angol commentem annyira zsidóellenes volt. irigységről meg annyit hogy racionális dolog nem bízni valakiben akinek szociális státusza vagy nemzetisége miatt mást tart érdekének mint te.
azért mert azt mondom hogy fuck immigration és ez nem tetszik a zsidóknak attól még antiszemitázhatnak nekem van igazam
Nem cáfolatként, hanem inkább kiegészítésként: az itt élő zsidók egy jelentős része is a fuck immigration állásponton van. Nyilván a balos médiában nem az ő véleményük jelenik meg, ezek inkább a vallásos közegben vannak.
nicht einen Tropfen. Magyars belongs to the purest and oldest europeans. They blood still clearly magyar. Your should read some books maybe.
A Fidesz-Likud Mo-Izrael kapcsolatok kitunoek, innentol a hazai zsido szervezetekkel is jo a viszony. Akik megis a ballib mediaban szoszolok zomeben zsido neztisegu ateistak.
Így így.
hát igen de a vallásos zsidók azok más tészták nagyon. csomó orthodox közösség még izrael létezését is ellenzi
100% since they are Turk rape babies ans Magyars were Turks anyway.
100% pure magyar blood, we dont mix with whites and mixed hungarians are a lower class. if you have a white surname you cant get into universities and politics for example
>shit education
Annyira azért nem mind más tészták. Akikre te hivatkozol azok azért egy viszonylag szűk kisebbség. A migráció-ellenző zsidók közt is.
Oh? Your Lazlo or whatever or Arpad guy he had 5 Turkish tribes, 5 Fingorian tribes. It is in your frikin national mythos. Literal tengrists. Then you were in Ottoman control for 200+ years.
>10 tribes
read more faggot
I live 20km from border
I remember times when went for cheap jeans, foreign alchohol and cigaretes in magyarland. Now the prices are the same now only time i go to magyarland is fot brothels, baths and cheap flights from budapest.
Anyway you made huge progress in last 20 years, gg.
Pls give us INA back and we cool.
I took the DNA test am Hungarian
Results combined with family tree analysis:
>42% West Slav
>36% German Saxon
>9% Italian
>12% Greek
>1% Iranian
Durrr. It must be the low iq slav blood.
On(ten)-ogur(arrow= ongur, hungar, hungarian.
You were seven fingorian and three KHAZAR TURK tribes. Literally cant make this up. Jajajajjajajaja!
>1% Iranian
Esti din Dobrogea sau cum naiba?
bozgor desu... motherfucka, how come I don't have any fuckin mongol blood?
50% bozgor (Szekely) 50% Sas (Transilvanian Saxon)
e_e eu nu inteleg... cum naibii nu am Mongol in mine? verdammte Scheisse!
oh god he thinks khazars are turkish there is no khazar blood in modern turkey you double nigger jesus christ xdxdxd
>see hungarian thread
>swarmed with romanians
this makes me kek, my romanian mate always goes on about transylvania
Looks like you just need to admit my friend, that you r Turks. Tengrism+CentralAsia+Turkic language = Turks.
turkish language? tengri roots for the roaches you are right about hungarian heritage but the "turks" the anglophones named in middle asia is not the same as the roaches you absolute idiot
U r Mongol too. At least you and the Khazar-Mongol offspring we call Hungarians are Christian. This is why we dont call you Turks, because you are not Muslims.
Yes But the Turkish started out that way, being mixed later. Still speaks the same language and culture. Only difference is that you are Christians... and in the EU.
Turkic =/= Turkish
Magyars are descendants of an Ugric branch of the Scythian and Hunnic confederacies.
Magyars do have a long relationship with Turks such as Cumans, however.
There is nothing wrong with that mate.
Pe ce site ai facut testul frate?
That is not really what my DNA is saying tho. It looks like I'm more Sav and German than anything else, which makes sense since we have the thing about the Poles and we wuz the Austro-Hungarian empire. Maybe that 1% iranian is indicative of something. WTF are Iranians? Sounds kinda like Aryan.
There is no such thing as "slavic" or "german" genes bro. That's the first thing you need to understand.
The "german" gene, R1b is found in largest numbers among Celts and Basques, both non-germans.
The "slavis" Ra1 predates the slavic people by about 19 000 years kek.
Don't believe the lies user.
Daily reminder that Jobbikfags are controlled opposition and will get the rope when Orban takes the Holy Crown.
Daily reminder
23andMe Tre sa trimiti mostra de saliva in 2 flacoane prin posta romana. Destul de usor, undeva 140 Ieuro, faci comanda si astia iti trimit un kit cu flacoanele din plastic. Dureaza aproape o luna.
Today I remind them
R1b is found in the most concentrated and ancient type among BASHKIRS. TURKS in Central ASIA.
It's funny, actually
Huns are considered european even though they're practically as much mutts as we are. Magyar aren't european (they're uralic-mongols), their language isn't european (again, it's related to Uralic languages), and their only contribution to history throughout the ages has been causing grief to Europe as a whole
>George Soros
Nothing but senseless pain and misery inflicted upon others for nothing but their own personal gain.
And the most ironic part is that they're the one place in europe that doesn't want migrants even though they're bastards of mongols, gypsies, ottomans and other subhumans.
So that means I'm
> 42% R1a
>36% R1b
What about the 9 Italian and 12% greek?
The 1% Iranian might as well be a error?
See this map. Look at the red dot in middle of Russia, those are Baskhir Turks. They have the original R1b, and you are literslly Turk!!! Ayy lmfao.
Probably some Turk or Tatar who became Christian.
DNA results say we are the same as the surrounding nations aka a mix of Slavs, Germans Italians and Greeks. *shrug*
By your logic the Irish (and a bunch of Spaniards as well) are Turks. Neato.
The Eurogoys will never find out cus I look like Hitler's ideal!
hungarians are ok, stop making fun of them. Don't do what their western masters do to them
Many Turkish sultans and Genghis Khan were all gingers.
This is now a pig slaughter thread!
This is true. They are Christian and our Habsburg rulers also ruled them for a while, making people think they were good catholics like the rest of us even though many are protestant and there have always been heresies there.
Oi, vegul is van valami kozunk a Finnekhez? En a sajat DNA analiziseimbol ugy latom, hogy nincs...
Szerintem inkabb a Skita elmelet igaz, de nem ertem miert tartozunk akkor a Finn-Ugor nyelvcsaladba?
>he was Soros