
Iraqi refugee in Germany here, departing to Iraq next week, now that the war is over. Thank you German bros for having me here, I don't how I will ever be able to repay you.

>departing to Iraq next week, now that the war is over.
Well, uh, good, about time.

shows us proofs or fuck off

if you're legit why don't you want to stay in Germany? We need good immigrants

The fuck is wrong with you?

Fuck off and die, Jew!

>I don't how I will ever be able to repay you.
by never coming back, bye

>departing to Iraq next week
Well then.
Get the hell out of here.

Not letting Saddam die next time

I'm sure you'll think of something.

The wars been over for a while, bud.

He needs someone to fuck his wife, of course.

I hope you die a horribly slow and painful death


Allow Germams to come to your country then rape and murder your family while abusing the system as well exploiting the law.

THEN, get the government to provide special protection and exploitation of christianity while islam diminishes into nothing.

What proofs do you want?

Retards detected. Good immigrants who respect the country and want to contribute are very much needed here. Look it up.
Doesn't matter if someone is from Eastern Europe or the Middle East.

Shoe on your head.

Shut up pajeet

How about next time (I give it 12-18 months) you grow a pair and fight for your country

Show us your Asylbescheid with time stamp

Which one is you?

Did you fuck their daughters?
Make sure to sow your superior seed in the already half slavic "german" rape babies before you leave, allah guide you.

One down. ~1.5 million to go.

you are the death of your own country. If you need people, breed more. You can't build a nation with other people's children.

Cool story, Shlomo

I thought the war was only over in Syria, have the Iraqis pushed out ISIS too?

Oy vey listen to this guy he understands


where you're born isn't what's important bucko

>Now that the war is over
What kind of shitty bait, in Sup Forums of all places?

Great. Just remind to bring your family too, wouldn’t want you guys split up. Take care now.

Good luck rebuilding, never forgive the Americans.

Well, they have fallen for it ahahahah

eastern european here, 1/4 german, don't want to immigrate (as i don't have health problems and i am fine in an international context in a country with better weather) but would love to help. what should i do?

The nation isn't just a source of pride, anymore than ones children are. And this nonsense argument would only ever be levelled against Europeans. No doubt by dribbling Marxist retards and low iq third world refuse.

You are welcome. Never forget that the Burgers, Israel and the Saudis were behind ISIS.

based germans

Proofs and I will give you great praise.

Have a nice trip home Ahmed
Soon your 'syrian brothers and sisters' will follow you

>go to germany
>people give you food, shelter and let you fuck their wife and daughters
>tfw you will never be iraqi

Yeah he should produce that. But i suspect ots just some LARP

>tfw these subhumans have the chance to live amongst Aryan loli QTs, it is my lifesdream and instead its given to a nigger with no rationality or moral code

That blonde teen is actually a boy

Imagine fucking that boipucc every day with your filthy unwashed sandnig cock

Your Dream is a six year old girl?
Ab ins Gas mit dir degenerierter Schweinehund

Nice larp faggot

why do you want millions of 30 year old single men? You have a cuck fantasy don't you?

We are just going to replace an ageing population with 90% allahu ackbar men.

fucking christ

Kill alot of white women please.