> Bannon, knowing that the kikes have an Iron grip on Trump...

>> Bannon, knowing that the kikes have an Iron grip on Trump, allows Michael Wolff access to the White House as a precaution if Trump backstabs him.
>> Kikes want Bannon out. Kushner is one of the main proponents to kick out Bannon.
>> Trump chooses sides - picks the kikes.
>> Bannon initiates the poison pill plan
>> Trump is now trembling in fear.

Bannon was prepared before he ever set foot in that office. How does that feel Trumptards?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Kushner was right all along about Bannon being a self-serving snake


If you're still siding with Trump over Bannon, I don't even know what to say other than return to Reddit.com

Bannon is the man with the plan, he's the one who wants to take on the establishment head on. Trump wants to serve them, he's just a dumb tv watching boomer wanting people to like him. He is easily persuaded. Bannon is the man who actually cares about our goals of dismantling the establishment and ushering in revolution.


Um, Steve "I'm a Zionist" Bannon has been more of a kike shill than Trump, which I didn't think was possible.

He's a drunk nigger who doesn't deserve to live.

>Trump is now trembling in fear.
Projection at its finest
Sage this gay slide

Wow makes sense OP.

>Bannon is the man with the plan, he's the one who wants to take on the establishment head on
>being this stupid

Bannon supported Palin and Bachmann. He latches onto whatever conservative wave gets any sort of movement. He hitched himself to Roy Moore because he knew that if Moore pulled off his miracle victory, everyone would credit him with his prescience. Bannon is a hack of the highest order.

Bannon is a Zio-cuck boomer same as all the others

Bannon saw in Palin and Bachman two idiots he could easily manipulate to follow his agenda and tear down the establishment, just like he did with Trump.

What has Trump done to convince you he actually sincerely cares about taking on the establishment and cares about restoring American nationalism and isn't just an opportunist parroting Fox talking points or whoever he's talking to at a given time?

His principles are boomer conservative tier. Bannon influenced him to go in the more radical direction. The Muslim ban was Bannon. Bannon worked with Wilders, Le Pen in Europe to help them in their elections. Trump said nothing. He didn't endorse, he didn't offer praise, he said absolutely nothing.

Bannon is a Zionist and loves kikes

I hate to say it but my hope is gone
Trump joined the GOP swamp and in 7 years things will go right back to how they were.

>Alcoholic Propagandist with no Charm
>The literal fucking Illuminati
Gee, I wonder which side the President should join, Durr Durrrrr???



>Bannon saw in Palin and Bachman two idiots he could easily manipulate to follow his agenda and tear down the establishment, just like he did with Trump.

If Bannon thought he could manipulate Trump, he's even dumber than I originally imagined. Trump is a lot of things, but easily manipulated isn't a charge even most of his opponents throw at him. You've obviously never met a man with huge levels of personal power. I've worked for two of them. They both had shades of Trump's confidence and gravitas, but he's truly a master. I don't like all of his policies, but if you think he's not the absolute master of every single room he enters, you're being easily manipulated.

Trump is easily manipulated. I think the Powers That Be have gotten a hold of him. BANNON IS /OURGUY/, WE CAN'T FORGET THAT. TRUMP ONLY ENTERED THE POLITICAL SCENE A FEW YEARS AGO, BANNON'S BEEN IN IT HIS WHOLE LIFE.


Holy shit, you stormweenies are stupid.

Fuck Reagan. Capitalist stooge.

Trump is good at working a crowd, but he has no firm political principles besides basic boomer talking points. Bannon was manipulating him into following the alt right agenda, going from leaning center-right to further to the right. That's what we want, not this Reaganite neolib bullshit. We want White America.

Trump is a clown, an eight year old could manipulate his emotions

My Take:
Trump wasn't getting anything accomplished as no politicians would work with him because of his support of the white working class. This is why the attempt at repealing Obamacare failed.
He cares more about his legacy and didn't want to be known as an ineffective president that didn’t get anything accomplished. Trump abandoned the white working class when he kicked out Bannon and allied himself with the neoconservative branch of the Republicans.
Instead of attempting to effect change that would help the white working class, i.e. the wall and tariffs against places like China, he decided to focus on stuff that didn’t matter like the Israel embassy move. It’s MAGA not MIDA. Also, why is Trump starting more fights with Canada over trade than Mexico? Mexico sends us manufactured goods while Canada just sends us raw materials that that we can use ourselves to manufacturer stuff.

>Bannon thrown to wolves (lol) in order to make Trump more appealing to masses.

Breitbart is literally a jewish newspaper you dumbfuck.

>trusting a jew

I didn't say he was good. I'm saying you're wrong for claiming Trump has been non-political until a few years ago.

And that's funny because pretty much every single neocon and establishment conservative campaigned HARD to keep him out of office. Like I said, I don't like all his policies, but you kids are constructing a false reality.

b-b-b-ut i thought this is our guy?

>Instead of attempting to effect change that would help the white working class, i.e. the wall and tariffs against places like China, he decided to focus on stuff that didn’t matter like the Israel embassy move. It’s MAGA not MIDA. Also, why is Trump starting more fights with Canada over trade than Mexico? Mexico sends us manufactured goods while Canada just sends us raw materials that that we can use ourselves to manufacturer stuff.

Breitbart is sponsored by the Mercers that have come out and condemned Bannon.

Bannon doesn't care. He's based.

Yeah and when he got in he catered to the neocons and establishment and they all suck his dick now. They campaigned hard against him because they thought they were getting the Bannon agenda, the "alt right" agenda. Now Mcconnell and co. suck his dick.

>Now Mcconnell and co. suck his dick.

Because he's the president. He took the open borders Republican party and has forced them to openly support the Wall and an end to chain migration. Just take a look at what issues were being discussed a couple of years ago vs what we're talking about now. The Overton Window has shifted to the right so far that your low IQ can't even remember where it was in 2014.

>Kikes want Bannon out
>Kikebart Bannon


Why don't you suck some kike dick instead.

Fuck you, Breitbart's the closest thing we have to the truth in the media. Trump is just caving because we fucking lost in Alabama and he's folding too quickly.

This is very wise and true. Thanks, user.

>dismantling the establishment and ushering in revolution

>being this fag

Do you know how do you do a revolution? By buying the establishment. A revolutionary army will ALWAYS lose against a regular one.


All I continue to see as more and more of these books and shit stories comes up is random journalists and politicians lining their pockets with money off of tabloid behavior. Just nuke DC and everyone involved with it.

Ranking the all-time greatest American philosophers

1. Steve Bannon
2. Samuel Phillips Huntington
3. John J. Mearsheimer
4. Kenneth Neal Waltz
5. Ralph Waldo Emerson
6. Charles Sanders Peirce
7. William James
8. John Dewey
9 Willard van Orman Quine
10. Thomas Paine
11. Saul Aaron Kripke
12. Thomas Samuel Kuhn
13. John Bordley Rawls
14. Robert Nozick
15. Alasdair MacIntyre
16. Richard McKay Rorty

2020 Bannon

>>Kushner was right all along about Bannon being a self-serving snake

Exactly how is this self serving for Bannon? He's destroyed. The only way he isn't is if he's right about Trump selling out his base, which is exactly what it looks like is happening. We didn't elect him on tax cuts. We elected him to build the wall, deport em' all. None of that is happening. He's deporting fewer people than Obama. If Trump does a deal on DACA without the wall, and end chain migration and an end to the visa lottery.

It looks like none of that is happening but Trump is still pushing DACA anyway. He making the exact same mistake Reagan did. If this happens, amnesty for nothing, Bannon is right to be loyal to the MAGA agenda and not the man.

Who is Bannon getting his backing from now that the Mercers backed out?